Harvard Study Shows Liberals are Lemmings

Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
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Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Given the election of Trump, it's pretty hard to argue that conservatives aren't just as gullible as liberals.
He campaigned on the issues that mainstream voters wanted to hear. They were forgotten by WashingtonDC elites in both parties.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.

So? If you want more conservative media, start more media companies.

show some initiative.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York is a Rightwing Lemming.
He was commenting on the study which he had nothing to do with...the cliffs edge is calling you lemming.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.

So? If you want more conservative media, start more media companies.

show some initiative.
Media should not have bias.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.

So? If you want more conservative media, start more media companies.

show some initiative.

/---- If we do will you libtards attack them like you do Fox News and Rush?
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

We needed a study to tell us this ?
I know... just had to post it for the lemmings who buy into the the constant scream of attacks on the President...and claim media is not biased.
So? If you want more conservative media, start more media companies.

show some initiative.

Actually Brown Shirt, among the NEW media, the conservative sources dominate. Drudge is the #1 news portal on the Web. Despite the attacks of the fascist MSM, Breitbart remains far larger than Huffingglue.

The Stalinist press of the MSM dominates the dying media of print and television, while the conservative press dominates the emerging media of the web.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.

Once again --- go :lalala: all you want but the fact remains your thread is entirely made-up crapola.

Again, there's no reference to "Liberals" in your link at all. And there ain't a goddam thing you can do about that except take the shame as a liar.
Liberals need their"two minutes hate" to follow their party and media handlers. "Shout out his name!" " Donald Trump...Donald Trump!"

/---- If we do will you libtards attack them like you do Fox News and Rush?

Attacking if fine, it's part of the debate that drives a free society. What I object to is extortion, such as that used by the Soros Brown Shirts to threaten advertisers who buy space on Breitbart or other conservative sites. What the fascist democrats do is openly criminal. Of course they can boycott, but the threats that if an advertiser supports ideas that the fascists object to, they will organize campaigns to destroy that business is intimidation and extortion.
Liberals INGSOC is telling you, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." Liberals have mush for brains and believe everything fed to them by the Ministry of Truth ran mainstream media. Fucking lemmings.
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative

Byron York/Washington Examiner :lmao:

The article doesn't say a god damn thing about "Liberals". Doesn't even mention the word. At all.

You lied. Not that that's news.

What's more, the study it links to --- actually does mention the word "Liberal". Once. Here it is:

>> Presidents are more than the main focus of U.S. reporters. Presidents are also their main target. Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.[22] News reporting turned sour during the Vietnam and Watergate era and has stayed that way.[23] Journalists’ incentives, everything from getting their stories on the air to acquiring a reputation as a hard-hitting reporter, encourage journalists to focus on what’s wrong with politicians rather than what’s right.[24] <<​
Hey Captain Obvious...it's because the news rooms and editor desks are dominated by liberals who voted for Hillary.

Once again --- go :lalala: all you want but the fact remains your thread is entirely made-up crapola.

Again, there's no reference to "Liberals" in your link at all. And there ain't a goddam thing you can do about that except take the shame as a liar.

Who cares, shit fer brains.

Try addressing the subject, you dolt.
Since Trump's presidency itself has been about 95% negative,

I'd say 93% negative coverage in the media is 2 points biased in his favor.

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