Has Trump Forgot That Ben Carson Is A Doctor???

Hey guess what moron. The surgeon general is black and a doctor also so what’s yer fucking point?
and he is also not the point man on this pandemic is he?

He is treated as an afterthought....

Seems as tho black guys with medical degrees, one being a public health administrator and the other being a world famous surgeon -- seems those qualifications aint enough to be point man for a medical emergency...

But begging dictators for money and being married to Daddy's little girl is a qualification
No he isn’t dumbass. He is at every briefing. Do ewe even know what he looks like? Just admit that your agend is to trash Trump. Pretense does not become ewe.
I understand that Dr Carson is a "darkie". Huge issues with credibility when getting the message across to Donnys base.
.....here in the US, blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college, which they graduate at lower rates....figure in they are only 13% of the population and it is clear that not many at all are qualified for higher up positions
Yea, we know you think blacks are inferior and best used as props instead of competent people...

But back to the post.......why isn't Ben Carson the point man on this virus response??

Oh wait, you just told me....
why are you afraid of the truth??
....blacks graduate high school at lower rates = less qualified for college
this is a fact----is it NOT?
I don't know...you can show me the numbers if you like.....

then I will still ask you the same question...

Why is a world famous brain surgeon not more qualified than a guy who is only where he is because he is married to daddy little's girl??

No amount of "blacks are inferior" racist babble will explain away the fact that you dic suckers worship a moron
How many corona virus patients need brain surgery?
Hey guess what moron. The surgeon general is black and a doctor also so what’s yer fucking point?
and he is also not the point man on this pandemic is he?

He is treated as an afterthought....

Seems as tho black guys with medical degrees, one being a public health administrator and the other being a world famous surgeon -- seems those qualifications aint enough to be point man for a medical emergency...

But begging dictators for money and being married to Daddy's little girl is a qualification
No he isn’t dumbass. He is at every briefing. Do ewe even know what he looks like? Just admit that your agend is to trash Trump. Pretense does not become ewe.
I am going to ask again....

Why isn't Carson or the Surgeon General the lead man on this virus??

What the fuck has Jared accomplished to be the "lead man"??

Do you honestly think if Jared wasn't married to Ivanka -- there would be calls being made to see what Jared thinks about the situation?? Fuk no....
I understand that Dr Carson is a "darkie". Huge issues with credibility when getting the message across to Donnys base.
.....here in the US, blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college, which they graduate at lower rates....figure in they are only 13% of the population and it is clear that not many at all are qualified for higher up positions
Yea, we know you think blacks are inferior and best used as props instead of competent people...

But back to the post.......why isn't Ben Carson the point man on this virus response??

Oh wait, you just told me....
why are you afraid of the truth??
....blacks graduate high school at lower rates = less qualified for college
this is a fact----is it NOT?
I don't know...you can show me the numbers if you like.....

then I will still ask you the same question...

Why is a world famous brain surgeon not more qualified than a guy who is only where he is because he is married to daddy little's girl??

No amount of "blacks are inferior" racist babble will explain away the fact that you dic suckers worship a moron
How many corona virus patients need brain surgery?
How many of them need to bailout failed real estate properties??

There is a reason you keep twisting yourself into pretzels to justify the dumbness of your cult leader
I understand that Dr Carson is a "darkie". Huge issues with credibility when getting the message across to Donnys base.
.....here in the US, blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college, which they graduate at lower rates....figure in they are only 13% of the population and it is clear that not many at all are qualified for higher up positions
Yea, we know you think blacks are inferior and best used as props instead of competent people...

But back to the post.......why isn't Ben Carson the point man on this virus response??

Oh wait, you just told me....
why are you afraid of the truth??
....blacks graduate high school at lower rates = less qualified for college
this is a fact----is it NOT?
I don't know...you can show me the numbers if you like.....

then I will still ask you the same question...

Why is a world famous brain surgeon not more qualified than a guy who is only where he is because he is married to daddy little's girl??

No amount of "blacks are inferior" racist babble will explain away the fact that you dic suckers worship a moron
How many corona virus patients need brain surgery?
How many of them need to bailout failed real estate properties??

