Harry Reid & Senate Dems Holding Up 24 Jobs Bills Passed By The House...

28 bills in the Senate that not a damn one of the Rethugs on here know what is in them but they know they will create millions of jobs, if only the rich didn't have to pay taxes.

Thank you Harry, for not giving in to this Rethug bull shit.

LOL Poor wussie

Reid is even blocking Obamas job bill dumbass.

We know you prefer they pass before we find out all the details too.

WTG Democrats, another wonderful success story. Worst U.S. Senate in History? You bet.


With Gallup’s recent report that the U.S. underemployment rate now stands at a jaw-dropping 19 percent, Speaker John Boehner wants to know why Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats have yet to take action on the 24 jobs bills passed by the Republican-led House of Representatives.

"The president really wants to get the economy moving again, maybe he’ll pick up the phone and call Senator Reid and ask Senate Democrats to get off their rear ends." - Speaker Boehner

Some political analysts believe Speaker Boehner’s comments may forecast the Republican Party’s congressional election strategy. According to Reuters, everywhere Speaker Boehner goes, he now carries in his left breast-coat pocket a four by eight card that lists the two dozen jobs bills that have passed the House but lay dormant in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Boehner’s card, says Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg Political Report, may presage a broader electoral strategy.

Speaker Boehner’s move to go on offense about jobs will prove critical in an election likely to center on America’s stagnant economic growth and persistently high unemployment numbers. Democrats need to win 25 seats to regain majority control of the House of Representatives.

» Harry Reid and Senate Democrats Are Holding Up 24 ‘Jobs Bills’ Passed By the House - Big Government

They have to do this so they can look into the eyes of the public and declare that the Republicans are obstructionists. Democrats are the biggest fucking liars on the planet and the American people do not deserve to be lied to.
Deregulation is not job creation..

Labeling deregulation as job creation is a lie.

They actually believe that if companies are allowed to dump more shit into the air and water that the money saved will go for more hiring instead of greater profit

Trust us........This time we will hire more people
This planet called Earth seems able to pick itself up and dust itself off.
After the Exxon Valdez
After the BP spill
After all the natural disasters....
After all the talk of global warming and climate change and the sky is falling
from that Shyster Al Gore who jets from speaking engagement to engagement burning
the fossil fuels that's making him a very wealthy man.

Well we still seem to be here.
I don't want massive amounts of crap in the air.
But we the people need to survive and prosper in the here and now.
Let industry get to work...
This planet called Earth seems able to pick itself up and dust itself off.
After the Exxon Valdez
After the BP spill
After all the natural disasters....
After all the talk of global warming and climate change and the sky is falling
from that Shyster Al Gore who jets from speaking engagement to engagement burning
the fossil fuels that's making him a very wealthy man.

Well we still seem to be here.
I don't want massive amounts of crap in the air.
But we the people need to survive and prosper in the here and now.
Let industry get to work...

You are correct......the Earth is one tough son of a bitch piece of rock

There is nothing, we as a species, can do that will harm the Earth
We are the delicate ones
All the harm will be done to us, not the Earth
Deregulation is not job creation..

Labeling deregulation as job creation is a lie.

Tell that to the people of Puerto Rico. When they did it,companies started moving there and they have a whole bunch of people employed.
Same thing happened in Ireland and now in certain countries in Africa who cut back on over regulation.
Is it kind of like a filibuster?

They're not allowing them on the senate floor. So no, it's not a filibuster.

Damn....that sucks doesn't it?

Maybe if the Republicans let some Democratic bills through filibuster, the Dems would do the same

How bout we do this? Republicans let all pending Democratic bills come up for an up or down vote and the Democrats will do the same for Republican bills

Sounds fair.....don't it?
The Democrats have to always hide or
cloud the facts of what they intend

So a budget would force the Democrats in the Senate to be accountable
and show what they really want to do, all at once

We can't have that now....
The Democrats have to always hide or
cloud the facts of what they intend

So a budget would force the Democrats in the Senate to be accountable
and show what they really want to do, all at once

We can't have that now....
Not to mention that the Congressional leadership (Reid) should be held in contempt and Impeached for thier failure to carry out thier duties.
That would be more believable if Republicans weren't always saying, "Government can't make jobs".
The Democrats have to always hide or
cloud the facts of what they intend

So a budget would force the Democrats in the Senate to be accountable
and show what they really want to do, all at once

We can't have that now....
Not to mention that the Congressional leadership (Reid) should be held in contempt and Impeached for thier failure to carry out thier duties.

All the Republicans need to do is tell Reid that if he will allow so many of their bills to go forward for a vote.....they will do the same for Democratic bills

Sounds fair
WTG Democrats, another wonderful success story. Worst U.S. Senate in History? You bet.


