Harry Reid Shuts Down McCain On Libya: ‘End The Politicization Of National Security’


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Igor Volsky

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has rejected Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) request to establish a Select Committee to investigate the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11. In a strongly worded letter delivered to the former GOP presidential hopeful on Friday, Reid rebuked Republicans for politicizing the killings and baselessly claiming that the Obama administration is engaged in a cover-up of the incident. “I refuse to allow the Senate to be used as a venue for baseless partisan attacks,” Reid wrote, noting that several committees in the House and Senate are already investigating the tragedy.

More: Harry Reid Shuts Down McCain On Libya: 'End The Politicization Of National Security' | ThinkProgress
By Ben Armbruster

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) launched an all-out assault on the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice yesterday in an attempt to block her from becoming the next Secretary of State. McCain claims that Rice’s role in disseminating information about the attacks on U.S. assets in Benghazi, Libya in September means she’s “not qualified” to be the nation’s top diplomat. Because of these alleged missteps on Benghazi, McCain said, “I will do everything in my power to block her from becoming Secretary of State.”

But the evidence to back up McCain’s attacks on Rice is thin, if non-existant. Below is a list of McCain’s main attacks on Rice, and why they’re either false or misleading:

More: The Ultimate Guide To McCain's Smear Campaign Against Susan Rice | ThinkProgress
fuck harry reid and the pomegranete he has stuck up his withered old white ass.
Reid slaps McCain around

Stop watching so much Fox John.......it is turning you into a bitchy old man
Thank you, Senator Reid, for shutting down the childish little Hanoi Hilton Songbird.
Demanding answers as to what happened that day is now considered "Politicizing"? I'm surprised it hasn't been declared "racist" yet.
Reid slaps McCain around

Stop watching so much Fox John.......it is turning you into a bitchy old man

Harry Reid has zero credibility.

The only reason he was reelected was because they stuffed the ballot box.

He is one of the primary causes for gridlock in Congress.

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