Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

Aug 7, 2012
Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast

Waldman asks:

As the end of this election approaches, it's worth taking a step back and asking this question: In the entire history of the United States of America, from George Washington's election in 1789 on down, has there been a single candidate as unmoored from ideological principle or belief as Mitt Romney? I'm not just throwing an insult here, I ask this question sincerely. Because I can't think of any.

I can't myself. Politicians change - but not so completely and back again without even a hair out of place. I find it chilling. And how, as president, in those inevitable moments of crisis will anyone be able to believe you? Because you could simply etch-a-sketch into another argument just as swiftly. I think the strategy to pull the Etch-A-Sketch just as vast numbers of low information voters tune in to the first debate was a stroke of cynical genius. But because it's so obviously pure cynicism, the great initial taste begins to have a bit of a bitter after-taste. Who on earth is this man, and what would he do in office? I thought he had effectively remade himself into the leader of the Tea Party GOP. But since October 3, I'm just bewildered. And alarmed.

This pretty well sums up how I feel about him.
Fixed Massachusetts as Republican.

Good to go for me out of the choices.
Ask over 12,000 pro-pot, porn and giant titty crowd on a nationally syndicated shock jock program who is very pro-Obama:


Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast

Waldman asks:

As the end of this election approaches, it's worth taking a step back and asking this question: In the entire history of the United States of America, from George Washington's election in 1789 on down, has there been a single candidate as unmoored from ideological principle or belief as Mitt Romney? I'm not just throwing an insult here, I ask this question sincerely. Because I can't think of any.

I can't myself. Politicians change - but not so completely and back again without even a hair out of place. I find it chilling. And how, as president, in those inevitable moments of crisis will anyone be able to believe you? Because you could simply etch-a-sketch into another argument just as swiftly. I think the strategy to pull the Etch-A-Sketch just as vast numbers of low information voters tune in to the first debate was a stroke of cynical genius. But because it's so obviously pure cynicism, the great initial taste begins to have a bit of a bitter after-taste. Who on earth is this man, and what would he do in office? I thought he had effectively remade himself into the leader of the Tea Party GOP. But since October 3, I'm just bewildered. And alarmed.

This pretty well sums up how I feel about him.
I have to agree with Andrew Sullivan. I've never see a candidate change his views so frequently.
He probably thinks that his target audience is too uninformed to figure it out.
I have to agree with Andrew Sullivan. I've never see a candidate change his views so frequently.
He probably thinks that his target audience is too uninformed to figure it out.

If I really cared, I would go get all the "evolutions" Obama has made during his term as POTUS, but I truly could give two shits what you guys think of Romney. You are going to vote for the "evolutionist in chief" anyway so why bother?
I personally like to call him a liar, but what do I know...?

You idiots crack me up... really ya do. :badgrin:
Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast

Waldman asks:

As the end of this election approaches, it's worth taking a step back and asking this question: In the entire history of the United States of America, from George Washington's election in 1789 on down, has there been a single candidate as unmoored from ideological principle or belief as Mitt Romney? I'm not just throwing an insult here, I ask this question sincerely. Because I can't think of any.

I can't myself. Politicians change - but not so completely and back again without even a hair out of place. I find it chilling. And how, as president, in those inevitable moments of crisis will anyone be able to believe you? Because you could simply etch-a-sketch into another argument just as swiftly. I think the strategy to pull the Etch-A-Sketch just as vast numbers of low information voters tune in to the first debate was a stroke of cynical genius. But because it's so obviously pure cynicism, the great initial taste begins to have a bit of a bitter after-taste. Who on earth is this man, and what would he do in office? I thought he had effectively remade himself into the leader of the Tea Party GOP. But since October 3, I'm just bewildered. And alarmed.

This pretty well sums up how I feel about him.

You people who keep asking this stupid question betray both how partisan you are, and how Naive you are. History did not start when Obama was elected jack ass.
Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast

Waldman asks:

As the end of this election approaches, it's worth taking a step back and asking this question: In the entire history of the United States of America, from George Washington's election in 1789 on down, has there been a single candidate as unmoored from ideological principle or belief as Mitt Romney? I'm not just throwing an insult here, I ask this question sincerely. Because I can't think of any.

