Has the Left won the moral soul of America?

Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

Well, they can't now but how do you reconcile the lefts willingness to kill 60million plus in the womb?

You saying only liberals get abortions ? No one is forced to have one .

So when does life start for you? Zygote stage?
If cons care so much about babies why do they cut WIC and other nutrition and welfare programs that help them?
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

Dear God in heaven!

Who gave you a book on logical fallacies.

I lost track counting them.

Ok. Then tell me what morals the right has ? Name one .

They like to claim they are being good Christians, but it’s all talk. For example , the cons hatred of the poor. Not very Christian.

as I stated in another post its totally fine for Trump to bear false witness, and commit adultery breaking Gods commandments - yet the RW looks the other way and lays claim to a higher moral compass then the left does.

they cant deny that either.

Just look at today’s news . Dozens killed beaus of that stupid embassy move . Everyone saw this coming. .
Moral depravity knows no bounds.

The one issue that is not trending Left is on abortion. Most Americans still oppose it.

That holds some promise.
in fact its going the other way.

Part of the issue is the academics and culture approve the left....but it wont last....even millennials are seeing how full of shit they are. the left are being incredibly stupid.......the have the cultural power and enforce it in NAZI like fashion.....people will rebel.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?
When does life start?
A spermatozoa is alive.
...and so is an egg, and a woman is born with all her eggs, and she was an egg in her mother, who was an egg in her mother, and so on all the way back to mitochondrial "Eve" some hundreds of thousands of years ago. It could almost be called immortality. It would almost make one give thought to what, exactly, life and death are, but thought is, well, so much effort.
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Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

No, it’s the truth.

You going to claim morals when you back a guy who’s proven to violate all those morals you supposedly care about?
my moral code is simple - live and let live.

I dont try to force my morals down your throat, you dont force yours on me.

the world is a better place.

Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I believe it. The left is the champion of inclusion, the right has staked out exclusion as their position. This applies to civil rights, gay rights, and immigration. The hatred and fear the right displays of the left is off-putting to most people as is the championing of the rich over the middle class. Every time another group gets full rights and the country doesn't collapse the population moves more in that direction.
my moral code is simple - live and let live.

I dont try to force my morals down your throat, you dont force yours on me.

the world is a better place.


What people say and what they do are quite separate things. Unless the tax-payer pays for your stupidity / abortions / children of single mothers etc. I bet you change your tune completely.
What is "the democrat party"? The term doesn't 'google'.
If it is a political party, since when are they a source of moral guidance? That's for philosophers and religion.
If this is somehow a reference to one of the members of the two party dictatorship running the U.S. government, it will take some explaining to show what the differences are and how morality has much to do with their operations.

Morality is derived from perceived authority figures. This would be teachers, parents, the state, clergy, etc.

It is interesting that issues like abortion are declared murder by the church, but a large number of people in the church discard this moral stance and side with the DNC.

The DNC is rife with such people like Nancy Pelosi. Their god is the DNC

It is also interesting that the Pope is not out there day and night campaigning about the Holocaust of infants. Instead, he gives lectures on how good it is for Big Government and those that build walls will go to hell.

But then, they were also silent when the Nazi regime were killing off Jews, so.......

If you derive your morality from a perceived authority, then you’re doing it wrong.

Any person who considers morality analytically, and reasons out a moral position using logic and compassion has a much stronger moral foundation which also works better in a practical sense in the real world than a morality passed down by an authority such as a church leader, politician, or ancient text.
my moral code is simple - live and let live.

I dont try to force my morals down your throat, you dont force yours on me.

the world is a better place.


What people say and what they do are quite separate things. Unless the tax-payer pays for your stupidity / abortions / children of single mothers etc. I bet you change your tune completely.

I live my life within the system of my country. If I want to change that or my so called tune I vote accordingly. Pissing and moaning on a message board changes nothing.

Kudos Mr Nothing.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?
I don't look at it as when life begins and I don't try to define when that is either. The baby is a part of the woman's body and entirely dependant until I guess mid 3rd trimester. It will likely become a live born American citizen but it's not a sure thing and I think there's an argument that until it's out and alive and thriving it's not a citizen and it doesn't benefit from its own rights separate from the mother. If you're going to try to argue it does have it's own full rights, then some external entity like the state would become an actor with power over the mother and her choices. It would be impossible to work out where the line is between mother's rights and babies rights. I'd consider supporting some partial rights a for fetuses to protect against frivolous harm or extermination.

