Corrupt'; Jared Kushners Overseas Business Deals Under Fire As Trump Runs For President

The parallels are hilarious. The Biden Crime Syndicate has NOTHING of value to peddle, and yet reaped millions from foreign governments antagonistic to, or competitive with, the United States.

Kushner and his family, as well as the Trump family, have decades of experience in making real estate development deals, most of which are highly profitable to almost everyone involved.

It is to laugh.

And they did so AFTER Joe Biden retired from politics with no intention of running again.

Xi must be seriously pissed given that since coming into office, Biden has created a new Quadrilateral Defense Treaty with Australia, Japan and India; signed major trade deals with India and Viet Nam, and strengthened NATO, to the detriment of Russia.

No wonder XI is pushing for a return of Donald Trump and a further weakening and destabilization of the US government when he does.
A true asshole makes trouble for people that are their betters when they know they can't compete with them. Trump and his family have exposed a lot of assholes by exposing their jealousy and inferiority. Every new Trump investigation-prosecution exposes more of these assholes as well. It's hard to believe how many of these crooked and shallow assholes there are. MAGA
It's even harder to believe how many of these crooked and shallow assholes belong to a CULT that worships an orange bag O' shit. MAGA
The parallels are hilarious. The Biden Crime Syndicate has NOTHING of value to peddle, and yet reaped millions from foreign governments antagonistic to, or competitive with, the United States.

Kushner and his family, as well as the Trump family, have decades of experience in making real estate development deals, most of which are highly profitable to almost everyone involved.

It is to laugh.

That's why Charlie Kuchner was in jail, and was pardoned by Trump, and Donald Trump is now on his way there. Because they're honest, ethical businessmen who were very successful, and never lied or cheated anybody.

Trump was NEVER a "successful real estate developer". 7 bankruptcies and counting tell the real story. Trump was a successful TV host and conman.
lol more desperate sniveling by assorted deviants, faggots, pedoes, ad nauseam whose 'Party' has no platforms it can credibly sell any more and relies on race baiting, sexual perversions, and vote rigging to stay on power. The closer to the election. the more wigged out these gimps are going to get.
A Friday report in the New York Times scrutinized Kushner's real estate deals in Balkan countries of Albania and Serbia, in which he stands to reap significant financial benefits once they're completed. The Times reported that Kushner has been working with Richard Grenell, who was Trump's former acting Director of National Intelligence who also served as German ambassador and a special envoy to the Balkans.

Notably, two of the three projects Kushner is aiming to finalize this year involve the transfer of land currently owned by Albania and Serbia, meaning a member of the president's immediate family (Kushner is married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka) stands to receive money directly from foreign governments.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to investigate Biden's son, Hunter, for his own foreign business deals even as Kushner plows ahead in the Balkans.

You maggats better hope tRump wins. Because if he doesn't, life is going to become very unpleasant for the tRump klan.

I'll make sure not to vote for Kushner.

A Friday report in the New York Times scrutinized Kushner's real estate deals in Balkan countries of Albania and Serbia, in which he stands to reap significant financial benefits once they're completed. The Times reported that Kushner has been working with Richard Grenell, who was Trump's former acting Director of National Intelligence who also served as German ambassador and a special envoy to the Balkans.

Notably, two of the three projects Kushner is aiming to finalize this year involve the transfer of land currently owned by Albania and Serbia, meaning a member of the president's immediate family (Kushner is married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka) stands to receive money directly from foreign governments.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to investigate Biden's son, Hunter, for his own foreign business deals even as Kushner plows ahead in the Balkans.

You maggats better hope tRump wins. Because if he doesn't, life is going to become very unpleasant for the tRump klan.

"Moreover, in the final two weeks of the Trump Administration, Mr. Kushner traveled to Saudi Arabia purportedly on official business—even though any reasonable window for meaningful foreign policy achievements would have closed with an upcoming inauguration of a new President."

"Wyden expressed concern that Kushner's "limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds."

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