CDZ Has Disney Gone Too Far?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I'm on the fence on this one. Sure it looks cool and scary for the attraction, but it's also making light of suicide. So, I guess what I'm saying is they might have gone a little bit too far, but it's not THAT big of a deal though.

Nah there's no way they've went too far.

It's good they've actually come up with something original like this in spite of their other recent wokery shit.

If I'm guessing though - I bet this amended part of the attraction won't see the light of day. The pantie sniffers will be all over it and they'll withdraw it and no doubt apologise.
Actually, I did research him and I never found any of that nonsense. Links?

You didn't look very hard. Ask yourself why so many of the kids that come out of that network are so effed up.


You didn't look very hard. Ask yourself why so many of the kids that come out of that network are so effed up.


View attachment 516496

So,.. what's exactly wrong with this? :/
How do you know that? Did you ever meet the guy?
Ever since Disney started he was pushing Satanism in his cartoons and animated features on the population. He was an evil, evil man. Plus being in the worldwide cabal engaging in pedophilia, child slavery and cannibalism. The primary purpose of using children is to produce Adrenochrome, a compound harvested from tortured children. It is sold in pedo circles for $1.5 Billion per 2.2 lbs. I posted some articles in another thread in Current Events called:

Shocking reality of these times

When I was six, and Disneyland still had it's new-car-smell, I loved it. From the bad puns at the Jungle Ride and Tiki Hut, to the rapey pirates from somewhere down south.

As a former denizen of SouthCal, I regularly went to Disneyland every year and enjoyed myself thoroughly every time. It is the most well-run and guest friendly amusement park in the world.

My favorite land, of all, was Tomorrowland, with it's mid-century "Jetson's' architecture and an incredibly optimistic view of our future. It will be a "big bright beautiful tomorrow" that promised trips to the moon and portable phones small enough to fit into your car.

I lived overseas for many years and when I returned with a teen daughter, our first stop was, or course, Disneyland. We waited through the interminable line to ride "Space Mountain", a 62 minute wait for a two-minute ride. They had removed several of the older, more upbeat rides in favor of a 15 minute Michael Jackson music video with special effects that would make Ed Wood cringe.

The mid-century "futuristic" architecture had been replaced (in many cases just covered) with more dystopian, steam-punk style.

The biggest disappointment was "The Carousel of Progress", an audio-animatronic musical extravaganza that highlighted the wonderful technological progress from the turn of the last century and promised that future of hoverboards and robot restaurants.

The theatre where the audience moved and the stage stood still was replaced by a dusty, poorly lit, static display of smart phones and tablets that would be in the discount shelf at Best Buy as last year's technology. Yesterdayland, if we took out all the good parts like openly condoned sex and alcohol in the office.

I've never seen the "death of fun" more coherently personified than at the "new" Disneyland.
I've pointed the way, I also told you you didn't want to know. While you're watching movies look for black and white checked floors and pyramids with the all seeing eye. The trail is easy to follow.

Oh that's just a bunch of made up crap and nonsense. :rolleyes:

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