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Has the Antichrist been born?

"Even now there are many anti-Christs in the wolrd" (not sure where that Scripture is but it is there)

those who kill the innocent... just for existing (in the womb) are anti-Christ

those who lie and steal to get what they want... you know like in 2020... anti-Christ

those who treat one group of people well and cancel others... anti-Christ

Who knows?

I wonder what Scott Hahn thinks about this kind of thing?

but anyhow... the one in the WH looks a lot like I'd imagine the antiChrist to be like...

and someone I talked to b4 the election said he IS the anti-Christ... well, I didn't agree at the time... but then I saw all the EVIL he did and how he claims to be Catholic but wants to murder as many children in the womb as possible..

so anyway...

I think the antiChrist will be a little smarter, though (yeh, I know... not a tough hurtle...)

anyway... things are getting very, very.... um... anti-Christ-like... so just wondering...

ONE: The word antichrist is mentioned just 4 times in scripture.........and not once in the book of Revelation.
Mankind has been in the "last days of mankind" since the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:14-17)
The first "antichrist" was born over 2000 years ago.......according to the Apostle John, "Little children; IT IS THE LAST HOUR (when? in the 1st century when John was drafting this epistle); and ye have heard the antichrist cometh, EVEN NOW (in the 1st century) have there arisen MANY antichrists; whereby we know it is the last hour (1 John 2:18)

Who is an antichrist? "Who is the liar that denieth that Jesus is the Christ (anyone that denies Jesus is the Christ of prophecy, the only Begotten Son of the Father)? THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST, EVEN HE THAT DENIETH THE FATHER AND THE SON." (1 John 2:22)

What is the spirit (doctrine) of the antichrist? Its been in the world since the 1st century as its not an individual but a false religious doctrine. "And every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; AND NOW IS IN THE WORLD ALREADY." (1 John 4:3)

"For MANY DECIEVERS have gone forth into the world, even they that confess not Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the anitchrist." -- 2 John 1:7

There are many antichrists existing today in the 21 century. There are any number of religious cults that deny Jesus as being the Son of God and equal to God, just as there are billions of human seculars types that deny Christ as God.

There are more than a few supposed faith based cults that deny Jesus as God incarnate in being part of the trinity, the Godhead. MOROMISM, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, SCIENTOLOGY-DIANETICS, ISLAM, UNIFICATION CHURCH..........all classified as antichrists by scriptural definition.
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ONE: The word antichrist is mentioned just 4 times in scripture.........and not once in the book of Revelation.
Mankind has been in the "last days of mankind" since the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:14-17)
The first "antichrist" was born over 2000 years ago.......according to the Apostle John, "Little children; IT IS THE LAST HOUR (when? in the 1st century when John was drafting this epistle); and ye have heard the antichrist cometh, EVEN NOW (in the 1st century) have there arisen MANY antichrists; whereby we know it is the last hour (1 John 2:18)

Who is an antichrist? "Who is the liar that denieth that Jesus is the Christ (anyone that denies Jesus is the Christ of prophecy, the only Begotten Son of the Father)? THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST, EVEN HE THAT DENIETH THE FATHER AND THE SON." (1 John 2:22)

What is the spirit (doctrine) of the antichrist? Its been in the world since the 1st century as its not an individual but a false religious doctrine. "And every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; AND NOW IS IN THE WORLD ALREADY." (1 John 4:3)

"For MANY DECIEVERS have gone forth into the world, even they that confess not Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the anitchrist." -- 2 John 1:7

There are many antichrists existing today in the 21 century. There are any number of religious cults that deny Jesus as being the Son of God and equal to God, just as there are billions of human seculars types that deny Christ as God.

