Has any liberal that is claiming how bad tax cuts are, voluntarily paying more?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?

bernie is loving those deductions, or so i hear (from his accountant)
Looks like liberal morons would pay even higher taxes as long as their Deep State puppeteers stay in power. Why is it so difficult for them to understand: Deep State is all mankind's enemy, including theirs as well....

Democrats have been lobbying for tax increases, well now Dem's in high tax blue states got their wish cue the celebrations.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?

On the other side, how is anyone personally benefiting from higher taxes on the top 1%? Why is that such a sticking point with low-income people? It doesn't help them.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?

On the other side, how is anyone personally benefiting from higher taxes on the top 1%? Why is that such a sticking point with low-income people? It doesn't help them.

you benefit because the money can build infrastructure and do medical research and educate and feed people

you benefit because you don't blow a hole in the deficit. I love how deficits don't matter to rightwingers when they're in power but the minute a democrat is in power, you start crying about what we're spending.

but don't worry... Donald jr will get a write off for his private plane while I get to pay taxes on the money I pay in state and local taxes.

you people are dense. seriously.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?

Oh yes! I am certain they will be! Liberals are the salt of the Earth and backbone of this country, from the time of the great Christopher Columbus to Enrico Fermi, liberal Americans have always done their fair share for this country!

Why I'd bet they are lining up now to pay more taxes to help that mr. trump get money to build his wall! You wait and see!

you benefit because the money can build infrastructure and do medical research and educate and feed people

you benefit because you don't blow a hole in the deficit. I love how deficits don't matter to rightwingers when they're in power but the minute a democrat is in power, you start crying about what we're spending.

but don't worry... Donald jr will get a write off for his private plane while I get to pay taxes on the money I pay in state and local taxes.

you people are dense. seriously.
Did you lose an entitlement?

Did your tax liability increase?

Did you miss out on education?

Did they cancel construction of that freeway by your home?

Are you going hungry?

Are you missing out on medical treatment that needs to be researched and developed?

You never saw a dime of the tax revenues of which you are now mourning the loss. You're just falling in line and preaching the goose-stepping communist party line.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


What a stupid premise.
Winner deflection! 10+

What's not stupid about it? Did you send money to the defense department when Obama didn't increase military spending enough to suit you?

So did you send in more money, above the IRS guidelines?

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