Has the Bible ever been proven wrong?

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"Actual Footage"


It's so unfortunate that folks feel that Bible stories are somehow less valid because they are less than absolutely factual--I think they miss the point.

at our church the teach the bible as parables and life leasons....not fact
"Actual Footage"


It's so unfortunate that folks feel that Bible stories are somehow less valid because they are less than absolutely factual--I think they miss the point.
Proves the Bible wrong though.
I suppose that depends upon what you need it to be right about.
Well if the question is "has the Bible EVER been proven wrong?" I think we can hang the mission accomplished banner.
Ever been wrong about "what?" is my question.

If you say "Universal Flood," I'll just say, "So what? That's not what it needs to be right about", and your "mission" becomes pointless.
Thats' what the video does:
Explain the Genesis contradiction

Explain the feasability of the Flood and the Ark

Oh, here's a simple one: if the Bible is inerrant, then why does it give a value for pi (3.14159...) that, screw correctness, isn't even an approximation?
How about "The Supposed Infallability of God's Word in the Bible."
I think you'll have to first establish which part of the bible are "God's Words" and not a man's words inspired by God, and then demonstrate (in only those cases where we are discussing God's Words) that there is proof of error.
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