Harvey Weinstein to announce he had a consensual affair with Gavin Newsom's wife

surely you jest?

I always thought Hillary liked money, not sex. I thought Bill turned her off on that.. But who knowswhocares?

I just want to know if you are telling the truth or just saying stuff.. ?
Crooked Hillary needed the Hollywood Limousine Liberal money and endorsements. Good ole Harvey could deliver it. Nothing was free with Harvey.
Harvey Weinstein to announce he had a consensual affair with Gavin Newsom's wife

Ugh! I just spit up my coffee reading this. Gavin Newsom cuckolded by Harvey Weinstein?
OMG! Couldn't she pick on a better guy than Harvey? How could anyone even get close to that fugly pig?
That's what America need as the next president.... A Cuckold. Vote for Gavin Newsom!

Unless newsom is running for president what is this news worthy?
If Newsom had any thoughts about running for the presidency, Harvey has done a great job in shooting him down. This will not be forgotten if Gavin decides to throw his hat into the ring.
That was my point. 😉
Worst voters in the world, GOP base, can't get enough of stupid gossip and garbage while their lying heroes screw them every day....
Worst voters in the world, GOP base, can't get enough of stupid gossip and garbage while their lying heroes screw them every day....
A nephew and his wife who is extreme prog with a child in New Jersey cannot afford to remove their kid from a public school. The school system is fully woke. And they are worried about what he is being taught and not taught My nephew's parents are offering to pay for the child to be educated in a private school and they are progs. The current governor most likely lost the election, and it was stolen in the last election cycle.
Weinstein would be married to some fat pig if it wasn't for the fact he was so rich and influential.

Even Crooked Hillary was giving him blowjobs.
wow, a rich guy getting lots of nookie...now that is truly different information there
Harvey Weinstein to announce he had a consensual affair with Gavin Newsom's wife

Ugh! I just spit up my coffee reading this. Gavin Newsom cuckolded by Harvey Weinstein?
OMG! Couldn't she pick on a better guy than Harvey? How could anyone even get close to that fugly pig?
That's what America need as the next president.... A Cuckold. Vote for Gavin Newsom!

I bet that was an interesting morning over coffee at their house!

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