Has any liberal that is claiming how bad tax cuts are, voluntarily paying more?

Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


What a stupid premise.
Winner deflection! 10+

What's not stupid about it? Did you send money to the defense department when Obama didn't increase military spending enough to suit you?
Non sequiter ridiculous fallacy fail over reach. Turpentine.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


What a stupid premise.
Winner deflection! 10+

What's not stupid about it? Did you send money to the defense department when Obama didn't increase military spending enough to suit you?

But, you think paying more tax is a GREAT idea. So, you should. Nobody is stopping you. You believe it is economically beneficial to you. So why wouldn't you volunteer to pay more, and increase your economic prosperity?!?!?!?!-)
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!

^^^ typical liberal, taxes should be increased on OTHER people not on them.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


What a stupid premise.
Winner deflection! 10+

What's not stupid about it? Did you send money to the defense department when Obama didn't increase military spending enough to suit you?

But, you think paying more tax is a GREAT idea. So, you should. Nobody is stopping you. You believe it is economically beneficial to you. So why wouldn't you volunteer to pay more, and increase your economic prosperity?!?!?!?!-)

I have been asking liberals for years to lead by example, voluntarily pay more taxes, write a check to the government today, they refuse shocker.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
John Boy? Mary Ellen?
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!

Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


What a stupid premise.

Look at how phony-baloney the leftists really are. Consider------------>

Under their ideas, they FORCE everyone to pay more. You can't do anything but follow what they write as law, just like with Obamacare.

Now look at how we set it up--------------> You can choose! If leftists want to pay more, they can. Unlike them, we didn't create a law to force them to see it our way. They can pay MORE! Same with the mandate. If they want Obamacare, we aren't fining them like they fined us if we didn't want it. We allow them to decide for themselves, and all they do is BITCH!

Remember leftists-------->you have a choice, we didn't! You can pay more if you think it is a good idea. You can also keep signed into Obamacare, and if you don't want to, you can just pretend the fine is still in force and pay the penalty. So why complain?!?!?!?!?! You can continue on EXACTLY as you did before.

Or rather, is this REALLY about your use of government force that you so crave-) You can't stand it that we escaped your loony ideas, and this really isn't about the fact that you can still do the same thing you did last year if you so choose-)

Seems to me, that just proves that you people really are totalitarian, now doesn't it-)
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?

Ding ding ding. Dumbest thread of the month by far.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!

^^^ typical liberal, taxes should be increased on OTHER people not on them.

I already pay my fair share, idiot boy. *shrug*

you don't have to worry about it because you don't earn enough to care.

i'll also point out that I benefit from some of the tax scam, now be quiet and go pick your toes
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.

1. Republicans suck. Let's keep that in mind.
2. Here's what happened:
  • Social Security turned out to be a huge ponzi scheme that is unsustainable. The Private Sector is better.
  • Unions are useless leeches on the employer, and are part of the communist revolution.
  • Refugees were not trying to blow us up or come here illegally to take advantage of communist welfare system
  • Minimum wage puts Americans out of work because illegal mexican filth come in under the radar and suppress wages. Wages are a direct reflection of quality of work. I could go on and on, but this is bullshit.
  • We have one of the best unemployment systems in the world.
  • Federal assistance for low income communities? We have it. What about it? It's a communist system, but why is your commie ass bitch about it if we have it?
  • The equal pay for equal work is a bullshit myth and fails to take into account many factors, such as gaps in experience caused by child rearing (a choice). Women have options in how they execute their career plans. Men pretty much just work. That's it.
Has a leftist on here vowed yet to voluntarily pay more because it is a great idea yet, lol! We are still waiting leftists!
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.
It's subjective really. I don't believe someone should pay more of a percentage in taxes because they are successful. As you know, I hate force.
See, my end game is real liberty and real equality. Institutional discrimination at ANY level is bullshit.
That's why we don't agree on much. Lol
are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.
It's subjective really. I don't believe someone should pay more of a percentage in taxes because they are successful. As you know, I hate force.
See, my end game is real liberty and real equality. Institutional discrimination at ANY level is bullshit.
That's why we don't agree on much. Lol

They aren't even paying the same percentage as I am And your VAT makes them pay even less of a percentage than I do.

See to me your end game is the Stone Age. No roads. No schools. Child labor. Polluted air. Old people starving to death. Women dying in child. Either. That's your freedom.

All of the things we did away with when we stopped being serfs.

Your end game returns us to those times. And when you have no plumbing because there are no municipal waterworks, let me know how you like emptying slop buckets.
I dont think i have to subsidize ANYONE but i do.
Stupid ass tax code... Maybe you can join people like me to get rid of this discriminatory bullshit :D

I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.
It's subjective really. I don't believe someone should pay more of a percentage in taxes because they are successful. As you know, I hate force.
See, my end game is real liberty and real equality. Institutional discrimination at ANY level is bullshit.
That's why we don't agree on much. Lol

They aren't even paying the same percentage as I am And your VAT makes them pay even less of a percentage than I do.

