Has Anyone Filed A FOIA Request?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I was thinking of filing one.

I want to know how much The GOV spent on surveillance of The Trump Team who ordered it, how long it was conducted, times dates, and who the parties were, and additionally want to know how much the GOV is spending on it's 4 Bridges to Nowhere so called 'Investigations' in to Russia and Trump Team collusion which we have been told by our intelligence community "NEVER HAPPENED".

I also want to file a FOIA request for transcripts of all conversations Hillary Clinton had regarding the Uranium One Deal, and I want a list of times, dates, and what Russian Ambassadors and other Russian Officials she spoke to during her campaign.

The other FOIA request I would like to file is to request all information regarding inquiries in to Susan Rice, and the illegal unmasking, and illegal dissemination of classified information. There is a paper trail on that, since RICE requested\ordered it, most likely at the request of The Obama White House.

Has anyone filed FOIA requests before and how hard is it to get one filed?
No but they way they get routinely stonewalled these days means lawsuits of neverending variety. Law needs updating with prison time for this.
No but they way they get routinely stonewalled these days means lawsuits of neverending variety. Law needs updating with prison time for this.

That was under Obama & Clinton who imo should have have been prosecuted for that, but they had the FBI and DOJ locked up with their hand picked sycophants, so there was no way any of the Clinton Obama Crime Family was ever going to get dinged for anything.

This is how they engaged in criminal activities at the DOJ, FBI, IRS and VA and even the CIA and not one person was even give a slap on the wrist. They had Clinton dead in the water even after she Bleach Bitted her server and not a thing was done about it.

It was all about clean up duty for arguably the most corrupt administration in US History.

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