There are more than a few supposed faith based cults that deny Jesus as God incarnate in being part of the trinity, the Godhead. MOROMISM, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, SCIENTOLOGY-DIANETICS, ISLAM, UNIFICATION CHURCH..........all classified as antichrists by scriptural definition.
other than that last sentence or 2, I already knew all this. I have read the Bible and have heard much of it over and over and over again bc I go to Mass as often as possible. The Catholics read Scripture EVERY day (unless some given Church does not have Holy Mass on a certain day.. but usually in a big city, you can find Masses Mon through Sunday)

anyway... it is everyone's individual responsiblity to not be an anti-Christ...
other than that last sentence or 2, I already knew all this. I have read the Bible and have heard much of it over and over and over again bc I go to Mass as often as possible. The Catholics read Scripture EVERY day (unless some given Church does not have Holy Mass on a certain day.. but usually in a big city, you can find Masses Mon through Sunday)

anyway... it is everyone's individual responsiblity to not be an anti-Christ...

The only thing I have against Catholicism is the fact they regard Papal Tradition to be the equal or superior to the Holy Scriptures. The same thing that Jesus chastised the religious leaders in His day for doing. Dressing up in vibrant robes, and paying more attention to tradition than scripture, segregating the Laymen from the Clergy, making long winded prayer for show. (Matthew 11:21-22, 15:3-9)

Anyone that denies the Christ as being the only Begotten Son of the Father is an anitchrist, or as Jesus Himself stated, "He who is not with Me is against Me........." (Matthew 12:30)

Its everyone's responsibility to search the scriptures in order to find Christian truth, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God.....a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15
Who knows?

I wonder what Scott Hahn thinks about this kind of thing?

but anyhow... the one in the WH looks a lot like I'd imagine the antiChrist to be like...

and someone I talked to b4 the election said he IS the anti-Christ... well, I didn't agree at the time... but then I saw all the EVIL he did and how he claims to be Catholic but wants to murder as many children in the womb as possible..

so anyway...

I think the antiChrist will be a little smarter, though (yeh, I know... not a tough hurtle...)

anyway... things are getting very, very.... um... anti-Christ-like... so just wondering...
So are you rapture ready?
Who knows?

I wonder what Scott Hahn thinks about this kind of thing?

but anyhow... the one in the WH looks a lot like I'd imagine the antiChrist to be like...

and someone I talked to b4 the election said he IS the anti-Christ... well, I didn't agree at the time... but then I saw all the EVIL he did and how he claims to be Catholic but wants to murder as many children in the womb as possible..

so anyway...

I think the antiChrist will be a little smarter, though (yeh, I know... not a tough hurtle...)

anyway... things are getting very, very.... um... anti-Christ-like... so just wondering...

In the passage about the antichrist--says its the number of a man--number is the key, it is not calling the AC a man. False religion is teaching it will be a man. Anyone who understands english knows-number is the key in that statement.
In the numbers of men- 7 = complete, Thus 6 falls short of complete. There are 3 things in the power positions all promising better things for mans future
2) false religions-6
3)the commercial system-6

all fall short of complete in comparison to Gods kingdom is a 7= complete--Gods kingdom will be a cure all. Men cannot get us out of this mess they are causing.
Who knows?

I wonder what Scott Hahn thinks about this kind of thing?

but anyhow... the one in the WH looks a lot like I'd imagine the antiChrist to be like...

and someone I talked to b4 the election said he IS the anti-Christ... well, I didn't agree at the time... but then I saw all the EVIL he did and how he claims to be Catholic but wants to murder as many children in the womb as possible..

so anyway...

I think the antiChrist will be a little smarter, though (yeh, I know... not a tough hurtle...)

anyway... things are getting very, very.... um... anti-Christ-like... so just wondering...

Seems to me, speaking from a fairly well-informed opinion on the matter, the Anti-Christ will be a man possessed of unrivaled animal magnetism, charm and charisma capable of melting the hearts of women on sight and making men want to die for him battle—any battle. Further, the AC will not come off to the world as overtly evil or malevolent in any way, but rather present himself as a man who strives for peace and freedom. He will likely even insinuate he is the second coming of Christ but never come right out and make such a claim.

Joe Biden is a plain old mortal man who has aged well past his sell by date. The AC will be a man of indeterminate age; a man who enshrines in one body both the wisdom of the elderly and the physical energy of the young. Further and lastly, I do not believe the Anti-Christ will reveal himself immediately, rather he will prefer to work behind the scenes allowing others to carry out his master plan until the moment of his appearance can have the most powerful effect on the world.