See to me your end game is the Stone Age. No roads. No schools. Child labor. Polluted air. Old people starving to death. Women dying in child. Either. That's your freedom.

All of the things we did away with when we stopped being serfs.

Your end game returns us to those times. And when you have no plumbing because there are no municipal waterworks, let me know how you like emptying slop buckets.
So? As I said, I don't think success should be punished.
The rest of that is statist bullshit rhetoric jillian.
I believe in the constitutional powers granted to the federal govt and state power. Actual liberty and equality can easily happen with that. That's why I laugh at your cliche crap.
I think the constitution is one of the best documents ever made.
Statism has no place in our fed govt
I'm good with not paying for michelle Bachmann's family farm or her hubby's pray away the gay clinics.

what do you think is discriminatory. come on... let's do a line item veto.
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.
It's subjective really. I don't believe someone should pay more of a percentage in taxes because they are successful. As you know, I hate force.
See, my end game is real liberty and real equality. Institutional discrimination at ANY level is bullshit.
That's why we don't agree on much. Lol

They aren't even paying the same percentage as I am And your VAT makes them pay even less of a percentage than I do.

See to me your end game is the Stone Age. No roads. No schools. Child labor. Polluted air. Old people starving to death. Women dying in child. Either. That's your freedom.

All of the things we did away with when we stopped being serfs.

Your end game returns us to those times. And when you have no plumbing because there are no municipal waterworks, let me know how you like emptying slop buckets.
So? As I said, I don't think success should be punished.
The rest of that is statist bullshit rhetoric jillian.
I believe in the constitutional powers granted to the federal govt and state power. Actual liberty and equality can easily happen with that. That's why I laugh at your cliche crap.
I think the constitution is one of the best documents ever made.
Statism has no place in our fed govt

Your idea of what the world should be is hobbesian.

You don't understand the constitution or you'd know that your bleak world isn't what they intended. Or maybe you think Alexander hamilton didn't win that battle or that we still live under the failed articles of confederation?

To me this idea of freedom you say you want is simply childish
line item veto? LOL
Fuck income taxes
Im all for a federal sales tax. EQUAL across the board. No deductions and nothing to bitch about.
I thought you were getting serious. Not some fap. hehe

and if I told you that sales taxes or VAT's inordinantly hurt poor and middle class people since the wealthiest save a greater percentage of their income.

I am serious about this. I think this tax scam they're voting for is dangerous. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to live like they do in south America where they have to put barbed wire around their homes to protect themselves from the people they screwed over.

just saying.
It's subjective really. I don't believe someone should pay more of a percentage in taxes because they are successful. As you know, I hate force.
See, my end game is real liberty and real equality. Institutional discrimination at ANY level is bullshit.
That's why we don't agree on much. Lol

They aren't even paying the same percentage as I am And your VAT makes them pay even less of a percentage than I do.

See to me your end game is the Stone Age. No roads. No schools. Child labor. Polluted air. Old people starving to death. Women dying in child. Either. That's your freedom.

All of the things we did away with when we stopped being serfs.

Your end game returns us to those times. And when you have no plumbing because there are no municipal waterworks, let me know how you like emptying slop buckets.
So? As I said, I don't think success should be punished.
The rest of that is statist bullshit rhetoric jillian.
I believe in the constitutional powers granted to the federal govt and state power. Actual liberty and equality can easily happen with that. That's why I laugh at your cliche crap.
I think the constitution is one of the best documents ever made.
Statism has no place in our fed govt

Your idea of what the world should be is hobbesian.

You don't understand the constitution or you'd know that your bleak world isn't what they intended. Or maybe you think Alexander hamilton didn't win that battle or that we still live under the failed articles of confederation?

To me this idea of freedom you say you want is simply childish
I don't give a shut how the world is. I care about AMERICA
I don't understand the COTUS? Darling, I'm apparently one of the few that can actually read it. I even look up debates back then on certain issues. For gawd sakes, stop with your condescending statism.
That shit is regressive. Freedom is progress.
So the answer to my question is a big fucking NO.

Lol at libs and the actual shit they dont stand for.
Has there been any reports of liberals (commies not really liberals at all) voluntarily paying more?

Has Pelosi? Schumer? Hillay?



Trump still donating his salary?


are you insane? I already pay a lot of taxes. I don't think I have to subsidize the trump and Walton families, however.

you clearly don't pay any taxes or you'd understand that.

good luck being broke!

^^^ typical liberal, taxes should be increased on OTHER people not on them.

I already pay my fair share, idiot boy. *shrug*

you don't have to worry about it because you don't earn enough to care.

i'll also point out that I benefit from some of the tax scam, now be quiet and go pick your toes
You pay your fair share? I personally cannot tell what the fuck you are claiming here.

Are you rich? That is what you are clearly saying. So, tell me. When you claim you are paying your fair share, do you know you are telling your democrats to go fuck themselves?

You then claim you benefit from a tax scam. Who in this world is forcing you to benefit from a tax scam? You claim in this post you pay your fair share, you then claim you benefit from a scam?

Holy shit you are fucking stupid.

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