Has the Bible ever been proven wrong?

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I have no idea what you're talking about, yet it is clear that you are obtusely missing the point.

I'm trying to point out that your insistance that I have to let go of my presumption, all the while clinging to yours , is kinda hypocritical don't you think?
true but if you are wrong then you would be a hypocrit.....how about prove that god does not exist

I would be a hypocrit if I demanded he shed his presumption, while maintaining mine...I made no such demand except in a sarcastic response to his. He makes his arguments on the presumption that God exists, I make mine based on the presumption God does not. For him to tell me that I have to drop my presumption so that his presumption can prevail, i.e. some of the Bible is God's word, is a joke.
I would be a hypocrit if I demanded he shed his presumption, while maintaining mine...I made no such demand except in a sarcastic response to his. He makes his arguments on the presumption that God exists, I make mine based on the presumption God does not. For him to tell me that I have to drop my presumption so that his presumption can prevail, i.e. some of the Bible is God's word, is a joke.

the bible is god's word and you can not prove otherwise
I'm trying to point out that your insistance that I have to let go of my presumption, all the while clinging to yours , is kinda hypocritical don't you think?
I see. I was mistaken. It is you who has no idea what you're talking about--there is absolutely no hypocracy at all on my part.
not sure you all are using the word in proper context

hypocrite: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
the people that wrote it claim god spoke to them and they wrote down what they were told ... prove that their claims are not true

God just told me that he didn't tell them anything...prove my claim untrue. We can ping-pong back and forth all day, it still boils down to presumption on both our parts.
not sure you all are using the word in proper context

hypocrite: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

You're probably right...trilingual is probably a better description for Loki's argument.
What about the Genesis contradiction? You didn't even attempt that one.

Now as for your answers:
1. What this doesn't make sense. Are you saying that plate tectonics stopped 3,000 years ago, the entire Earth flattened, flooded, drained, and then went on again. That's riddiculous. Plate tectonics has been around for billions of years, working continously. What you purpurt is impossible.

2. 1 Kings 7:23
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
1. There is no contradiction in Genesis.
2. The Earth is way older than 3000 years. Where in the Bible is that age stated?
3. I’d say that is a pretty good approximation of pi for ancient man to understand. Did you expect God to say that the sea was perfectly round, and that the circumference was exactly 31.41592654 cubits? Even if He did, you’d complain that He didn’t provide more digits.
God just told me that he didn't tell them anything...prove my claim untrue. We can ping-pong back and forth all day, it still boils down to presumption on both our parts.
Except you are a single person, and the Bible was written by many, therefore they are more credible. Besides, even you know you are lying.
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