Hate to say it, but Donald Dump was right on McCain

I would like to point out unless I have missed it McCain like pretty much all soldiers has never called himself a hero that is what others call him and his fellow POW. Just my personal opinion any man who fights to survive and continues to endure that pain and suffering when giving up and succumbing to death seems preferable is a hero.

Then all men who survive wars are heroes? Then what of those who sacrificed their lives in war, are they heroes too?

I guess everyone remotely involved in a war is a hero then?

So what does the word 'hero' really mean? To some degree all veterans are heroes, if they serve honorably, but not all who serve are Audy Murphy either.
I would like to point out unless I have missed it McCain like pretty much all soldiers has never called himself a hero that is what others call him and his fellow POW. Just my personal opinion any man who fights to survive and continues to endure that pain and suffering when giving up and succumbing to death seems preferable is a hero.

Then all men who survive wars are heroes? Then what of those who sacrificed their lives in war, are they heroes too?

I guess everyone remotely involved in a war is a hero then?

So what does the word 'hero' really mean? To some degree all veterans are heroes, if they serve honorably, but not all who serve are Audy Murphy either.
If you notice those who survive war are the first to say those who didn't make it back are the true Heroes. True not everyone who serves is Audy Murphy but are the men who survived the Bataan Death March any less heroic than he was? Everyone has there own idea of what makes a hero that much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
By all accounts John McCain acted heroically while held as a POW.
As a US senator, however, he's been a sell out and a dunce.
To be fair, Senator McCain started all of this mess when he called Donald Trump's supporters a bunch of crazies. I don't seem to recall the Republican National Committee telling Senator McCain to apologize
Large numbers of people agree with what McCain said. Very few agree with what Trump said. In addition, Trump put a blatant lie in his comment about having 15,000 supporters at his rally at a venue that only held a little over 5,000 and was counted by Fire Marshall's to be exactly 5,299 and that included the media.
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John McCain has rode this hero shit to the moon and back. While everyone was being killed and maimed, dude was tucked safely away being torturured....yeah right?? The reason he didn't want to get released because it meant he may have to go back and fight again.....His record on helping todays vets, suck.

Obviously someone just turned you on to this video...

By all accounts John McCain acted heroically while held as a POW.
As a US senator, however, he's been a sell out and a dunce.

I agree with the dunce part, but no, it is not by all accounts McCain acted heroically as a POW. Her sang, sang, sang for his better preferential treatment and did propaganda audios for the Vietnamese.

He was a collaborator, a traitor.
McCain's no hero. All he did was survive as a POW and once home he used that status to get into politics where he's been for way to long.

Loads of POW's survived from all previous wars and no one is calling those guy's hero's.

McCain is nothing special and a hero he sure as hell ain't.
Who does not call former POW's from any war a hero? Any man who volunteers to be at the tip of the spear and on the front line under fire is a hero. Men who volunteer to be shock troops such as Marines, Paratroopers Rangers and Special Op's do so knowing they will be in the front, leading the charge and with the troops taking the highest casualties. Pilots and air crews are also the tip of the spear. Ten other Americans were shot down on the day McCain was shot down. They volunteer for the most dangerous jobs. McCain could have gotten any kind of job in the Navy he wanted. He could have flown aircraft that subjected him to less danger. He chose and volunteered for the most dangerous job in the Navy.
Who does not call former POW's from any war a hero?
Al Franken, Wesley Clark, Chris Rock...
OK, I know about the jokes made by Franken and Rock, but what did Gen. Clark say. I know he said being a fighter pilot did not qualify one for the Presidency, but he acknowledged McCain as a hero in the same statement. Do you have a link to the General making negative comments or being disrespectful about former POW's?
Who does not call former POW's from any war a hero?
Al Franken, Wesley Clark, Chris Rock...
OK, I know about the jokes made by Franken and Rock, but what did Gen. Clark say. I know he said being a fighter pilot did not qualify one for the Presidency, but he acknowledged McCain as a hero in the same statement. Do you have a link to the General making negative comments or being disrespectful about former POW's?

