Has Washington Prevented Juba from Committing Political Suicide?


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
Apart from the success or failure of Al Bashir-Kiir summit on pending issues, we have to know the reasons behind US deep concern with the summit and why US has given the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn the go ahead to host the summit.
In statement to London-based Asharq Al Awast newspaper, formed US Special Envoy to Sudan and South, Princeton Lyman has advised Juba to normalize its ties with Khartoum as the only receipt to its political and economic ailment.
The US plays significant and decisive role in the Sudanese-South Sudanese relations due to the close relations between Juba and Washington. Juba doesn’t take any step without consulting Washington, unlike Khartoum which seeks equal and free of dictation relations.
Obama administration has realized the great risks that South Sudan is facing due to unresolved issues with Sudan, therefore Ambassador Lyman was entrusted to carry out the mission. But in its second term, the Obama administration hasn't initiated to prevent new born state from committing "economic and political suicide".
Interviewed by Al Sharq Al Awasat daily, Lyman said Juba should shoulder up its responsibility to withdraw its forces from the joint borders to pave the way before the establishment of the demilitarized zone and disengage with the Divisions 9th and 10th in South Kordofan and Blue Nile so as to be allowed to pump its oil exports via Sudan.
Describing South Sudan's behaviour as "political and economic suicide" indicates Washington's anger over Juba's recklessness with disputed issues. Lyman, therefore, has labelled South Sudan government as liberation army waiting for the war in the jungle.
It’s true that Washington is currently concerned with changing the mentality of hard-line figures within the ruling movement, who endanger the whole state for Abyei, their homeland. Washington's patience is beginning to fade, so it is planning within a couple of months to get rid of the hard-line South Sudanese leaders to put all matters on the track.
Washington is biased against Khartoum and doesn't support normalizing bilateral ties with Sudan and in same time it has taken strict measures against South Sudanese leaders for lacking strategic thinking.

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