Hate-A-Rama: The Vulgar, Sexist, Racist, Homophobic Rage of the Left

Feb 18, 2011
Hate-A-Rama: The Vulgar, Sexist, Racist, Homophobic Rage of the Left - Michelle Malkin - Townhall Conservative

Barack Obama's new era of civility was over before it began. You wouldn't know it from reading The New York Times, watching Katie Couric or listening to the Democratic manners police. But America has been overrun by foul-mouthed, fist-clenching wildebeests.

Yes, the tea party movement is responsible -- for sending these liberal goons into an insane rage, that is. After enduring two years of false smears as sexist, racist, homophobic barbarians, it is grassroots conservatives and taxpayer advocates who have been ceaselessly subjected to rhetorical projectile vomit. It is Obama's rank-and-file "community organizers" on the streets fomenting the hate against their political enemies. Not the other way around.
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Plus, yer not supposed to quote whole articles around here. Better edit it down.

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