Harry Reid threatens obstruction if Romney wins.

Dainty and lots of lib idiots like him tell us that Morris is a joke. That's not entirely untrue, either.

But when Dick Morris says ANYTHING that Dainty likes for his lib hack partisan bullshit present purpose, suddenly, the qualifiers about Morris go by the way.


Dainty is a true hack.

But, still, if we are going to cite Dick Morris, let's not do it by half measures:

We are still likely to win. The undecided vote always goes against the incumbent and all the polling suggests we will be more successful than they will be at turning out our vote. But, early warning signs must be headed.

Bottom line: WORK LIKE HELL!!!
-- Sudden danger signs in polling as Election Day nears | Fox News
At the last minute, Rasmussen will flip to try to save what little reputation he has left.

You watch.
At least he'll be honest about it. Does it matter if he says it out loud, the proof is in the pudding.

Sure as heck is..

Democrats worked with Bush in both his terms. They only rejected his tax cuts and plan to privatize SSI. Oh..and Harriet Miers..

I wish they did work against him.

So, you don't want anything to get done in the next 4 years if Romney is elected? Somehow Bush managed to get things done with the democrats, as did Clinton with the repubs when he was the prez. But Obama has not done that, his idea of compromise seems to be to do it his way. And maybe the dems shouldn't have treated the GOP like shit during his 1st 2 years.

Not a chance. You know why? Because Romney will actually be willing to Compromise, and not just pretend he is.

If Romney wins, and the Republicans hold the house and pick up a few Senate seats but not enough to control it. It would be a Horrible Decision Politically for the Dems to Obstruct for the sake of Obstructing. That will have been 2 Election cycles in which Dems lost power, I would not call it wise to follow that up by be Obstructionist. Not if they want to get back into power.

That's total bullshit.

He had his veto overridden 700 times in Massaschusettes.

And Obama compromised with Republicans at every turn.

How many times did he compromise?
What did he compromise on?
When a President is elected in a landslide, like Obama was, isn't it up to the opposition to compromise with HIM???

The people spoke, and said they wanted to go with Obama's agenda. Not McCain's agenda.
Spoken like a true Republican and supporter of Romney.

You far right bots are going to get the shock of your lives.

You Tea Party doofi have demonstrated that you nearly wrecked the country, much less the party.

Watch how much power you folks after the election, regardless if Romney is elected or not.

Watch what happens during the lame duck Congress and watch just how impotent the far right has become.
Spoken like a true Obamabot.
That's total bullshit.

He had his veto overridden 700 times in Massaschusettes.

And Obama compromised with Republicans at every turn.

How many times did he compromise?
What did he compromise on?
When a President is elected in a landslide, like Obama was, isn't it up to the opposition to compromise with HIM???

The people spoke, and said they wanted to go with Obama's agenda. Not McCain's agenda.
The people spoke again in 2010, and said they weren't all that keen on Obama's agenda after all.

And in 2012, they will flat-out reject it.

How many times did he compromise?
What did he compromise on?
When a President is elected in a landslide, like Obama was, isn't it up to the opposition to compromise with HIM???

The people spoke, and said they wanted to go with Obama's agenda. Not McCain's agenda.
The people spoke again in 2010, and said they weren't all that keen on Obama's agenda after all.

And in 2012, they will flat-out reject it.

Not really. Data shows that the level of GOP voting in 2010 was the same as usual. Democratic voting was way down.

Democrats just weren't motivated to go to the polls. That was mostly Obama's fault for not campaigning, not any Democratic rejection of Democratic policies.
When a President is elected in a landslide, like Obama was, isn't it up to the opposition to compromise with HIM???

The people spoke, and said they wanted to go with Obama's agenda. Not McCain's agenda.
The people spoke again in 2010, and said they weren't all that keen on Obama's agenda after all.

And in 2012, they will flat-out reject it.

Not really. Data shows that the level of GOP voting in 2010 was the same as usual. Democratic voting was way down.

Democrats just weren't motivated to go to the polls. That was mostly Obama's fault for not campaigning, not any Democratic rejection of Democratic policies.
Spin it any way you like...voters had their say.

And it wasn't an endorsement of the Obama agenda.
Dainty and lots of lib idiots like him tell us that Morris is a joke. That's not entirely untrue, either.

But when Dick Morris says ANYTHING that Dainty likes for his lib hack partisan bullshit present purpose, suddenly, the qualifiers about Morris go by the way.


Dainty is a true hack.

But, still, if we are going to cite Dick Morris, let's not do it by half measures:

We are still likely to win. The undecided vote always goes against the incumbent and all the polling suggests we will be more successful than they will be at turning out our vote. But, early warning signs must be headed.

Bottom line: WORK LIKE HELL!!!
-- Sudden danger signs in polling as Election Day nears | Fox News
At the last minute, Rasmussen will flip to try to save what little reputation he has left.

You watch.

You mean the one or two polls showing Obama leading.:eusa_eh:
they probably should have thought of that when they said "i hope he fails" and obstructed everything for four years...to the point where they forced our credit rating down.

why does the right get bi-partisan the minute they think they're going to be in power?

i know...i know...bi-partisan means we do what the right wants. i heard that.


Nothing obstructed Obama from the time he took office until after the 2010 elections when Dems were destroyed for giving him what he wanted during the previous two years.

So lets give Romney that same time line What is good for one is good for all. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Reid says he can't work with Romney - Washington Times

It sounds like a reason to get democrats out of the senate like they were gotten out of Congress.

Did you read your own link? It doesn't say "Harry Reid threatens obstruction if Romney wins"
In the article Reid says "Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable". A little different. This is not as obstructionist as what tea baggers ryan and company planned on the eve of Obamas inauguration. To make sure Obama's not successful. Link below.Or Senator McConnel saying the republicans number one agenda is to ensure Obama being a one term president.

Daily Kos: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To Sabotage US Economy with Frank Luntz
Harry Reid made news yesterday when he publicly refused to work with Mitt Romney if he's elected president. Reid said, "Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable."

He doesn't even know what Mitt Romney will propose and he's already promising to handcuff the government and paralyze government in the name of his radical and insane agenda.
It sounds to me like Harry Reid needs to take early retirement. Hopefully, the American people will elect enough conservatives in the Senate to take power away from the children and put it into the hands of the adults.

If Harry Reid starts off with that attitude, he has hardening of the gray matter and probably really does need to consider a different residence than Washington DC. He's acting like a prison inmate.
Because Romney despises the far right extremists far more than middle of the road and centrist democrats, with whom he will work.

Those in the party who cross him on his policies, he will politically destroy.

Spoken like a true Republican and supporter of Romney.

You far right bots are going to get the shock of your lives.
Why? We prefer Romney over Obama, moron. :lmao:
Spoken like a true Republican and supporter of Romney.

You far right bots are going to get the shock of your lives.

You Tea Party doofi have demonstrated that you nearly wrecked the country, much less the party.

Watch how much power you folks after the election, regardless if Romney is elected or not.

Watch what happens during the lame duck Congress and watch just how impotent the far right has become.
Spoken like a true Obamabot.

I thought you were a Romney supporter, dick wad. Now you are showing your cloven hoof. You never fooled anyone, Fakey.

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