Corrupt'; Jared Kushners Overseas Business Deals Under Fire As Trump Runs For President

What could Jared have possibly done for the Saudis that was worth 2 billion ? I believe it's blood money for giving classified information about Kashogi that allowed them to murder him. Jared visited the Saudis 3 times before the assignation and was given the money afterwards. What else would you expect from such a criminal family.

He did some paintings. The were really nice.
I am my own person , I have a brain and actually use it unlike you scarecrow. I bet you believe, if you are even aware, that on Jan 5th. ( hopefully you still remember what happened on the now infamous Jan.6th. ) Trump's buddy Stone met with the militia leaders on the Capitol grounds. You think that was a coincidence , did they just talk about the weather. Think , the truth is staring you in the face. Wake up already.
So when you claimed your opinions had credibility you met with just yourself? Gotcha
So when you claimed your opinions had credibility you met with just yourself? Gotcha
At this time. If the right people hear my concerns and they investigate the matter , they will put the pieces together also. Just as I suggested to Homeland Security to get lip readers to review the tape of Stone's meeting with the militia leaders on Jan. 5th. Since it contained no audible track of the conversation they had. Any citizen can report on the hotline 1-877-437-7411. If it's noteworthy they get back to you as they did in my case. Try to have a good night. I plan on it. Fortunately our political discussion group has a lip reader in the group. We already know what went down and why.
At this time. If the right people hear my concerns and they investigate the matter , they will put the pieces together also. Just as I suggested to Homeland Security to get lip readers to review the tape of Stone's meeting with the militia leaders on Jan. 5th. Since it contained no audible track of the conversation they had. Any citizen can report on the hotline 1-877-437-7411. If it's noteworthy they get back to you as they did in my case. Try to have a good night. I plan on it. Fortunately our political discussion group has a lip reader in the group. We already know what went down and why.

Why you called a hot line on email get stone!
Why you called a hot line on email get stone!
trump isn't that bright. Devious yes , but not very bright. He keeps getting caught in his lies and schemes. Stone was definitely involved in the plot and probably masterminded it.
trump isn't that bright. Devious yes , but not very bright. He keeps getting caught in his lies and schemes. Stone was definitely involved in the plot and probably masterminded it.
What does that after you do with yoj calling a hotline?
What does that after you do with yoj calling a hotline?
We reported our findings on the Jan 6th. debacle. You know there was 44,000 hours of video of it. That was not all available to the public and what there was of it was difficult to come by. It took months to search it all.
We reported our findings on the Jan 6th. debacle. You know there was 44,000 hours of video of it. That was not all available to the public and what there was of it was difficult to come by. It took months to search it all.
reported to Homeland Security via a hotline....yeah....I got that much
reported to Homeland Security via a hotline....yeah....I got that much
Thank you , every one of US has to do our part as patriotic Americans if we're going to save our country from these terrorists.
7 years there's been of this garbage.

Why do Democrats seem to think people can't make money legally and ethically? :uhh:

More like 50 years of this garbage. Trump didn't start his criminal career 7 years ago. He started it when he went to work for his father's company. His bankruptcies started when his father could no longer bail out his business losses, and that's when his career as a fraudster really took off.

When Trump bragged in the 1990's about walking away from his first 2 bankruptcies with $40 million in his OWN pockets, I had 10 years in banking and 15 years working as a law clerk, and I tried to figure out how he could possible have done that. We're watching him do it again with his crooked media company.

Trump has already made application to the SEC to drop the requirement that he hold his stocks for at least 6 months before "dumping" them in his latest "pump and dump" scheme. Even as the stock loses value daily.
The parallels are hilarious. The Biden Crime Syndicate has NOTHING of value to peddle, and yet reaped millions from foreign governments antagonistic to, or competitive with, the United States.
Like those millions from foreign governments that Republicans have been trying to find for over three years now and have nothing to show for their efforts?
Kushner and his family, as well as the Trump family, have decades of experience in making real estate development deals, most of which are highly profitable to almost everyone involved.
Kushner is part of the Trump crime family


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