Hate to say it, but Donald Dump was right on McCain

John McCain has rode this hero shit to the moon and back. While everyone was being killed and maimed, dude was tucked safely away being torturured....yeah right?? The reason he didn't want to get released because it meant he may have to go back and fight again.....His record on helping todays vets, suck.

Yes, McCain long ago wore out any benefit of his service, selling us out time and again... that he is chronically re-elected despite being DESPISED by the vast majority of Arizonans... tells you all you need to know regarding his crooked nature.
McCain is a traitor who collaborated with the Vietnamese communists and did propaganda audio's for them. That anyone regards that dried old turd a war hero is a flipping joke.

He is the handler for ISIS terrorists in Syria too.



Here’s the one ISIS released recently: http://www.weaselzippers.us/190509-whoops-isis-posts-photo-online-of-their-members-hanging-out-w-john-mccain-in-syria/

They must really be scared of Trump. He's leading the GOP polls, the best chance to win the White House, and still they want him gone!

The apparatchiks are hoping McCain's "star power" will prevail against Trump, but McCain's star is quite tarnished as the independent media covers the story about McCain's true background. Trump is right. Allowing yourself to get captured does not make you a hero.

Fellow POWs imprisoned with McCain claim he wasn't tortured because McCain cooperated with the North Vietnamese, including making "Tokyo Rose" style propaganda for them!

During his aviation career, McCain lost 5 US planes, making him an enemy ace!

Then there was the "wet start" disaster and cover-up on the USS Forrestal. McCain was right at the heart of the denial of surviving POWs in Vietnam (so the US government could refuse to pay war reparations it had promised) . Then there was the Keating Five scandal, and finally, John McCain actually thought Sarah Palin would be a good Vice-President!

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