There is a reason you keep twisting yourself into pretzels to justify the dumbness of your cult leader
There is a reason that all democrats are assholes!

"Kushner doesn’t only suffer from intellectual overreach. Self-dealing may have made a cameo too in the middle of crisis, and we have seen this movie before. Earlier, the Kushners had attempted to attract capital from China, by touting EB-5 visas in exchange for investments and looked to Anbang, a Chinese conglomerate, to bail them out of their real estate positions. "

Does Ben Carson need to marry one of Trump's relatives to be taken seriously as a medical professional during this pandemic?? Does Dr. Carson have to own or have family ties to a company who can profit from this outbreak like Kushner??

Of all of the "roles" Jared was assigned to lead, he has accomplished ZERO other than asking dictatorships for money -- I have seen Trump sycophants seriously ask "Who is more qualified than Jared?" -- Face it, if he wasn't married to Trump's daughter, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will be looking to him for any type of leadership about a global pandemic....

Is Ben Carson just the token negro that Trumpers can trot out to prove how "not racist" they are?? He is a fucking brain surgeon, why isn't he the point person when it comes to fighting this outbreak??

Is he? I thought carson was the main character in " Zombie Apocalypse "
I understand that Dr Carson is a "darkie". Huge issues with credibility when getting the message across to Donnys base.
.....here in the US, blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college, which they graduate at lower rates....figure in they are only 13% of the population and it is clear that not many at all are qualified for higher up positions
Yea, we know you think blacks are inferior and best used as props instead of competent people...

But back to the post.......why isn't Ben Carson the point man on this virus response??

Oh wait, you just told me....
why are you afraid of the truth??
....blacks graduate high school at lower rates = less qualified for college
this is a fact----is it NOT?
I don't know...you can show me the numbers if you like.....

then I will still ask you the same question...

Why is a world famous brain surgeon not more qualified than a guy who is only where he is because he is married to daddy little's girl??

No amount of "blacks are inferior" racist babble will explain away the fact that you dic suckers worship a moron
How many corona virus patients need brain surgery?
How many of them need to bailout failed real estate properties??

There is a reason you keep twisting yourself into pretzels to justify the dumbness of your cult leader
There is a reason that all democrats are assholes!
Deflection noted....
Carson may have made a better point man than Pence.
Lol, now Carson is a doctor and not a house ni@#er? Liberalism is a mental disease.
He is a doctor -- and Trump and his ilk are telling me why is a house nigga too........as usual
Nope you loons were making fun of Carson ever since he got into politics. Now you use him to bash Trump. If Trump did put him over this you would say what a bad decision it was.
I understand that Dr Carson is a "darkie". Huge issues with credibility when getting the message across to Donnys base.
.....here in the US, blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college, which they graduate at lower rates....figure in they are only 13% of the population and it is clear that not many at all are qualified for higher up positions
Yea, we know you think blacks are inferior and best used as props instead of competent people...

But back to the post.......why isn't Ben Carson the point man on this virus response??

Oh wait, you just told me....
why are you afraid of the truth??
....blacks graduate high school at lower rates = less qualified for college
this is a fact----is it NOT?
I don't know...you can show me the numbers if you like.....

then I will still ask you the same question...

Why is a world famous brain surgeon not more qualified than a guy who is only where he is because he is married to daddy little's girl??

No amount of "blacks are inferior" racist babble will explain away the fact that you dic suckers worship a moron
hahahahahhaahahhaha..as usual, you Trump haters are very funny --I love the hate/etc in your posts.....hahhahahahahhah
you deny blacks are inferior at graduating high school???!!
....and this does not count the mostly white private schools with even higher grad rates
Is Ben Carson just the token negro that Trumpers can trot out to prove how "not racist" they are?? He is a fucking brain surgeon, why isn't he the point person when it comes to fighting this outbreak??

If you needed to hire a volleyball coach, would you consider someone who's been a longtime coach in the NFL?

Hey, they're both sports, right?

the football coach would be a closer fit than hiring a insurance salesman.

But, ultimately, he would still be a failure...

