Has republican rhetoric gone completely off the rails?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
If you read between the lines of the republican rhetoric spewed here at USMB you would conclude the following:

Poor people are to blame for our current economic woes

Rich people are victims worthy of our sympathy

And if that wasn't perversely illogical enough on it's own, their solution is to make more poor people.

I think I just answered my own question. 'Off the rails' is actually being generous.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
If you read between the lines of the republican rhetoric spewed here at USMB you would conclude the following:

Poor people are to blame for our current economic woes

Rich people are victims worthy of our sympathy

And if that wasn't perversely illogical enough on it's own, their solution is to make more poor people.

I think I just answered my own question. 'Off the rails' is actually being generous.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

WHAT in the world are you talking about, can you elaborate?
If you read between the lines of the republican rhetoric spewed here at USMB you would conclude the following:

Poor people are to blame for our current economic woes

Rich people are victims worthy of our sympathy

And if that wasn't perversely illogical enough on it's own, their solution is to make more poor people.

I think I just answered my own question. 'Off the rails' is actually being generous.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

How about actually reading the lines instead of between them. :eusa_whistle:
Wow, those dang republicans. I mean if they would just listen to and follow the suggestions of the Democrats, we'd all be so much better off!

I've been poor (literally ate the last bag of brown beans in the cupboard). I've been pretty well off (I wouldn't say rich). But here's the bottom line. You don't make one group better by STEALING from another group. If you are poor, you go out and you WORK to make yourself better. If you gave 100 welfare recepients one million dollars each (I don't care what ethnic group they were), only about 10 of them would have ANY money at the end of a year. So what then? You going to give them another million?

You cannot give people something and make them successful. If you believe that... wow.
Like Obama is talking all about reality right

"pass this bill ... If you love me, pass this bill" ... Not a single Pub or Dem is going to vote for it ... Talk about a Pres being out if touch.
"I care deeply about the three years of unemployment, I feel your pain. And I share your concerns, that's why, after my week vacation in marthas vineyard, I'm going to present a jobs bill that no one in their right mind will pass"
"this company is a shining example of Americas future, leading the way in solor powered green energy jobs"
First line: You are captain of your fate. What you do makes for what happens to you. Poor folks who get arrested for getting in fights, who drink to much, drop out of school, who spend all the money on lottery tickets have earned their position, just as the person who got a degree in something useful, works 60 hours a week and spends his money has earned his position as well.

Second line: Obama likes to divide and conquer. He likes to find the target, isolate it and raise jihad against it. Usually this target is randome rich person. Or the rich in general. Attacking the minority in order surpress ciivil discourse and make the whole society complicit in the robbery of the minority is why he is dangerous for civil liberty as well as the economy. I am not safe in what is mine unless everyone else is safe in what is theirs. If I the state allows the robbery of Israel Finkelstein, then it is very likely that I might be next on the socially approved robbery list.
If you read between the lines of the republican rhetoric spewed here at USMB you would conclude the following:

Poor people are to blame for our current economic woes

Rich people are victims worthy of our sympathy

And if that wasn't perversely illogical enough on it's own, their solution is to make more poor people.

I think I just answered my own question. 'Off the rails' is actually being generous.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

One thing for sure.....

By your own admission, You lack reading comprehensioon skills
"electric cars are the future. Freeing America from oil interests across the globe. We don't need oil anymore, that's why I'm stopping all oil production in our country. These electric cars are great, they don't even need electricity, that's why I'm regulating the coal powered electical power generation out of business"
Yup. He definetly feels the pain.

Everyone needs to tighen their belts.

While he throws our money down the drain. (Code for Solyndra)

Share the sacrifice. (Code for the Rich don't pay enough)

Oh yeah. Hope and Change is working real well.
Companies are hanging onto money and not creating any jobs because the economy is unstable. No one knows how high the taxes are going to go, what kind of regulations, mandates and fees they are going to face. Any investment at all is not going to be in the unstable United States but in a more stable foreign country like China or Russia.

The Republicans certainly are. They protect the people that almost took us down the tubes by crying about "class warfare". We haven't raised taxes, so where are the jobs?

So to be clear....

The small business of 30 people down the block? They created the mess we ar in?
The thousands of small businesses in the Empire State Building...they created the mess we are in?
The landscaper that does your neighborhood...he created the mess we are in?
The barber in town. He did?
Your plumber? Local Contractor?
How about that Law firm over in town square plaza? They did it?
The accounting firm that prepared your taxe return?


Or are you not aware that the GOP is for policies to protect those I stated above...and unfortunately, since we have a system of equality, the few evil business people out there also capitalize on those policies.....
Wow, those dang republicans. I mean if they would just listen to and follow the suggestions of the Democrats, we'd all be so much better off!

I've been poor (literally ate the last bag of brown beans in the cupboard). I've been pretty well off (I wouldn't say rich). But here's the bottom line. You don't make one group better by STEALING from another group. If you are poor, you go out and you WORK to make yourself better. If you gave 100 welfare recepients one million dollars each (I don't care what ethnic group they were), only about 10 of them would have ANY money at the end of a year. So what then? You going to give them another million?

You cannot give people something and make them successful. If you believe that... wow.

It's an historic problem, it’s just making its way around again. The wealthy first used divine justification for their station and their wealth (ancient civilizations), then they ruled by force.

Now they're the victims (stealing).

The poor can eat cake, right Marie Antoinette?

How'd that work out for her again?
Wow, those dang republicans. I mean if they would just listen to and follow the suggestions of the Democrats, we'd all be so much better off!

I've been poor (literally ate the last bag of brown beans in the cupboard). I've been pretty well off (I wouldn't say rich). But here's the bottom line. You don't make one group better by STEALING from another group. If you are poor, you go out and you WORK to make yourself better. If you gave 100 welfare recepients one million dollars each (I don't care what ethnic group they were), only about 10 of them would have ANY money at the end of a year. So what then? You going to give them another million?

You cannot give people something and make them successful. If you believe that... wow.

It's an historic problem, it’s just making its way around again. The wealthy first used divine justification for their station and their wealth (ancient civilizations), then they ruled by force.

Now they're the victims (stealing).

The poor can eat cake, right Marie Antoinette?

How'd that work out for her again?

Ah, there it is again; the last refuge of the liberal Jacobin-the threat (actual or implied) of "revolution" if they don't get their way. Well, here's a newsflash; even if they had the numbers (and they don't), even if they actually had the intestinal fortitude (and they don't), it takes more than numbers to stage a revolt, these days. The sword, club, pike and single-shot musket era ended a couple hundred years back. Of course the "progressives" (as they now style themselves, are quite well aware of this, which is why they use such threats in a desperate attempt to keep control of the state, wherein the real power resides. Their "desperate underclass" aren't going to start anything (they are stupid, not suicidal), except, perhaps, by accident, in which case they will find their numbers quickly reduced, in a manner not to their liking.

P.S. "Cake"? I no longer care if my "class enemies eat worms, dirt, or nothing at all. I did not put them in their position; they did that all by themselves, and can get out of it the same way. I'm not in the habit of being generous to my political enemies; this is now war by political methods, and they'll get no aid and comfort from me!
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