Harvy House food.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So we had a house destroyed by Harvy. We burnt that down to clear the land and see what we are going to do. I’m working outhere with my boys, we can cook, but we don’t have refrigerator so we made this soup.,


Real easy and it can cook on simmer for about three days if one pays attention to it.

1 Cup onion.

1 Cup celery.

1 Cup carrots.

1 cup corn

1 Cup peas ( or whatever )

2 14 Oz cans of fire roasted tomatoes, or any tomato products you prefer.

1 pound stew meat, chicken, fish, opossum, shrimp, clams, raccoon or crow meat

I also at a shit ton of fresh garlic that I minced about a while clove, as well as two bay leaves 2 table spoons original chalula sauce, 1 table spoon wistishir sauce.

Cut all the stuff into 1/4 in (roughly) cubes or use a type that don’t take long to cook if you want bigger. Sometimes I add jalapeños and or green pepper. I have substituted red snapper, cat fish, sea bass and trout for the fish, it works with chickens and rabbit, squirrel is okay done in this and my sister likes it with tofu. Depending on what you are using and how big you cut it this will be serveable in about 45 minutes . Just bring it to an angry boil stirring to make sure it doesn’t burn , then put it on simmer and after the boiling slows down put a lid on it and walk away.

Good stuff on cold wet days. Pleas excuse my comet so close to the stove. At least you know it’s clean,ya?
Sounds good, except for the opossum, raccoon or crow.
Sounds good, except for the opossum, raccoon or crow.

This is very similar to a simple Russian soup with braised meat, which is brewed in a hike or in extreme situations. The point is that to use any meat, chicken, canned meat and any vegetables. Only peas with tomato, I would not mix. And I would rule out corn.
To keep soup for several days without a refrigerator, it is necessary to take the meat out of the soup, wrap it in paper moistened with salt or wrap it with nettle. The remaining liquid should be boiled in the morning and evening.
To store a longer period, the meat should be canned in glass jars and open the jar when you need to cook the soup

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