Harry Reid: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer?

Only dead kids like Trayvon Martin or the Sandy Hook victims count to Democrats.

If they can't use a kid, they aren't worth anything to them.

Actually the same argument can be made of the right, often it appears the only kid they ever really care about is a uterine kid. ALL politicians do this all the time. I got news for you, there is no righteous party and evil party.

I got news for you. There is only one evil party - and that is the one LSM is slobbering over.

If the "fourth power" would be doing the job it is supposed to - then your statement would be true.
With the leftard bias - no.

Lol, the GOP is the righteous party. What a partisan.
The issue has been decided. It was decided in the House and ObamaCare was passed in the House. It was decided in the Senate and ObamaCare was passed in the Senate. It was decided in the Courts and ObamaCare was validated by the courts. It was decided in the election when Romney made the election all about ObamaCare, and the American people re-elected Obama.

The Tea Party is now acting like a chicken with its head cut off. It does not yet know it is dead and is running around spewing blood from its neck hole. Everyone can see this for what it is.

Do you know why we have ObamaCare? Because the GOP could not make a cogent argument against it, and because it had steadfastly refused to do anything about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government.

Even now, after all this time, the GOP still does not have a better idea than ObamaCare on the table. Even now.

Think about that. Think about how retarded on an epic scale that is.

The GOP's best and only idea is to act like a small child and hold its breath until it turns blue.

Oh whatthefuckever. ACA was shoved down the throats of the American people in an eleventh hour parliamentary trick.... Roberts pulled some weird shit in his opinion that most legal scholars said wtf? to and clearly, the vast majority of Americans don't want this... hell.. who wants:

A plan that is so good they're gonna make us buy it and penalize us if we don't, hire an army of IRS agents to enforce, headed by a commissioner that didn't pay his taxes, all the admins cronies are getting exempted from because it is so good, etc., etc.

It's a clusterfuck and the American people know it. PREDICTION: The GOP doesn't take a hit over this any more than you and your fellow leftist moonbats predicted back in the nineties.

it took over a year to pass it. Thats not being shoved,but then you are a lying sack of shit.

Oh please Prez Cracka Ass had to bribe two Dems to get it to pass....moron.
"What right do they have to pick and choose what parts of the Gov."

What "right" does Prez Cracka have to pick and choose what parts of the ACA must be implemented on time?

He doesn't, but I find it amusing the Tea Party has gone full Orwell doublethink and is now claiming Obama is the protector of corporations and does not care about the little people. The faux right is sounding more and more like old timey liberals with each passing day. They even whine as much and are as pessimistic as old timey liberals. :lol:

You miss the point, the point is that as usual Obama proves is not and never has been the man he claimed to be.
Actually the same argument can be made of the right, often it appears the only kid they ever really care about is a uterine kid. ALL politicians do this all the time. I got news for you, there is no righteous party and evil party.

I got news for you. There is only one evil party - and that is the one LSM is slobbering over.

If the "fourth power" would be doing the job it is supposed to - then your statement would be true.
With the leftard bias - no.

Lol, the GOP is the righteous party. What a partisan.

reading comprehension disorder much? you need to sign to obamacare ASAP :lol:
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Ted Cruz on Meet The Press this past Sunday:

Every day, that's becoming more clear. There's a reason the unions are jumping ship. One union after another is saying, "Let me out." There's a reason why James Hoffa, the president of The Teamsters, said that he was writing on behalf of millions of working men and women, and he used "millions," not hundreds, not thousands.

And let's be clear, also. President Obama has granted a delay for giant corporations. Every big company in America has gotten a one-year delay.

If Harry Reed shuts the government down, what he will be saying is, "American families don't get treated as well as we treat giant corporations." Giant corporations get-- don't have to suffer, get a delay on the horns from Obamacare. But hardworking American families, he's going to insist that they suffer now.

Spoken like a true liberal.

I find it amusing the Tea Party has gone full Orwell doublethink and is now claiming Obama is the protector of corporations and does not care about the little people. The faux right is sounding more and more like old timey liberals with each passing day. They even whine as much and are as pessimistic as old timey liberals.


and you want to convince anybody you ever had anything to do with conservatives :lol:

you don't even know the crucial points - the real ones, not what LSM is tubefeeding you

I know very well what the crucial points are. I just don't pretend the faux right has done anything correct either. I place a pox on both their houses.

See my posts in this topic to get your mind right.
Ted Cruz on Meet The Press this past Sunday:

Spoken like a true liberal.

I find it amusing the Tea Party has gone full Orwell doublethink and is now claiming Obama is the protector of corporations and does not care about the little people. The faux right is sounding more and more like old timey liberals with each passing day. They even whine as much and are as pessimistic as old timey liberals.


and you want to convince anybody you ever had anything to do with conservatives :lol:

you don't even know the crucial points - the real ones, not what LSM is tubefeeding you

I know very well what the crucial points are. I just don't pretend the faux right has done anything correct either. I place a pox on both their houses.

See my posts in this topic to get your mind right.

No, you do not. I dd read your links and they have absolutely nothing to do with conservative mindset - at all.
You represent a typical leftard skew on everything which you simply do not have any idea about. You do have a slightly more moderate approach to some other issues, contrary to the moonbats a.k.a. LL, BL or WC, but it makes you a more moderate leftist, that's all.

would you know what conservatives stand for - you would NEVER post such an idiotic post - idiotic for anybody who actually knows the conservative platform and knows that it has always been very far from supporting big business and big corporations - those were, are and would be supported the most by the leftards, contrary to the lies they tube-feed the stupid masses. The whole obamacare is actually a big meaty bone for the benefit of big corporations - on our backs.