With some supporting policy coverage I think end of 1st trimester might be doable. By that time the woman should know she's pregnant and based on her circumstance should know if she wants to bring it to term for adoption or to raise on her own or with a partner. I'm sure things can change after the 1st trimester. Sometimes the baby doesn't even make it that long. But the decision should be made by then and hopefully is separate from any life or relationship drama. I know heart beat and brain activity occur before the 2nd trimester but they don't look like reasonable limits. If there is a choice it needs to be allowed when the woman knows she's pregnant. To know she's pregnant she needs access to tests and health care. To rephrase, a woman may not be able to exercise her choice before the babies heart beats or there is brain activity.

It's certainly not something to be taken likely. A woman is grossly irresponsible by waiting until the 3rd trimester and then seeking an abortion with out any extenuating circumstance.

All this said, any policy that's implemented needs to be efficient in practice and effective in results. If we implement a compromise but illegal black market abortions jump then the policy isn't good enough. People on the right should understand that making something illegal doesn't mean it will be prevented from happening. I'm 100% against the campaign to limit access to women's health clinics that do abortions. This undoubtedly leads to unhealthy illegal options or denies her the choice.
Anyway, as I've said before, morals are nothing but community norms. This is demonstrated by the way moral behaviour changes with communities. Valid morals help the community survive.
I’m still waiting for a list of some of these right wing morals.

Righties talk big, but their actions say otherwise .
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The key point, the American population has naturally accepted positions on issues that are more liberal. 'The left' is a fake construction of angry cons.

Note in the survey, only 9% approve of extramarital affairs which is in great opposition to 80% of evangelicals who voted for Lying Trump who has had numerous extramarital affairs with prostitutes.

Morality is no longer relevant to conservatives. They latched on to moral relativism like a leech in a blood bank.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

Dear God in heaven!

Who gave you a book on logical fallacies.

I lost track counting them.

Ok. Then tell me what morals the right has ? Name one .

They like to claim they are being good Christians, but it’s all talk. For example , the cons hatred of the poor. Not very Christian.

That is a bold faced lie.

Those of faith far out give their time and money to the poor than those who are not of faith

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Dims who don't believe in God just sit around whining as to how we should elect politicians to force them to pay more taxes in the hopes that some of that actually goes to the poor while they just sit on their ass. However, only about 9 cents on the dollar that is designated to go to the poor actually does, much like Al Capone owning soup kitchens for the poor. It gives them legitimacy.
my moral code is simple - live and let live.

I dont try to force my morals down your throat, you dont force yours on me.

the world is a better place.


When Christians try to give political support to end abortion this is always the claim, stop trying to force your religious beliefs down our throats cuz their is a separation of church and state.

However, when the Left wants to let immigrants into the US they always say, "This is what Jesus would do, help the poor".

In fact, Jeb Bush said that it was an act of "love" to let immigrants into the country. Can anyone fathom him saying that about helping end abortions?


Let's be honest here, you have no problem forcing things down other peoples throats that you agree with.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?
I think a lot of people aren't following closely enough. For instance, on abortion the right is suggesting some decent compromises but people that aren't paying attention may revert to their default pro-choice or pro-life extreme positions. Democrat or republican politicians may not be able or willing to take a position of compromise if they are open to getting primaried by someone who is more extreme. Meanwhile the right succeeds at limiting access at the state level. I think a mid to late term ban on abortions that don't have a medical or safety implication is a good idea. But..this issue is a lot bigger than just abortion. It includes contraceptives, sex ed, WIC, STDs, substance addiction, the hookup culture, high rates of single motherhood, health care coverage and accessibility. Lots of stuff that I bet people lean liberal on individually but don't vote liberal because it's often personal preference.

The Left tries to pretend that abortion is merely a religious issue and deflect regarding the issue being one of science.

When does life start?

You seem to think that it starts midway in development in the womb.

Why is that?


I know prisoners are definitely alive . The “moral” cons have no problem with the death penalty.

Viability? Does that mean being kept alive by medicine or just kept alive via the mother caring for the infant cuz it can't feed itself? Are those on welfare viable? Also, if someone requires life support at any time do they stop being human cuz they are no longer "viable"?

I happen to think that there are certain people in society that don't belong back into society in order to maintain a civil society. Those who murder ought not to be back in society.

Unfortunately, Dims like yourself release them back into society all the time to repeat their offenses.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

Yes. I believe it.

It's not simply a trend. It's progress. You cannot stop it unless you successfully kill freedoms.

It matters. Of course it matters.

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