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Harry Reid Laughs At McConnell For Taking Credit For The Economy

I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?
Posting a fact is celebrating? funny I don't see any party favors or fireworks in my post.
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?

As long as you've been here, why would you have to ask?
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?
Posting a fact is celebrating? funny I don't see any party favors or fireworks in my post.

I don't see any relevance in your post.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Friday laughed off Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) recent attempt to claim credit for economic growth, arguing that Democratic policies helped the recovery despite overwhelming Republican obstruction since the beginning of the Obama presidency.

"If [Republicans] had cooperated with us even a little bit, the economy would have been even stronger than it is now," Reid said on NPR, his first public interview since an exercise accident left the Nevada Democrat bedridden with broken bones in the face as well as several broken ribs. "Think where the economy would be, if we didn't have programs like Cash for Clunkers and the bailout of Detroit," Reid said, referring to parts to the stimulus legislation passed early in the recession.

Reid further cited Wall Street reform legislation known as Dodd-Frank, the health insurance reform effort under the Affordable Care Act, FDA regulation of tobacco, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, as just a few Democratic successes in the past six years that have contributed to a growing economic recovery -- highlighted Friday by the latest employment reports showing 252,000 jobs gained in the month of December. He argued that Republicans had actually hurt the economy by blocking student loan reform and hikes in the minimum wage.

"We've done well with the economy. Is it perfect? Not a chance. We have ways to go," Reid added.

More: Harry Reid Laughs Off Mitch McConnell s Attempt To Claim Credit For Recovery

It's hilarious that obstructionist McConnell would have the balls to even bring up the subject. Jon Stewart also finds McConnell's claims hilarious.

Jon Stewart Mocks McConnell's Claim That GOP Saved Economy
And the Right on this board is claiming there is no recovery, while McConnell is taking credit for that recovery. Damn, these people are nuts.
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?

As long as you've been here, why would you have to ask?
I know just like when libs attacked Sarah Palins Downs Baby.
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?

As long as you've been here, why would you have to ask?
I know just like when libs attacked Sarah Palins Downs Baby.
You just assumed they were talking about the baby when they said retarded. They were really talking about Sarah.
I'm sure McConnell laughed at Harry too when he got the shit kicked out of him the other day. And let's all sit up and take notice that Jon Stewart finds it funny too. He's such an important figure in today's politics.
Harry the drunk fell down again


Why would you celebrate a man losing his eye?

As long as you've been here, why would you have to ask?
I know just like when libs attacked Sarah Palins Downs Baby.

Oh, so you're conceding that your post was equal to someone attacking a baby with disabilities...

...gee that's very bold of you. Most RWnuts around here never admit that they're no better than the worst of the Left.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Friday laughed off Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) recent attempt to claim credit for economic growth, arguing that Democratic policies helped the recovery despite overwhelming Republican obstruction since the beginning of the Obama presidency.

"If [Republicans] had cooperated with us even a little bit, the economy would have been even stronger than it is now," Reid said on NPR, his first public interview since an exercise accident left the Nevada Democrat bedridden with broken bones in the face as well as several broken ribs. "Think where the economy would be, if we didn't have programs like Cash for Clunkers and the bailout of Detroit," Reid said, referring to parts to the stimulus legislation passed early in the recession.

Reid further cited Wall Street reform legislation known as Dodd-Frank, the health insurance reform effort under the Affordable Care Act, FDA regulation of tobacco, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, as just a few Democratic successes in the past six years that have contributed to a growing economic recovery -- highlighted Friday by the latest employment reports showing 252,000 jobs gained in the month of December. He argued that Republicans had actually hurt the economy by blocking student loan reform and hikes in the minimum wage.

"We've done well with the economy. Is it perfect? Not a chance. We have ways to go," Reid added.

More: Harry Reid Laughs Off Mitch McConnell s Attempt To Claim Credit For Recovery

It's hilarious that obstructionist McConnell would have the balls to even bring up the subject. Jon Stewart also finds McConnell's claims hilarious.

Jon Stewart Mocks McConnell's Claim That GOP Saved Economy
And the Right on this board is claiming there is no recovery, while McConnell is taking credit for that recovery. Damn, these people are nuts.
Is McConnell responsible for the Labor Participation Rate also?

That is the only economic measure Republicans claim they care about
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Friday laughed off Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) recent attempt to claim credit for economic growth, arguing that Democratic policies helped the recovery despite overwhelming Republican obstruction since the beginning of the Obama presidency.

"If [Republicans] had cooperated with us even a little bit, the economy would have been even stronger than it is now," Reid said on NPR, his first public interview since an exercise accident left the Nevada Democrat bedridden with broken bones in the face as well as several broken ribs. "Think where the economy would be, if we didn't have programs like Cash for Clunkers and the bailout of Detroit," Reid said, referring to parts to the stimulus legislation passed early in the recession.

Reid further cited Wall Street reform legislation known as Dodd-Frank, the health insurance reform effort under the Affordable Care Act, FDA regulation of tobacco, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, as just a few Democratic successes in the past six years that have contributed to a growing economic recovery -- highlighted Friday by the latest employment reports showing 252,000 jobs gained in the month of December. He argued that Republicans had actually hurt the economy by blocking student loan reform and hikes in the minimum wage.