With Gallup’s recent report that the U.S. underemployment rate now stands at a jaw-dropping 19 percent, Speaker John Boehner wants to know why Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Democrats have yet to take action on the 24 jobs bills passed by the Republican-led House of Representatives.

"The president really wants to get the economy moving again, maybe he’ll pick up the phone and call Senator Reid and ask Senate Democrats to get off their rear ends." - Speaker Boehner

Some political analysts believe Speaker Boehner’s comments may forecast the Republican Party’s congressional election strategy. According to Reuters, everywhere Speaker Boehner goes, he now carries in his left breast-coat pocket a four by eight card that lists the two dozen jobs bills that have passed the House but lay dormant in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Boehner’s card, says Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg Political Report, may presage a broader electoral strategy.

Speaker Boehner’s move to go on offense about jobs will prove critical in an election likely to center on America’s stagnant economic growth and persistently high unemployment numbers. Democrats need to win 25 seats to regain majority control of the House of Representatives.

» Harry Reid and Senate Democrats Are Holding Up 24 ‘Jobs Bills’ Passed By the House - Big Government

Have you read the details in these anti middle class bills? Have you seen the tax breaks they want to give to the corporations when we are already broke?

Beware whenever the GOP call something a Jobs bill, chances are its an anti jobs bill. Its a tactic they use.

Great example is the Patriot Act. Its the most unpatriotic act. See? These "jobs" bills are wage/middle class killers.

Have you read them? You guys like to ask us if we've read bills that we passed. Have you read these? Becha you haven't.
The Democrats have to always hide or
cloud the facts of what they intend

So a budget would force the Democrats in the Senate to be accountable
and show what they really want to do, all at once

We can't have that now....
Not to mention that the Congressional leadership (Reid) should be held in contempt and Impeached for thier failure to carry out thier duties.

All the Republicans need to do is tell Reid that if he will allow so many of their bills to go forward for a vote.....they will do the same for Democratic bills

Sounds fair

And stop slipping things into the bill that have nothing to do with the bill. Like anti abortion stuff slipped into jobs bills.

Or Obama will have to use his line item veto. And we don't want Presidents doing that.
The bills aren’t being ‘held up’ by democrats, the fact is the bills don’t create any jobs, they merely authorize deregulation in the hope of retaining existing jobs:

Yet along the way they face skepticism about how many jobs their proposals would actually create - and at what cost. The Republican bills focus largely not on creating new positions but on protecting existing jobs by eliminating federal regulations on businesses -- from Internet firms and oil drillers to cement factories and industrial boilers.

"I have yet to see a single one that was actually a jobs bill," said Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank.

"Everyone of these, as far as I can tell, is basically from decades-old conservatives playbook of cut taxes for business, cut regulations for business," Ornstein said.

Reid has called the Republican proposals "subterfuge" and said that cutting regulations would "make people sicker, our air dirtier and our food less safe."

"That's what they're doing to create jobs," Reid scoffed a day after Boehner touted the jobs bills on a TV talk show.

One House-passed bill would stop the Environmental Protection Agency from clamping down on toxic mercury and arsenic pollutants. Republicans argued that the measure would help retain jobs at domestic cement factories already battered by a sluggish construction industry and Chinese exports.

But the Republican push for deregulation almost certainly would cost jobs in some industries that have sprung up to help companies comply with federal rules. Growth could evaporate, for example, at companies that manufacture and install pollution control equipment.

Harry Holzer, a Georgetown University professor and ex-U.S. Labor Department chief economist, said he believes that at best the Republican proposals would "reshuffle" jobs.

Republicans see "jobs bills" as election winner - Yahoo! News

Consequently Senate democrats are doing the appropriate and responsible thing: preventing legislation that will create no jobs and will likely result in harm to the health of American workers and population in general.
Yeah...They suck so bad that your party man hack asshole of a Senate Majority Leader won't even put them up to for debate, let alone a vote, so they can get shot down in flames or vetoed.

But that would then short-circuit the fraudulent "do nothing congress" narrative that your golden boi is going to run on this fall, wouldn't it?.
Yeah...They suck so bad that your party man hack asshole of a Senate Majority Leader won't even put them up to for debate, let alone a vote, so they can get shot down in flames or vetoed.

But that would then short-circuit the fraudulent "do nothing congress" narrative that your golden boi is going to run on this fall, wouldn't it?.

Why don't Republicans offer to allow Democratic bills to come up for a vote? If they remove their filibuster and allow a vote, I'm sure Harry Reid will allow every one of those jobs bills to come up for a vote

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