I understand that for a leftie it is pretty confusing to distinguish where the conservatives, where the libertarians and where the establishment republicans differ, especially when LSM which are your source of information are lumping them all together.
But you are not that stupid ( unlike your brethren in the leftie loon camp) - you might try and learn :D
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I got news for you. There is only one evil party - and that is the one LSM is slobbering over.

If the "fourth power" would be doing the job it is supposed to - then your statement would be true.
With the leftard bias - no.

Lol, the GOP is the righteous party. What a partisan.

reading comprehension disorder much? you need to sign to obamacare ASAP :lol:

Well then perhaps you have sentence structure problems. Which party are you defining as the righteous one, and which as the evil one?
Of course, and no one will ever consider you intelligent. If you were, you would consider the outrage about an apocryphal child by members of the echo chamber. Any harm caused by the shutdown is the fault of Speaker Boehner and the radical Republicans who planned for the shutdown. These facts are part of the public domain and the efforts by some to alter the truth paints all of them and those who support them as ridiculous.

Your actions in support of the shutdown - if true - make you morally responsible for any person - adult or child - who suffers or dies do to the irresponsible behavior of the radical spoiled children in the Republican Party. For you sake I hope Karma is a myth.

Please spare us your emotional indignance as you once again venture off into your never ending love for govt. It must be your religion.

Thanks so much for sharing, you retort is at best childish and not one bit rational.

He's a government employee sucking off the public tit..... what else would you expect...

I'm a retired Government Employee, what have you done for a living? Post your CV and I'll post mine.
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If you could help one kid with cancer, why wouldn't you do it?

Reid: Why would we do that? We have 1,100 workers who are sitting at home. They have problems of their own.

Seems pretty clear to me that's what he is saying.

Did you listen to the whole Youtube? He was referring to picking and choosing government programs to open/close ..you can not do that as they are all important.

That's just the problem. Many of these expenditures are not important.
They are non essential. We can survive without them.
Our government has grown far too large.
There is no need for all of these entitlement programs, grants, giveaways, handouts and other gifts.
Lol, the GOP is the righteous party. What a partisan.

reading comprehension disorder much? you need to sign to obamacare ASAP :lol:

Well then perhaps you have sentence structure problems. Which party are you defining as the righteous one, and which as the evil one?

reading comprehension disorder much? you need to sign to obamacare ASAP :lol:

Well then perhaps you have sentence structure problems. Which party are you defining as the righteous one, and which as the evil one?

read my post again. slowly. you might get it, I have faith in you

So there was no point, you shouldn't have stepped in that then.

Show us the mark where he speaks those words or take your Rightyloon ass and fuck off.

It's for real.

BASH: But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do it?

REID: Why would we want to do that? I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base sitting home. They have problems of their own.

Reid then attacked Bash's intelligence, "For someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing is irresponsible."

Apparently, Reid sees healthy furloughed workers sitting comfortably at home as equal to children dying of cancer.

eta: link: 'Why would we want to do that?': Harry Reid dismisses funding children's cancer research separately from the rest of government | Mail Online

Show us the mark where he speaks those words or take your Rightyloon ass and fuck off.

It's for real.

BASH: But if you can help one child with cancer, why wouldn't you do it?

REID: Why would we want to do that? I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base sitting home. They have problems of their own.

Reid then attacked Bash's intelligence, "For someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing is irresponsible."

Apparently, Reid sees healthy furloughed workers sitting comfortably at home as equal to children dying of cancer.

eta: link: 'Why would we want to do that?': Harry Reid dismisses funding children's cancer research separately from the rest of government | Mail Online

and? you think he is ruling against a boy sick with cancer and he isnt. Once again proving how fucking retarded the right is in playing this gotcha game
He was talking about picking and choosing the government programs. Gee I am so amused watching how things get twisted ~

His ass has been nailed to the wall with that quote. Reid directly compared a kid with cancer to furloughed government employees.

I just love this seriously heartless callous part... the real Harry Reid just shows his true inner evil.

I have 1100 people at Nellis Air Force Base sitting home. They have problems of their own.

and you want to convince anybody you ever had anything to do with conservatives :lol:

you don't even know the crucial points - the real ones, not what LSM is tubefeeding you

I know very well what the crucial points are. I just don't pretend the faux right has done anything correct either. I place a pox on both their houses.

See my posts in this topic to get your mind right.

No, you do not. I dd read your links and they have absolutely nothing to do with conservative mindset - at all.
You represent a typical leftard skew on everything which you simply do not have any idea about. You do have a slightly more moderate approach to some other issues, contrary to the moonbats a.k.a. LL, BL or WC, but it makes you a more moderate leftist, that's all.

would you know what conservatives stand for - you would NEVER post such an idiotic post - idiotic for anybody who actually knows the conservative platform and knows that it has always been very far from supporting big business and big corporations - those were, are and would be supported the most by the leftards, contrary to the lies they tube-feed the stupid masses. The whole obamacare is actually a big meaty bone for the benefit of big corporations - on our backs.

I understand that for a leftie it is pretty confusing to distinguish where the conservatives, where the libertarians and where the establishment republicans differ, especially when LSM which are your source of information are lumping them all together.
But you are not that stupid ( unlike your brethren in the leftie loon camp) - you might try and learn :D

Simply put, he's a closet liberal who simply cannot admit it.

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