Harvey: A Gotham Demolition


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-Utopian modernism vignette I cooked up (my final one!), inspired by the civics-socialization film Judge Dredd (Sylvester Stallone)!


The Gotham City D.A. Harvey Dent was horribly-disfigured by an unscrupulous Mob-Boss named Lucky McGeorge when the goon threw a jar of acid on half of his face and body during his trial which Dent was presiding over (as legal counsel). Dent wend mad and became the American vigilante 'Two-Face' (since half of his face and body were now completely deformed). Two-Face declared war on the Gotham mafia and its ties to narcotics crime-syndicates and corrupt politicians in the bordertown of Tijuana (Mexico). Two-Face's weapon was a podium-campaign propaganda gimmick --- the free-speech themed water-gun sales discussion at Toys 'R Us. Two-Face purchased two hand-held clear-green plastic water-guns there.


Two-Face wrote to the papers, posted on the Internet (using an identity-masking alias/avatar --- 'UrbanSlave'), and sprayed graffiti all over the Statue of Liberty, with writing such as, "Water-guns will end violence, not President Donald Trump. Destroying the mafia in America should be an urgent mandate!" People compared Two-Face wryly to J. Edgar Hoover, and Two-Face indeed wanted to make a consumerism idealism propaganda-podium for a 'commission' (of terrorists!) evaluating consumerism-ethics in North America. He called his 'association' the Legion of Doom, and his only rival on the political stage was a femme-fatale knock-out maneating crime mastermind named 'Baroness' (who hailed from 'Bolshevik princesses'!). It was a fine 'pro-Communism media circus.'



Penguins of...

Here's a toy-sales addendum inspired by the anthropology-oriented consumerism-relic film Toys.


Seattle was being plagued by a ghoul named Oswald Cobblepot (a crime-conspirator) who referred to himself as 'The Penguin' (since he was enraged at the deformities in Earth-animalia caused by industrialization-related eco-pollution. Penguin invested in a simple 1980s penguin-rink (electric-operated) model-toy, which he took pictures of with his cellular and distributed them all over the Internet. People thought Penguin was a lunatic, but he caught the attention of Two-Face who was intrigued by the way the model-set of little penguins rolling through a self-moving escalator-connected descending race-track represented pure eco-Utopianism.


However, Penguin wanted to use the marketing profits from the social appeal of his penguin model-set photo posts (by currying favors with companies/goods looking for 'eco-favorable' social network 'link' bridges between culture and capitalism). Penguin started thinking he had become spiritually obsessed with his penguin model-set, since there was so much social prestige ascribed to individuals who exhibited eco-consciousness in the public domain. Two-Face knew Penguin had become an unexorcisable 'consumerism-slave' to that hypnotizing penguin model-set, so he started retorting Penguin's pro-penguin eco-posts with media messages about how Oswald knew nothing (ecologically) about the natural environment of penguins. This spurned a natural 'eco-politique' war of words on CNN and BBC!



The Riddler's Party

This one is inspired by the modernism-dementia film Lost Highway.


Edward Nygma was a mad scientist and disgruntled ex-employee of Wayne Industries' Science Firm which was headed by who other than Gotham's socialite businessman Bruce Wayne (who was secretly the masked urban vigilante 'Batman' trying to defy the rogue vigilantism of the radical 'Two-Face'). Nygma decided to transform himself into the society anarchist and arson-philosopher 'The Riddler.' Riddler posed confounding questions to the governance-structure in America, such as "Why does it seem that all urban politicians are seduced by the 'voices' of profiteerism-arson?" Riddler became such an underground 'anti-hero,' that Christopher Nolan made a movie about him (with Guy Pearce the actor portraying the venomous 'Riddler').

{Riddler Movie Poster}


Pearce's performance gained such social esteem that the actor decided to pretend he was the real Riddler in the media, telling everyone that Nygma was simply his 'corporate-of-evil employee.' Pearce decided to host a lavish celebrity-party in Newport, Rhode Island in a neon-ballroom which a famous installation-artist decorated. Pearce invited First Lady Melania Trump, eco-conscious movie-star Leo DiCaprio, and a host of Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders to what became a monumental charity-event to raise awareness for anarchism-groups working for free-speech rights in the American press. Batman (Bruce Wayne) realized America had another villain to deal with (in addition to Two-Face) --- the Riddler!

{Riddler's Neon Ballroom}


Pearce wanted to use the 'mystique' of the Riddler-persona to orchestrate his own brand of 'theatrical-subversion of governance,' and soon, the press was calling him 'the real Riddler.' All Batman knew was that he had two Riddlers to deal with now, but Pearce-Riddler made one crucial mistake, which Nygma-Riddler tried to exploit. Pearce-Riddler decided to invite the anarchist punk rock group Jaded Arsonist to his neon-ballroom party in Newport (which had now become an annual affair). Nygma-Riddler 'crashed' the party and informed the guest that the 'real terrorist was now present,' but after Two-Face also crashed in (with a megaphone crying, "Capitalism at its worst!"), Batman (Bruce Wayne) swooped in to remind all Americans at the much-publicized politics-critical media-social event (which would make Guy Pearce an underworld god) that profiteerism never solves the problem of 'general propaganda.' Batman was the true patriot...

{Jaded Arsonist Concert}




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