Has Inflation Peaked?

Yea but it's not $600 more a month like I thought. Still $356 every month!

I'm so glad everyone talked my lazy ass into refinancing from a 30 to a 15. I was paying on a 30 for about 4 years so ultimately I paid it off in 19 but boy did I save a lot not paying interest for an additional 11 years.

You would think I would be filthy rich. No mortgage, don't spend a lot really, $200 a month condo association dues, make $100K, no kids, no student loans. Not even a woman to have to afford. My new girlfriend lives in my condos. She has her own condo and job.

So you would think I'd have money coming out of my ears. For a year I was saving 30% of my paycheck. Plus 4% match. My 401K was rising fast, then Russia. I want to kill Putin! But that's besides the point. Anyways, saving 30%, my bank account stopped growing. Normally that's a good thing but I only have $15K in my checking and I want to buy my F150 next year. Cash. So I lowered my 401K to 10% of my pay and hope to see my checking account start growing again.

But my boss said I'm stupid. He said now is the time to be buying. I know he's right, but I want to pay cash next year for my least truck. I have about 1 year. I think my lease is up in August next year.

It's funny how you spend what you make. I try not to, but you do. And it's frustrating that you start saving more and you're doing good and then WHAMMO, VLad Putin fucks you in the ass hard. At least I'm not this dude

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^^^Look at this idiot. Letting Joe Biden, who promised to "end fossil fuels" get away scot free, and blames it all on Putin. Is Putin the reason your investments did so well when Trump was president?
^^^Look at this idiot. Letting Joe Biden, who promised to "end fossil fuels" get away scot free, and blames it all on Putin. Is Putin the reason your investments did so well when Trump was president?

I believe Joe got er done

^^^Look at this idiot. Letting Joe Biden, who promised to "end fossil fuels" get away scot free, and blames it all on Putin. Is Putin the reason your investments did so well when Trump was president?
Did our investments do that well?


Didn't Trump start a trade war with China his second year in? I remember it hurt my investments and you guys said sorry I would have to suck it up and take the hit. It was for the greater good.

And all his trade war with China was, was to impress idiots like you. You loved it that he was taking on China. It must not have affected your job at the Pigly Wiggly you fucking hick.
Did our investments do that well?

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Didn't Trump start a trade war with China his second year in? I remember it hurt my investments and you guys said sorry I would have to suck it up and take the hit. It was for the greater good.

And all his trade war with China was, was to impress idiots like you. You loved it that he was taking on China. It must not have affected your job at the Pigly Wiggly you fucking hick.

If you invested your entire welfare check in the Dow, you're a fucking idiot.

But go ahead and blame Putin for Joe Biden's 10% inflation and record high fuel, food, and housing costs. Because I blame you for it, for putting that senile racist old fuck in charge.
If you invested your entire welfare check in the Dow, you're a fucking idiot.

But go ahead and blame Putin for Joe Biden's 10% inflation and record high fuel, food, and housing costs. Because I blame you for it, for putting that senile racist old fuck in charge.

You must be a loser who doesn't make enough to keep up with inflation.

Of all the people who quit their jobs and found other jobs, over 60% of them are now making MORE even after you factor in inflation.

Of all the people who stayed at their current job, less than 50% of them can say the same thing.

So looks like you need to go find a new job loser.

How come supply and demand isn't working in Texas? You would think Texas teachers would be paid better than they are. To keep up with inflation and all

Texas schools have long had too few teachers. The pandemic made the situation worse — but issues like low pay, poor benefits and polarizing statewide politics all have an impact, too.

Issues like receiving low pay, being overworked, having bad benefits, worrying about their health during COVID-19 and being caught in the middle of Texas’ culture wars have had a negative effect on the workforce.

To top it all off, Texas ranks as one of the worst states for teacher retirement. Retired Texas teachers have not received a cost-of-living raise since 2004, and it’s getting worse as inflation rises.

Teacher retirement is up as well. About 8,600 teachers retired in fiscal year 2021, an increase of about 1,000 teachers from the previous year.
If you invested your entire welfare check in the Dow, you're a fucking idiot.

But go ahead and blame Putin for Joe Biden's 10% inflation and record high fuel, food, and housing costs. Because I blame you for it, for putting that senile racist old fuck in charge.
When you quit your shitty job and look for a better one, don't go become a stock broker

Stocks rally for a second day as investors look past recession worries, Dow jumps more than 300 points​

The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 332.04 points, or 1%, to 32,529.63. The blue-chip index added more than 400 points in the previous session. The S&P 500 rose 1.2% to 4,072.43, and the Nasdaq Composite added nearly 1.1% to 12,162.59. All of the major averages are on pace for a winning week as well as their best month of 2022.
If you invested your entire welfare check in the Dow, you're a fucking idiot.

But go ahead and blame Putin for Joe Biden's 10% inflation and record high fuel, food, and housing costs. Because I blame you for it, for putting that senile racist old fuck in charge.
Of course Republicans will say the end of the world is coming

Some 60% of workers saw real wage increases from April 2021 to March 2022 after switching jobs, according to Thursday findings from the Pew Research Center. That’s up from 51% of new workers who saw gains from April 2020 to March 2021.

At the same time, only 47% of people staying at their job experienced real wage gains in the same April 2021-March 2022 period, down from 54% the previous 12 months.

“Most workers who switched employers continued to experience an increase in real earnings, and amid a surge in demand for new hires, their advantage over other workers in this respect appears to be widening,” researchers Rakesh Kochhar, Kim Parker and Ruth Igielnik wrote.

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