Has the Left won the moral soul of America?

Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

The Left had no problem with Clinton’s abuse of women yet had the audacity to say the Republicans had a war on women.

What abuse ? There were a couple accusers . Nothing like we have today . And let’s not forget the big deal righties made about it.

A porn star comes forward about consensual paid for sex and your Leftist lapdog media cover that story over Korea peace and you accuse US about making a big deal about more than a couple coming forward about Clinton.
Let them die.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Grab her by the pu$$y.

Hungry children work harder.

Hatred of gays, blacks, Muslims, Hispanics and so on.

Love the fetus, the baby? Target practice.

Cut job training for veterans.

Bring up REAL GOP positions and right away they throw up Bill Clinton as if that's a magical get out of jail card.

If they really believed in their positions, they would embrace them instead of, when confronted, pretending they belonged to someone else.

But it's too late. WE KNOW who Republicans are from their policies.
I don't remember who said it but -

'Obama is who America thinks it is,
trump is who America really is'.

Excellent phrase...

I think America is more Obama than it is Trump though. I think there is a particularly American strain in the human DNA that is optimistic, courteous, honorable, brave, and yes...vulnerable. These are Obama's traits.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

America is not trending toward the Left. If they were, then America would not respond very positively in so many ways with a sigh of relief when given some conservative relief.

If you steer a boat to the port and it goes that way, do you say the boat has a bias? No. With America, you have constant outside forces from George Soros, to the Leftist controlled Media, the Leftist controlled government which has swung to the Left in BOTH parties, to Leftist controlled education pushing and teaching liberal values, to Leftist polling companies to even Leftist-influenced industry constantly pressuring and swaying influence. Television shows, articles, everywhere is the constant hammering to accept Leftist values. So it only stands to reason that it would be highly shocking NOT to see it reflected in the polls!

That is until to take away the pressure and offer the public straight down the middle conservative values and you instantly get a springboard of support and enthusiasm. People tend to tell you what they think you want to hear, but given the chance, welcome most conservative values with refreshing relief.
Moral depravity knows no bounds.
I totally agree.

Let them die.

Tax cuts for billionaires.

Grab her by the pu$$y.

Hungry children work harder.

Hatred of gays, blacks, Muslims, Hispanics and so on.

Love the fetus, the baby? Target practice.

Republicans are totally depraved.

All fear mongering and liberal induced propaganda. What is true is that the dems are the party of slavery and segregation and still continue to this day placing people in groups in order to cater their lies more easily .
I don't remember who said it but -

'Obama is who America thinks it is,
trump is who America really is'.

Excellent phrase...

I think America is more Obama than it is Trump though. I think there is a particularly American strain in the human DNA that is optimistic, courteous, honorable, brave, and yes...vulnerable. These are Obama's traits.

Optimistic yes. O wasn't an optimist though .
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

The right has no morals . They only use fake moral outrage to mask their hate and bigotry.

They back Trump ! How can you claim morals !?

Well, they can't now but how do you reconcile the lefts willingness to kill 60million plus in the womb?
How can you make a moral case for a fetus when you don't care about the born?

You recite that same lib lie everyday as if it somehow justifies and allows you to sleep at night. Its quite amusing.
I don't remember who said it but -

'Obama is who America thinks it is,
trump is who America really is'.

Excellent phrase...

I think America is more Obama than it is Trump though. I think there is a particularly American strain in the human DNA that is optimistic, courteous, honorable, brave, and yes...vulnerable. These are Obama's traits.

Optimistic yes. O wasn't an optimist though .

Sure he was. Criminally gullible if you ask me.
Optimistic yes. O wasn't an optimist though .

Obama thought so little of America that he said he needed to Fundamentally Transform it. Just another word for Totalitarian Communism. He was the most divisive President in modern history, and ran up more debt than all other Presidents combined. He also felt it necessary to go on a world apology tour, explaining why America was so bad to foreigners. Despicable.

That's not optimism, that is creating a crisis to implement more, and more government.
Americans Hold Record Liberal Views on Most Moral Issues

It appears that on almost every social issue of today, Americans are trending towards the morality of the Left.

Who believes this or does not believe it and why?

Also, does a society trend indicate being "right"?

And lastly, does it matter?

America is not trending toward the Left. If they were, then America would not respond very positively in so many ways with a sigh of relief when given some conservative relief.

If you steer a boat to the port and it goes that way, do you say the boat has a bias? No. With America, you have constant outside forces from George Soros, to the Leftist controlled Media, the Leftist controlled government which has swung to the Left in BOTH parties, to Leftist controlled education pushing and teaching liberal values, to Leftist polling companies to even Leftist-influenced industry constantly pressuring and swaying influence. Television shows, articles, everywhere is the constant hammering to accept Leftist values. So it only stands to reason that it would be highly shocking NOT to see it reflected in the polls!

That is until to take away the pressure and offer the public straight down the middle conservative values and you instantly get a springboard of support and enthusiasm. People tend to tell you what they think you want to hear, but given the chance, welcome most conservative values with refreshing relief.

You are wrong. Just compare the politics of the time of JFK to that of today. JFK gave the speech, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". JFK also lowered taxes and passed Executive Order 11110 to do away with the Fed.....right before he was shot.

If he were alive today, he would be considered a right winged loon, more so that Trump.

No, the politics have always shifted left thanks to the Progressive era.

And yes, every time the Dims get into power, they are rejected. That is because they run on lies. They have to, or no one would ever vote for them. However, the GOP does no better and does nothing other than enable them and support them.
You are wrong. Just compare the politics of the time of JFK to that of today. If he were alive today, he would be considered a right winged loon.

Amazing that you first make my point about how politics keep shifting us to the Left, then tell me I'm totally wrong! I'm not sure if JFK would be considered a "loon worse than Trump," but the fact of the matter is that what was "liberal and progressive" in the early 60s would be moderate to right wing today. BOTH parties have steered us to the Left, by design, and when the Left now rails about the "radicalism of the Right," they are really calling moderation "radical." That is how far left they have gone. So what a person needs to do is ignore the Left, ignore the media and keep one's views focused on the horizon------ the "hard right" or "neocon" of today is really a centrist, and the standard by which we should measure ourselves is Barry Goldwater, a true right wing conservative. The fact that the nation chose LBJ in a landslide just goes further to prove that the average voter hasn't a clue what they vote for. Conservatism is politics of the intellect, where we do what we know is right, like an adult, even if it is painful for a while. Liberalism is politics of the heart, what this nation founders fought to escape---- ---- like a child promised goodies, it always sounds and feels good and seems right at first until much later when, like candy, we find out later it has eventually eaten away our teeth, and in the long run is self-destructive.
You are wrong. Just compare the politics of the time of JFK to that of today. JFK gave the speech, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". JFK also lowered taxes and passed Executive Order 11110 to do away with the Fed.....right before he was shot.

It amazes me that people on the left and right thought JFK was going to fulfill their wishes if only he wasn't shot.

When he was pretty mediocre in his first three years.

Reality- JFK Left the rich paying a 70% top marginal rate. He was hardly a supply sider.

If he were alive today, he would be considered a right winged loon, more so that Trump.

If Reagan were alive today, you'd call him a snowflake.

He gave amnesty to illegals, supported gun control laws, increased the size and scope of government.

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