Harry Reid suing the company exercise band maker that supposedly caused his injuries

Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch
News from The Associated Press

If I was the company I would make him prove it was their fault and the fact someone just didn't knock the crap out of him.

Don't understand our legal system, do you?

That Reid will have to prove his case is inherent to our legal system. Reid will have the burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that they are liable for his injuries. To that end, Reid will be under no obligation to prove that his injuries are not the result of an assault. That would be for the defense to demonstrate, if there were reason to believe that such were the case. If the defense discovered such evidence they would have the opportunity to present it, and it would weigh against Reid's own evidence that his injuries were caused by the company, with the finder of fact being the ultimate determiner of the weight and credibility of the evidence presented by each party.
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party
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I could less about his Injury. he doesn't care all the Injury he's put on us.

calls us names, take the a government agency with 200 armed agents to try and STEAL on American citizens ranch for his OWN GAIN with the land.

SERIOUSLY, when are you Democrats going hold these CORRUPTED career snakes to any kind of Standard like you expect from Republican? he should have been VOTED out a long time ago. but he has the UNION in his back pocket along with the MOB involved in the casinos

don't you care about the characters of these people you put in office that the REST of us had to deal with then? Ok I know that was a stupid question. You still admire that serial adulterer that lied in your face about how he DIDN'T have sex with that WOMAN ahah what's her name.
Interesting timing on Reid's injuries. Not many people exercise on New Years day but lots of people fall down on New Years eve.
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different politiacl party

...and I already explained to you in plain English that it has nothing to do with his politics, apparently that wasn't clear since you're just repeating yourself now.

Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party
It's to bad the treadmill didn't finish the job.
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party
It's to bad the treadmill didn't finish the job.

That is two funny
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party
It's to bad the treadmill didn't finish the job.

Or who ever beat the shit out of him didn't finish it. they really think we are suppose to believe he had a run in with some freaking exercise machine. When was the last time any of these Career Snakes in the Democrat party told us the TRUTH about anything. He deserved everything he got as far as I'm concerned. it's just too bad it didn't run him into retiring. he make me so sick just looking his ugly corrupted face
From what I was able to read of this lawsuit, Reid is NOT claiming that the rubber bands failed (broke); they slipped out of his hand, and that's what caused the initial impact (resulting in his fall, which caused most of it).

This is along the lines of, "the Coke bottle slipped out of my hand and broke my foot; the Coke bottle was defective."

It's a bullshit lawsuit, many of which are successful. He is suing an insurance company, hoping that a gullible jury will throw him some cash. There is NOTHING defective or inherently dangerous about these rubber bands, and Reid knows it.

With all the money he has been able to steal from taxpayers and gullible business "partners" over the years, you would think he would have the personal dignity to just let this one go.
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party

No we're making fun of the SOB for trying to make money off his own ineptitude. It's way too common is today's society.
This is typical Dingy Harry.

He cannot ever accept responsibility for anything. He epitomizes the mentality of the Left.

I would not be surprised it a judge throws out the suit before it ever goes to trial.
Love how conservatives celebrate a severe injury just because they don't like his politics

I celebrate his severe injury because I don't like him personally, he's a lying, crook who has been taking advantage of the public trust for years, his politics are beside the point. Same way I'd celebrate if a mafia boss fell down a flight of stairs..... out here in the real world we call it getting some of what you deserve for your fucked up behavior.

Madame Karma can be a real bitch

It is a sad reflection on todays conservatives

They take their politics personally to the extent they celebrate severe physical injuries to those of a different political party

Interesting timing on Reid's injuries. Not many people exercise on New Years day but lots of people fall down on New Years eve.

Reid expected the company to provide a warning not to exercise while intoxicated. He's a total dimwit. Hope he burns his balls off spilling hot coffee!
Interesting timing on Reid's injuries. Not many people exercise on New Years day but lots of people fall down on New Years eve.

Reid expected the company to provide a warning not to exercise while intoxicated. He's a total dimwit. Hope he burns his balls off spilling hot coffee!
He doesn't have any balls.
News from The Associated Press

If I was the company I would make him prove it was their fault and the fact someone just didn't knock the crap out of him.
But I thought Reid was attacked by three naked midgets that demanded sex from him or else they would all kick his ass.

Actually Reid paid for this fantasy of his.
maybe Harry got attacked by one of those giant man eating rabbits Jimmy Carter had to wrestle once.

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