Has the Antichrist been born?​

Well, there's this guy who married three times and cheated on all three wives repeatedly.

He also stole from the elderly at his fake university.

He also sexually assaults women in the belief his celebrity will keep them from complaining.

He made his fortune off gambling dens, contests of the flesh, and a game show which encourage the worst human failings.

He would barge into the dressing rooms of underaged beauty contestants in the hopes of catching them naked.

He lusts after his own daughter.

He cannot open his mouth without lying profusely. He is the greatest of deceivers.

He has managed to get millions of people to throw their moral principles right out the window, including an evangelical vice president who sold his soul for a little temporary earthly power.

So if the Antichrist is around, he is going to have to make a serious effort to stand out, what with this kind of competition out there!
Its everyone's responsibility to search the scriptures in order to find Christian truth, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God.....a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15
why do you insist that people search the Scriptures but not Tradition?

who are you to s ay they should ignore one and focus on the other?

I mean, you have to answer that Q first... WHO are you?

You are not a pope
you are not someone who has lived through 20 centuries of Church history...

true, not many of us are

But some of us trust the 2000 year old Church (over just any old yahoo in the public forum--or even a priest... [not all priests are true Catholics])
Well, there's this guy who married three times and cheated on all three wives repeatedly.

He also stole from the elderly at his fake university.

He also sexually assaults women in the belief his celebrity will keep them from complaining.

I know you don't want me to litanize all clinton's sins
or byedims?

we'd be here all day...

maybe you need to re-adjust your focus a little

just a thought
why do you insist that people search the Scriptures but not Tradition?

who are you to s ay they should ignore one and focus on the other?

I mean, you have to answer that Q first... WHO are you?

You are not a pope
you are not someone who has lived through 20 centuries of Church history...

true, not many of us are

But some of us trust the 2000 year old Church (over just any old yahoo in the public forum--or even a priest... [not all priests are true Catholics])
Tradition? There is nothing inherently wrong with tradition..........tradition is not intrinsically evil or wrong as it comes from human judgments (judgements can be good or bad). However I find much fault with tradition when it contradicts the word of God......when it takes the place of LAW that is recorded in scripture. No one has the authority to change one word found in the Holy Scriptures. There is a curse placed upon those who do. They will no longer find their names recorded in the Book of Life. (Rev. 22:19)

Example of accepting tradition for reasons other than found in the Holy Scriptures. Take Christmas and Easter, or any other "traditional" American Holiday. July 4th, Halloween....etc. I have no problem following these traditions because they are American Traditions and I would never think of depriving anyone of these Traditional Holiday activities.......especially the children.

But when Easter and Christmas are promoted as Law by some universal church......where there is never any mention of command to observe such Pegan Sabbaths........I refuse to tolerate this tradition as a religious service, because its a man made tradition. The RCC began these sabbaths (special religious services) by combining Jewish Tradition and Pagan Tradition found in the Roman Empire together........and it (the RCC) did so not by Lawful commands found in the scriptures but by Church Decree.

Why Not Search Tradition? Ask Jesus Christ what He thought of the church hierarchy promoting man made tradition over the actual content of the Holy Scriptures?

(Matthew 15:3-9) Jesus was intolerant of anyone that set aside the Law of God (the word of God) found in scripture in order to follow human tradition. If its not in scripture we are commanded to not go beyond or to "think" beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:6)

What did Jesus actually say to those who followed tradition over scripture? "Why do you transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? .......................thus, you have made the commandments of God of no effect by your tradition.........HYPOCRITES!"