, when asked to compare whether Mr. Obama’s lack of military service measured up to Mr. McCain’s experience as a fighter pilot who was shot down, Mr. Clark replied: “Well, I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.”

Franken was stumping, not joking. Rock's humor was part of the obama sheeple campaign. So there needs to be a media consistency in attacking those who question McCain's heroism. Don't hold your breath.
Who does not call former POW's from any war a hero?
Al Franken, Wesley Clark, Chris Rock...
OK, I know about the jokes made by Franken and Rock, but what did Gen. Clark say. I know he said being a fighter pilot did not qualify one for the Presidency, but he acknowledged McCain as a hero in the same statement. Do you have a link to the General making negative comments or being disrespectful about former POW's?

Another misnomer about McCain's "war hero" legacy is - he was fighter pilot... nope.

McCain may have acted heroically while he was a prisoner in NV but it's more likely that he was self loathing and may even have had a death wish because he couldn't live up to the expectations that the Navy and his family had for the son and grandson of two of the Navy's most admired Admirals.

John Karaagac, in his book title McCain had this to say:


“In his memoir, everything becomes a kind of game of adolescent brinksmanship, how much can one press the limits of the acceptable and elude the powers that be….The [fighter jocks’] ethos of exaggerated, almost aggressive sociability becomes an end in itself and an excuse for license. There is a tendency for people, not simply to believe their own mythology but, indeed, to exaggerate it…. Fighter jocks, like politicians around their campaign contributions, often press the limits of the acceptable. It is a type of mild corruption that takes place in a highly privileged atmosphere, where restraints are loosened and excuses made….McCain gives some hint in his memoirs about where he stood in the hierarchy among carrier flyers. Instead of the sleek and newer Phantoms and Crusaders, McCain flew the dependable Douglas A-4 Skyhawk in an attack, not a fighter squadron. He was thus on the lower end of the flying totem pole.”

And this Excerpt from the Rolling Stone article:


Now 30 years old, McCain was trying to live up to his father’s expectations, to finally be known as something other than the fuck-up grandson of one of the Navy’s greatest admirals. That morning, preparing for his sixth bombing run over North Vietnam, the graying pilot’s dreams of combat glory were beginning to seem within his reach.
Well I just read Trump is leading in the national polls.

He must be saying things those polled agree with.

Somehow Trump is still doing well in the polls New York Post

This guy explains it pretty well:
"Instead, it remains all Trump all the time, by the very media who claim to consider Trump a joke.

Why? Because the political media are obsessed with the sort of story that puts Trump in the spotlight time and time again. They get excited about controversial (they think) things people say, about "gaffes," about insults, about bombast . . . all the sort of stuff that's Trump's specialty. But here's where they're going wrong, and where Trump is outsmarting them at every turn.

They think the rules of the game are these: Candidate sticks foot in mouth. Media pounces. Candidate "walks it back". (Who invented that idiotic expression?) Rivals denounce. Candidate attempts damage control. Media decides whether to declare candidate has recovered. Candidate either survives to campaign another day or folds up the tent. And of course, in Trump's case, there would never be any declaration of recovery.

The problem for the media is that Trump doesn't play that game. The way Trump plays the game is as follows: Trump says whatever he wants to say. Media pounces. Trump tells media and anyone else who doesn't like it to go to hell. Media has apoplectic seizure, thus putting Trump front and center day after day after day. Trump continues to defy media and do what he wants. Media covers Trump's intransigence as if it were the biggest news story of all time. Trump soars to the top of the polls.

Trump's lead is the media's creation, and he's very intentionally manipulating them into it. He understands that anyone who doesn't play by their rules will become the ongoing focus of their ire, but the other thing he understands that typical politicians don't is that you're better off continuing to defy them than you are meekly backing down on the dumbass theory that "you shouldn't start a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel." Far from it, get them to use their barrels of ink to your benefit."

Politics Trump is leading because he s playing media fools like a fiddle Best of Cain
Well I just read Trump is leading in the national polls.

He must be saying things those polled agree with.

