Hate crimes charges dropped in beating

Race must be a factor in the commission of the crime in order for it to be a hate crime. White man beats up black man because black man has been banging white man's wife. No hate crime. White man beats up black man because white man hates black men. Hate crime. Very simple.

I assume you are agreeing with me when you say "shocking" as it relates to this particular case.
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The first thing Holder did after taking office was to drop all charges against New Black Panthers who were obviously guilty of voter intimadation of white people (hate crime should have been included). When asked why, he said, "I did not become Attorney General to prosecute black men". That says it all!
Black hatred of honky's is justified, therefore not covered under hate crimes laws.

Which are bullshit anyway. Thought crimes.

Race must be a factor in the commission of the crime in order for it to be a hate crime. White man beats up black man because black man has been banging white man's wife. No hate crime. White man beats up black man because white man hates black men. Hate crime. Very simple.

I assume you are agreeing with me when you say "shocking" as it relates to this particular case.

It might be convenient to simple minded liberals but it certainly isn't simple. If the crimes are the same why should the punishment be more severe because a person hates his/her victim? Isn't domestic violence about some form of hatred? Aren't most assaults based on hatred? The government has no right to presume what is in a person's mind except if it exonerates a person by reason of insanity.

Race must be a factor in the commission of the crime in order for it to be a hate crime. White man beats up black man because black man has been banging white man's wife. No hate crime. White man beats up black man because white man hates black men. Hate crime. Very simple.

I assume you are agreeing with me when you say "shocking" as it relates to this particular case.

It might be convenient to simple minded liberals but it certainly isn't simple. If the crimes are the same why should the punishment be more severe because a person hates his/her victim? Isn't domestic violence about some form of hatred? Aren't most assaults based on hatred? The government has no right to presume what is in a person's mind except if it exonerates a person by reason of insanity.

The punishment is not more severe because the defendant hates the victim. There is an element of hate in all crimes of violence. The punishment only becomes more severe when the crime is committed BECAUSE OF the victim's race.

Hate crime legislation is directed against bigots who commit crimes against minorities because of their bigotry. If you cannot see that beating a black person to death simply becaue they are black is much more morally culpable than beating a black person to death because he has raped your wife, then our discussion of this topic need proceed no farther.

Sounds to me like you are in favor of committing crimes against minorities merely because they are minorities. Surely that couldn't be the case, could it?
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Race must be a factor in the commission of the crime in order for it to be a hate crime. White man beats up black man because black man has been banging white man's wife. No hate crime. White man beats up black man because white man hates black men. Hate crime. Very simple.

I assume you are agreeing with me when you say "shocking" as it relates to this particular case.

It might be convenient to simple minded liberals but it certainly isn't simple. If the crimes are the same why should the punishment be more severe because a person hates his/her victim? Isn't domestic violence about some form of hatred? Aren't most assaults based on hatred? The government has no right to presume what is in a person's mind except if it exonerates a person by reason of insanity.

The punishment is not more severe because the defendant hates the victim. There is an element of hate in all crimes of violence. The punishment only becomes more severe when the crime is committed BECAUSE OF the victim's race.

Hate crime legislation is directed against bigots who commit crimes against minorities because of their bigotry. If you cannot see that beating a black person to death simply becaue they are black is much more morally culpable than beating a black person to death because he has raped your wife, then our discussion of this topic need proceed no farther.

Sounds to me like you are in favor of committing crimes against minorities merely because they are minorities. Surely that couldn't be the case, could it?

If bigotry was against the law most lefties who hate right wing information sources and fundamentalist Christians would be in jail. I would speculate that someone who beat anyone to death would face the death penalty. It doesn't really matter if they hated or loved the victim. Why should "crimes against minorities" be judged any differently than crimes against any American? It's all knee jerk liberalism designed to make the plantation more comfortable for Blacks.

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