Uh no he wouldn't, because most coaches coach multiple sports.

"Kushner doesn’t only suffer from intellectual overreach. Self-dealing may have made a cameo too in the middle of crisis, and we have seen this movie before. Earlier, the Kushners had attempted to attract capital from China, by touting EB-5 visas in exchange for investments and looked to Anbang, a Chinese conglomerate, to bail them out of their real estate positions. "

Does Ben Carson need to marry one of Trump's relatives to be taken seriously as a medical professional during this pandemic?? Does Dr. Carson have to own or have family ties to a company who can profit from this outbreak like Kushner??

Of all of the "roles" Jared was assigned to lead, he has accomplished ZERO other than asking dictatorships for money -- I have seen Trump sycophants seriously ask "Who is more qualified than Jared?" -- Face it, if he wasn't married to Trump's daughter, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will be looking to him for any type of leadership about a global pandemic....

Is Ben Carson just the token negro that Trumpers can trot out to prove how "not racist" they are?? He is a fucking brain surgeon, why isn't he the point person when it comes to fighting this outbreak??

Because being a brain surgeon doesnt make you an expert on communicable diseases?
Well, if Covid-19 starts attacking the brain, Carson's your man. He's a neurosurgeon, not a pulmonologist.

Just as you wouldn't go to an orthopedist to remove a cancerous tumor, so should you not go to a neurosurgeon to treat a respiratory illness...

What medical degree does Kushner hold again.

I've never suggested that Kushner was at all qualified or had any medical degree.

I'm simply suggesting that, when it comes to doctors to address this, there are doctors far more qualified than Carson...

I experienced this just yesterday.
When I had my hip replaced I developed a fungal infection in my hip,candida to be specific.
A very rare type at that,a CDC Doc came to my room and said they were going to install a PICC line so I could go home and administer the solution myself.
Two and a half months go by and I'm on my last week using the PICC line and I pull the line out about 3 inches from its original position,in my heart, while I was sleeping and the CDC Doc said it needed to come out and be replaced.
I of course wanted nothing to do with a trip to the hospital in my condition and asked what difference it made where it was as long as it was getting into my bloodstream and my surgeon agreed.
Turns out he and I were both wrong and serious complications could arise if the line terminated in the wrong place.
I had em pull the line today at the house. I figured if I was trying to avoid the hospital that was the best bet.
Well, if Covid-19 starts attacking the brain, Carson's your man. He's a neurosurgeon, not a pulmonologist.

Just as you wouldn't go to an orthopedist to remove a cancerous tumor, so should you not go to a neurosurgeon to treat a respiratory illness...

What medical degree does Kushner hold again.

I've never suggested that Kushner was at all qualified or had any medical degree.

I'm simply suggesting that, when it comes to doctors to address this, there are doctors far more qualified than Carson...

You mean like the Pandemic Team Trump dismantled.

Do you dumbfucks ever stop lying?

Well, if Covid-19 starts attacking the brain, Carson's your man. He's a neurosurgeon, not a pulmonologist.

Just as you wouldn't go to an orthopedist to remove a cancerous tumor, so should you not go to a neurosurgeon to treat a respiratory illness...

What medical degree does Kushner hold again.

I've never suggested that Kushner was at all qualified or had any medical degree.

I'm simply suggesting that, when it comes to doctors to address this, there are doctors far more qualified than Carson...

You mean like the Pandemic Team Trump dismantled.

Do you dumbfucks ever stop lying?

Maybe they learned from the best.

Well, if Covid-19 starts attacking the brain, Carson's your man. He's a neurosurgeon, not a pulmonologist.

Just as you wouldn't go to an orthopedist to remove a cancerous tumor, so should you not go to a neurosurgeon to treat a respiratory illness...

What medical degree does Kushner hold again.

I've never suggested that Kushner was at all qualified or had any medical degree.

I'm simply suggesting that, when it comes to doctors to address this, there are doctors far more qualified than Carson...

You mean like the Pandemic Team Trump dismantled.

Do you dumbfucks ever stop lying?

Maybe they learned from the best.

You're like the national Lame Stream Media but more useless.
No one believes you morons.

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