Somehow Trump is still doing well in the polls New York Post

This guy explains it pretty well:
"Instead, it remains all Trump all the time, by the very media who claim to consider Trump a joke.

Why? Because the political media are obsessed with the sort of story that puts Trump in the spotlight time and time again. They get excited about controversial (they think) things people say, about "gaffes," about insults, about bombast . . . all the sort of stuff that's Trump's specialty. But here's where they're going wrong, and where Trump is outsmarting them at every turn.

They think the rules of the game are these: Candidate sticks foot in mouth. Media pounces. Candidate "walks it back". (Who invented that idiotic expression?) Rivals denounce. Candidate attempts damage control. Media decides whether to declare candidate has recovered. Candidate either survives to campaign another day or folds up the tent. And of course, in Trump's case, there would never be any declaration of recovery.

The problem for the media is that Trump doesn't play that game. The way Trump plays the game is as follows: Trump says whatever he wants to say. Media pounces. Trump tells media and anyone else who doesn't like it to go to hell. Media has apoplectic seizure, thus putting Trump front and center day after day after day. Trump continues to defy media and do what he wants. Media covers Trump's intransigence as if it were the biggest news story of all time. Trump soars to the top of the polls.

Trump's lead is the media's creation, and he's very intentionally manipulating them into it. He understands that anyone who doesn't play by their rules will become the ongoing focus of their ire, but the other thing he understands that typical politicians don't is that you're better off continuing to defy them than you are meekly backing down on the dumbass theory that "you shouldn't start a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel." Far from it, get them to use their barrels of ink to your benefit."

Politics Trump is leading because he s playing media fools like a fiddle Best of Cain
Either that or the tea baggers have contaminated the Republican party beyond redemption. There is a false sense of Trump support being pushed by the media for the sake of sensation. He is leading in the polls. Of course those polls are of Republican primary voters. One in four or five support him. Is that really a big deal? One in four means three of four don't support him.
Well I just read Trump is leading in the national polls.

He must be saying things those polled agree with.

Somehow Trump is still doing well in the polls New York Post

This guy explains it pretty well:
"Instead, it remains all Trump all the time, by the very media who claim to consider Trump a joke.

Why? Because the political media are obsessed with the sort of story that puts Trump in the spotlight time and time again. They get excited about controversial (they think) things people say, about "gaffes," about insults, about bombast . . . all the sort of stuff that's Trump's specialty. But here's where they're going wrong, and where Trump is outsmarting them at every turn.

They think the rules of the game are these: Candidate sticks foot in mouth. Media pounces. Candidate "walks it back". (Who invented that idiotic expression?) Rivals denounce. Candidate attempts damage control. Media decides whether to declare candidate has recovered. Candidate either survives to campaign another day or folds up the tent. And of course, in Trump's case, there would never be any declaration of recovery.

The problem for the media is that Trump doesn't play that game. The way Trump plays the game is as follows: Trump says whatever he wants to say. Media pounces. Trump tells media and anyone else who doesn't like it to go to hell. Media has apoplectic seizure, thus putting Trump front and center day after day after day. Trump continues to defy media and do what he wants. Media covers Trump's intransigence as if it were the biggest news story of all time. Trump soars to the top of the polls.

Trump's lead is the media's creation, and he's very intentionally manipulating them into it. He understands that anyone who doesn't play by their rules will become the ongoing focus of their ire, but the other thing he understands that typical politicians don't is that you're better off continuing to defy them than you are meekly backing down on the dumbass theory that "you shouldn't start a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel." Far from it, get them to use their barrels of ink to your benefit."

Politics Trump is leading because he s playing media fools like a fiddle Best of Cain
Either that or the tea baggers have contaminated the Republican party beyond redemption. There is a false sense of Trump support being pushed by the media for the sake of sensation. He is leading in the polls. Of course those polls are of Republican primary voters. One in four or five support him. Is that really a big deal? One in four means three of four don't support him.

No, it doesn't mean that, idiot. It means he is way ahead of his competitors and is not 'about to drop out' because gutless shits in the media get their feelings hurt and the panties in a bunch.

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