"We've done well with the economy. Is it perfect? Not a chance. We have ways to go," Reid added.

More: Harry Reid Laughs Off Mitch McConnell s Attempt To Claim Credit For Recovery

It's hilarious that obstructionist McConnell would have the balls to even bring up the subject. Jon Stewart also finds McConnell's claims hilarious.

Jon Stewart Mocks McConnell's Claim That GOP Saved Economy
And the Right on this board is claiming there is no recovery, while McConnell is taking credit for that recovery. Damn, these people are nuts.

One set of RWnuts, the dead enders will never admit the economy is doing well, no matter what it does, unless of course a GOP president gets elected.

One set of RWnuts, in the slightly less insane category, will go the McConnell route, conceding the economy is doing well, but then contriving to steal the credit for it.
"If [Republicans] had cooperated with us even a little bit, the economy would have been even stronger than it is now,"


Neither McConnell nor any Congressional republican is in any position to claim credit for the economic recovery.

How many jobs bills did reid sit on from congress?

If you consider all those "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bills".....none

There were dozens.

Yes, there were dozens of "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bills"...... Which was responsible for the 5.6% unemployment rate?
Funny how the economy finally found its legs after sequestration took hold, you know the thing the commiecrats have been trying to undo since it took effect. There was some lag but that is to be expected and it helped reduce the deficit, you know, the reductions the commiecrats are claiming credit for.
What sequester???
Don't you mean the "OBAMAQUESTER?"
Funny how at the time the Right credited Obama 100% for the Obamaquester when he outsmarted the Right and got them to agree to cuts in the bloated wasteful military budget equal to any cuts elsewhere.


Let's get away from the political spin and back to reality. Your dear leader proposed sequestration thinking neither party would allow it to go into effect. After being presented with the dem alternatives the repubs decided sequestration was better than any of the compromises offered so it went into effect despite dem attempts to change it. Then add that the repubs built on sequestration in the omnibus bill further reducing non-defense discretionary spending. So yes the republicans can own sequestration and the resulting aid to the economy.
Funny how the economy finally found its legs after sequestration took hold, you know the thing the commiecrats have been trying to undo since it took effect. There was some lag but that is to be expected and it helped reduce the deficit, you know, the reductions the commiecrats are claiming credit for.
What sequester???
Don't you mean the "OBAMAQUESTER?"
Funny how at the time the Right credited Obama 100% for the Obamaquester when he outsmarted the Right and got them to agree to cuts in the bloated wasteful military budget equal to any cuts elsewhere.


Let's get away from the political spin and back to reality. Your dear leader proposed sequestration thinking neither party would allow it to go into effect. After being presented with the dem alternatives the repubs decided sequestration was better than any of the compromises offered so it went into effect despite dem attempts to change it. Then add that the repubs built on sequestration in the omnibus bill further reducing non-defense discretionary spending. So yes the republicans can own sequestration and the resulting aid to the economy.
Typical Right-wing revisionist history. The GOP wanted no part of the Obamaquester, and that included the wing-nuts here.

Obama first proposed a balance of automatic tax increases to the wealthy and budget cuts as a trigger. Boner offered cuts to the military in place of the tax increases and Obama pounced on it. The GOP knew a balance of tax increases and budget cuts would help the economy and the GOP believed austerity would cripple the economy which is what they wanted, so they refused to compromise and gave ownership of the Obamaquester entirely to Obama.

Unfortunately for the GOP, Obama's policies were too strong for the GOP to fully damage the economy as they wished, and the GOP was only able to temporarily slow it down. Now that it is taking off they want to reclaim the sequester they hoped would destroy the economy.

As I have said so many times before, the Right are always on all sides of every issue depending on which way the wind blows at the moment.
Who would take credit for this economy since it's still in the hole? We won't see any real recovery unless and not until after the energy prices stay low, a development in complete contrast to and in spite of any democrat policies or agendas.

When will Faux News update its reportings? Don't you all get tired of lying.

Jobs, paychecks, corporate profits and stock prices have all improved since our last report on the Obama statistical record. Some highlights:

  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama 8217 s Numbers January 2015 Update
Who would take credit for this economy since it's still in the hole? We won't see any real recovery unless and not until after the energy prices stay low, a development in complete contrast to and in spite of any democrat policies or agendas.

When will Faux News update its reportings? Don't you all get tired of lying.

Jobs, paychecks, corporate profits and stock prices have all improved since our last report on the Obama statistical record. Some highlights:

  • The economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average.
  • Real weekly earnings are up 1.7 percent, thanks in part to a plunge in gasoline prices.
  • Corporate profits have nearly tripled, and stock prices have soared.
  • On the other hand, the number of Americans receiving food stamps remains 45 percent higher than when the president first took office, and the rate of home ownership has dropped by 3.2 percentage points, to the lowest point in nearly 20 years.
  • The average premium for a benchmark “silver” health plan in the Obamacare marketplaces rose only 2 percent this year, and consumers had more plans from which to choose. But the tax penalty for going without insurance will double.
Obama 8217 s Numbers January 2015 Update
Hey numbskull, no news outlet is necessary for me to do a budget. Lower wages, higher prices = bad economy.

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