Zone1 Has Putin killed the age of neo liberalism ?

II think its bigger than Trump. People seduced by lower prices forget that there is a reckoning to pay at some point.
Neo liberalism has impoverished the majority and made a class of billionaires who suck up everything.
I agree that the threat of fascism in America is bigger than just Trump now. Eliminating Trump from politics will only be a start.
If you go on strike Globo plc moves to china. That is too much power in the hands of their shareholders and leaves the working man impotent.
America invited it by handing the power to the shareholders and the very wealthy. Fascism is the reaction of people in a democracy in which democratic powers are either ineffective or missinig.
You might gt cheaper stuff for a while but when we go to war with China you will find lots of items unavailable..
I don't contemplate a war with China due to the M.A.D. threat. I see only a fight between opposite ideologies of communism and fascism.
I agree that the threat of fascism in America is bigger than just Trump now. Eliminating Trump from politics will only be a start.

America invited it by handing the power to the shareholders and the very wealthy. Fascism is the reaction of people in a democracy in which democratic powers are either ineffective or missinig.

I don't contemplate a war with China due to the M.A.D. threat. I see only a fight between opposite ideologies of communism and fascism.
another good post by the forums foremost drive by entity...You're getting the hang of this
Putin is not a hero. He is a fascist gangster running a corrupt and vicious regime. But some good may indirectly occur because of his villiany.
The same can be said of Biden and whoever is leading the UK, only nothing good comes from their villainy.
I havent told you to do anything. I am just asking a question.
I would rather buy european than Chinese or Russian and I would rather buy local than anything else.
I prefer green energy to russian gas and I would rather have stuff made by people with human rights than slaves in China.
How about you ?

I did not ask if you were asking ... I am not granting you the authority to make it any of your business what my answer will be.

You don't need to explain how convoluted you would like things to be ...
Nor do you need to express which group of Authoritarian Fascist you would rather have managing every aspect of your life.

I don't care what you value, and I am not asking you for your permission.
I don't need you to validate whatever I feel is appropriate, responsible, accountable, or the right thing to do ...
Because I am not going to need you to agree with me to accomplish what I believe is the best thing to do.

The last thing I need is for you to elect some power-hungry Authoritarian Fascist of any stripe to feel better about yourself and your desires.
Learn how to stay in your lane ... Do what you think is best ... And quit trying to fight with me about your own insecurities.

Putin has seen how western nations, the EU and the U.S., have devolved into some kind of neo liberal / Marxist fantasy world of make believe.
And is doing everything he can to keep Russia and its people from going down that self-destructive path.
For the past 40 years the world has been organised along neoliberal lines.
It has? What have you been smoking?

This has involved long and complex global supply chains, privatisation, deregulation, small government, weak trade unions and a dedication on the part of independent central banks to keeping inflation low.
You don't say?!

Sounds good to me.
What doesn't sound good to you?

When we become reliant on fascist regimes we put our well being at risk.
But you LIVE in a fascist regime. No one has told you?

By growing our own we are more secure and we reduce the power of the corporations to steal from us.
Which corporations have stolen from you, Duke?

The workers will see their power and influence grow and we will have a fairer and more just society.
Workers unite! Come get that more fair and just society due to arrive any day now!!! :rock:

Countries that lack the strength to be self sufficient will band together in organisations like the EU
And the EU has worked out so well hasn't it? Funny that at one time, most of the individual countries in the EU ruled the world by themselves! Now thanks to your progressive politics, they need help wiping their own asses!

and global uncertainties will disappear.
Hallelujah, brother! Let us rejoice our good fortune! :smoke:

Capitalism has essentially failed and democracy will make a comeback.
You mean socialism. Capitalism is not mutually exclusive from democracy, stoop. Yep. Look at all of the socialist countries out there who have done so well!!! :auiqs.jpg:


I did not ask if you were asking ... I am not granting you the authority to make it any of your business what my answer will be.

You don't need to explain how convoluted you would like things to be ...
Nor do you need to express which group of Authoritarian Fascist you would rather have managing every aspect of your life.

I don't care what you value, and I am not asking you for your permission.
I don't need you to validate whatever I feel is appropriate, responsible, accountable, or the right thing to do ...
Because I am not going to need you to agree with me to accomplish what I believe is the best thing to do.

The last thing I need is for you to elect some power-hungry Authoritarian Fascist of any stripe to feel better about yourself and your desires.
Learn how to stay in your lane ... Do what you think is best ... And quit trying to fight with me about your own insecurities.