I can't myself. Politicians change - but not so completely and back again without even a hair out of place. I find it chilling. And how, as president, in those inevitable moments of crisis will anyone be able to believe you? Because you could simply etch-a-sketch into another argument just as swiftly. I think the strategy to pull the Etch-A-Sketch just as vast numbers of low information voters tune in to the first debate was a stroke of cynical genius. But because it's so obviously pure cynicism, the great initial taste begins to have a bit of a bitter after-taste. Who on earth is this man, and what would he do in office? I thought he had effectively remade himself into the leader of the Tea Party GOP. But since October 3, I'm just bewildered. And alarmed.

This pretty well sums up how I feel about him.
I have to agree with Andrew Sullivan. I've never see a candidate change his views so frequently.
He probably thinks that his target audience is too uninformed to figure it out.

are you kidding me?

Gutanamo Bad!!! then, ITS GOOD!
Gay Marriage BAD!!! then, ITS GOOD!
Drone Strikes BAD!!!, then ITS GOOD!

All politicians shift gears. The only reason people notice it with Romney is that Dems point it out.
Obama: born in Kenya, eats dogs, had our Libyan ambassador assassinated for slandering the prophet of Islam
I believe we saw one like this four year's ago one who told us he would have the most transparent administration in history and has given us one of the least transparent one who told us he would close gitmo on day one and it's still open as I post this one who supported traditional marriage four year's but this election year supports gay marriage. I could post other examples but I think the point is clear.
Republican syncopants are pitiful. No point in discussing anything with them. One-liners and talking points laced with profanity isn't discussion. If that's how they are, then they must want the country run that way too. Mitt Romney then, would be their guy--platitudes and lies!
Republican syncopants are pitiful. No point in discussing anything with them. One-liners and talking points laced with profanity isn't discussion. If that's how they are, then they must want the country run that way too. Mitt Romney then, would be their guy--platitudes and lies!

And yet the fact that is all you ever post here is lost on you just insults, talking points, and partisan idiocy from liberal websites. I guess the old saying is true the man in the mirror really is the last to know.
It depends upon the definition of ideological principle or belief. Somebody define that and maybe I'll have an opinion.

I can't think of a more morally bankrupt candidate for president than Billy Bubba Clinton.
You guys are supporting Obama and you are complaining about unprincipled politicians? After one of the most corrupt administrations in American history.
anyone who thinks romney fixed massachusetts doesn't know what they're talking about.
Has There Ever Been A Candidate Like Mitt Romney?

by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Beast

Waldman asks:

As the end of this election approaches, it's worth taking a step back and asking this question: In the entire history of the United States of America, from George Washington's election in 1789 on down, has there been a single candidate as unmoored from ideological principle or belief as Mitt Romney? I'm not just throwing an insult here, I ask this question sincerely. Because I can't think of any.

I can't myself. Politicians change - but not so completely and back again without even a hair out of place. I find it chilling. And how, as president, in those inevitable moments of crisis will anyone be able to believe you? Because you could simply etch-a-sketch into another argument just as swiftly. I think the strategy to pull the Etch-A-Sketch just as vast numbers of low information voters tune in to the first debate was a stroke of cynical genius. But because it's so obviously pure cynicism, the great initial taste begins to have a bit of a bitter after-taste. Who on earth is this man, and what would he do in office? I thought he had effectively remade himself into the leader of the Tea Party GOP. But since October 3, I'm just bewildered. And alarmed.

This pretty well sums up how I feel about him.

well good, you could of kept the shit to yourself..Instead of dumping it on us here..

Andrew Sullivan what a friggen NUT JOB, writes like a kid in high school too...low information votes huh...I hope he and you choke on those word in a few weeks:lol::lol:
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Obamabot crashes are a hoot huh? Good sign for Romney though. Looks like the Bots are now preparing for an Obama loss.
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Republican syncopants are pitiful. No point in discussing anything with them. One-liners and talking points laced with profanity isn't discussion. If that's how they are, then they must want the country run that way too. Mitt Romney then, would be their guy--platitudes and lies!

you are nothing but a joke on this board

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