Because TRADITION perverts the straight ways of the Lord. Scriptural examples. Stephen called the Jews he was addressing "Stiffnecked and Uncircumcised in their hearts because they were promoting the tradition of Jewish circumcision upon those who were never of the Jewish faith......he also stated, they were murderers and betrayers of the truth of the prophets because of tradition when they did not even comprehend the scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah as they rejected Christianity (Acts 7:51-52). Paul called them perverters of the straight path found in scripture (Acts 13:10)
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Tradition? There is nothing inherently wrong with tradition..........tradition is not intrinsically evil or wrong as it comes from human judgments (judgements can be good or bad). However I find much fault with tradition when it contradicts the word of God......when it takes the place of LAW that is recorded in scripture. No one has the authority to change one word found in the Holy Scriptures. There is a curse placed upon those who do. They will no longer find their names recorded in the Book of Life. (Rev. 22:19)

Example of accepting tradition for reasons other than found in the Holy Scriptures. Take Christmas and Easter, or any other "traditional" American Holiday. July 4th, Halloween....etc. I have no problem following these traditions because they are American Traditions and I would never think of depriving anyone of these Traditional Holiday activities.......especially the children.

But when Easter and Christmas are promoted as Law by some universal church......where there is never any mention of command to observe such Pegan Sabbaths........I refuse to tolerate this tradition as a religious service, because its a man made tradition. The RCC began these sabbaths (special religious services) by combining Jewish Tradition and Pagan Tradition found in the Roman Empire together........and it (the RCC) did so not by Lawful commands found in the scriptures but by Church Decree.

Why Not Search Tradition? Ask Jesus Christ what He thought of the church hierarchy promoting man made tradition over the actual content of the Holy Scriptures?

(Matthew 15:3-9) Jesus was intolerant of anyone that set aside the Law of God (the word of God) found in scripture in order to follow human tradition. If its not in scripture we are commanded to not go beyond or to "think" beyond what is written (1 Cor. 4:6)

What did Jesus actually say to those who followed tradition over scripture? "Why do you transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? .......................thus, you have made the commandments of God of no effect by your tradition.........HYPOCRITES!"

Because TRADITION perverts the straight ways of the Lord. Scriptural examples. Stephen called the Jews he was addressing "Stiffnecked and Uncircumcised in their hearts because they were promoting the tradition of Jewish circumcision upon those who were never of the Jewish faith......he also stated, they were murderers and betrayers of the truth of the prophets because of tradition when they did not even comprehend the scriptures concerning the coming of the Messiah as they rejected Christianity (Acts 7:51-52). Paul called them perverters of the straight path found in scripture (Acts 13:10)
I know you don't want me to litanize all clinton's sins
or byedims?

we'd be here all day...

maybe you need to re-adjust your focus a little

just a thought
Not a POPE? Neither was Peter........the first record of the PAPAL OFFICE did not occur in history until centuries after the church of Christ was established. 606 AD to be exact. One does not require a POPE, or any other church officer to stand between our prayers and heaven. A Christian prays to no MAN......including the puffed up peacocks calling themselves priests of a self professed universal church. The POPE is not Christ's representative on earth......all members of the church, lay person and clergy alike are members of a royal priesthood that asks our sins be forgiven THROUTH CHRIST our High Priest.

What happens when you deny the actual content in the Holy Scriptures and promote TRADITION made up by man? You deny your priests any sexual outlet........and cause them to rape young children. You form your own nation and request monies from all nations on earth. God loves you but send your money to my address..........the Vatican. You make up reasons to field armies and seek treasures in other lands.....such as the Crusades......then accuse anyone that disagree with any Papal decree of being heretics and torture them on the rack or burn them at the stake....etc., The Spanish Inquisitions.

A Pope is not required nor addressed in the Holy Scriptures. Christ is the head of the Chruch not the Pope.

Jesus is our one an only HIGH PRIEST and we require not go between to approach His throne.

"You too, (the church members) are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." -- 1 Peter 2:5

"You, however are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people He claims for His own to proclaim the glorious works of the One who called you from the darkness into His marvelous light." -- 1 Peter 2:9

Revelation 1:6, written by John proclaims, ".........Who has made us a royal nation of priests in the service of His God and Father."

Though One Sacrifice, on the cross, Jesus became the sole mediator through which men have access to God (1 Tim. 2:5, Heb. 7:26-27, Eph. 2:18). He Jesus is the only author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him (Heb. 5:8-9)

When you do not follow His word? You get the corruption known as the RCC with its child rapists, its enactments of war and torture.......and its mafia type collections of tributes.

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