You get no say in electing the leader of china or russia. You get a vote on every level of the US government. Al little while back you guys were keen on energy security. now you seem less enthusiastic. Food security, drugs electronics and so on would all be better served by being made in America or a friendly country.

Only "globalists" would object to this because it impacts on their progfits and control over the individual.
You get no say in electing the leader of china or russia. You get a vote on every level of the US government. Al little while back you guys were keen on energy security. now you seem less enthusiastic. Food security, drugs electronics and so on would all be better served by being made in America or a friendly country.

Only "globalists" would object to this because it impacts on their progfits and control over the individual.

You don't get it ... I don't need your vote to do what is the right thing to do.

I don't care which group of Authoritarian Fascist you prefer.
I am going to do everything that supports the idea that I retain the Power you so carelessly want to give to Authoritarian Fascist.

If you are going to sit there and complain about all the terrible things you have to deal with ...
Because you grant the government the power to fix everything for you ... Then understand that you are causing your own problems.
Empower yourself and take care of your own business ... Stop asking Authoritarian Fascists to fix everything for you.


You don't get it ... I don't need your vote to do what is the right thing to do.

I don't care which group of Authoritarian Fascist you prefer.
I am going to do everything that supports the idea that I retain the Power you so carelessly want to give to Authoritarian Fascist.

If you are going to sit there and complain about all the terrible things you have to deal with ...
Because you grant the government the power to fix everything for you ... Then understand that you are causing your own problems.
Empower yourself and take care of your own business ... Stop asking Authoritarian Fascists to fix everything for you.

I think you have misread the OP. The collapse of neo liberalism will transfer power from the elites to the people.. Eceryone will benefit from a fairer distribution of wealth.
Why would you have a problem with that ?
I think you have misread the OP. The collapse of neo liberalism will transfer power from the elites to the people.. Eceryone will benefit from a fairer distribution of wealth.
Why would you have a problem with that ?

I think you missed my original response ...

You don't Empower the People by federalizing businesses, increasing regulations, or growing government ...
You Empower the Authoritarian Fascists in the Government that way.

"Fair" ... Is nothing more than the first four letters of "Fairytale".


I think you missed my original response ...

You don't Empower the People by federalizing businesses, increasing regulations, or growing government ...
You Empower the Authoritarian Fascists in the Government that way.

"Fair" ... Is nothing more than the first four letters of "Fairytale".

Having safe food and energy supplies is very empowering.More so than access to cheap stuff.
Having safe food and energy supplies is very empowering.More so than access to cheap stuff.

If you have to depend on the government for anything, it is not empowering to anyone other than the government.
If you count on the government to provide you with everything you need ... Then all you are getting is cheap stuff.

They cannot escape mediocrity and fairness as it is their goal (at least what the Authoritarian Fascists want you to believe).
I want excellence, and don't care if you need to try and drag me down to your level.

I will fight you and your Authoritarian Fascists all the way ... Every day ... And you can keep whatever cheap crumbs they pass your way.
Welcome to America.


If you have to depend on the government for anything, it is not empowering to anyone other than the government.
If you count on the government to provide you with everything you need ... Then all you are getting is cheap stuff.

They cannot escape mediocrity and fairness as it is their goal (at least what the Authoritarian Fascists want you to believe).
I want excellence, and don't care if you need to try and drag me down to your level.

I will fight you and your Authoritarian Fascists all the way ... Every day ... And you can keep whatever cheap crumbs they pass your way.
Welcome to America.

Some people never leave childhood.

They see government as the mechanism for nurturing them like a parent nurtures a child.

Becoming an actual adult citizen is just too frightening to them.
Some people never leave childhood.

They see government as the mechanism for nurturing them like a parent nurtures a child.

Becoming an actual adult citizen is just too frightening to them.

The Nanny State is a necessity for those who cannot manage their own affairs properly.


If you have to depend on the government for anything, it is not empowering to anyone other than the government.
If you count on the government to provide you with everything you need ... Then all you are getting is cheap stuff.

They cannot escape mediocrity and fairness as it is their goal (at least what the Authoritarian Fascists want you to believe).
I want excellence, and don't care if you need to try and drag me down to your level.

I will fight you and your Authoritarian Fascists all the way ... Every day ... And you can keep whatever cheap crumbs they pass your way.
Welcome to America.

You rely on your government for many thinngs. You would not have any sort of life without it.
Some people never leave childhood.

They see government as the mechanism for nurturing them like a parent nurtures a child.

Becoming an actual adult citizen is just too frightening to them.
You would struggle to leave childhood without government action. True.

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