Hatriots Vote Against Intellectual Diversity on Grounds It Would Harm Diversity

Food for thought below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"As a political force, American conservative movement has been morally and philosophically bankrupt for decades, which is one of the big reasons we are where we are right now. Largely in the interest of preserving their own power and empowering a massive money-grab by the class they represent, Republicans have cobbled together cynical coalitions by trying to appease multiple constituencies with competing and often contradictory interests: Libertarians, the Christian right, the post-industrial white working class, finance capital and the billionaire caste. "

From Edmund Burke to Mr. Burns: In the age of Trump, conservative thought has died at last

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan
Food for thought below.

"As a political force, American conservative movement has been morally and philosophically bankrupt for decades, which is one of the big reasons we are where we are right now. Largely in the interest of preserving their own power and empowering a massive money-grab by the class they represent, Republicans have cobbled together cynical coalitions by trying to appease multiple constituencies with competing and often contradictory interests: Libertarians, the Christian right, the post-industrial white working class, finance capital and the billionaire caste. "
That's not food for thought unless you consider a big steamy pile of shit food. I'm a conservative and the asshole didn't depict me very well at all. Nor any other conservative I know or know of. Quite the opposite is true, the rich have gotten richer off the backs of the middle class due to progressive policies. The establishment right and left are in bed with government. Conservatives want less government, not more.
Food for thought below.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"As a political force, American conservative movement has been morally and philosophically bankrupt for decades, which is one of the big reasons we are where we are right now. Largely in the interest of preserving their own power and empowering a massive money-grab by the class they represent, Republicans have cobbled together cynical coalitions by trying to appease multiple constituencies with competing and often contradictory interests: Libertarians, the Christian right, the post-industrial white working class, finance capital and the billionaire caste. "

From Edmund Burke to Mr. Burns: In the age of Trump, conservative thought has died at last

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan

Food for thought...yet you didn't address the OP, Midcan!

Why is it that liberal college administrators refuse to allow college students to be exposed to conservative viewpoints? Shouldn't colleges be places where different views are robustly debated? What is the rationale for exclusion of conservative principles from our college campuses? To be blunt...why is the left unwilling to have their viewpoint challenged?
Why is it that liberal college administrators refuse to allow college students to be exposed to conservative viewpoints? Shouldn't colleges be places where different views are robustly debated? What is the rationale for exclusion of conservative principles from our college campuses? To be blunt...why is the left unwilling to have their viewpoint challenged?

So provide the list of liberal speakers at Bob Jones or Liberty college.
Why is it that liberal college administrators refuse to allow college students to be exposed to conservative viewpoints? Shouldn't colleges be places where different views are robustly debated? What is the rationale for exclusion of conservative principles from our college campuses? To be blunt...why is the left unwilling to have their viewpoint challenged?

So provide the list of liberal speakers at Bob Jones or Liberty college.

Both Bob Jones and Liberty are private institutions affiliated with specific religions, Seawytch. One would expect them to project the values of those religions and exclude others. My problem is with public universities that receive public monies, aren't religiously based, yet exclude conservative principles from their campuses.
It's interesting to note however that Liberty did in fact invite Bernie Sanders to speak. Would he be a "liberal"?
It's interesting to note however that Liberty did in fact invite Bernie Sanders to speak. Would he be a "liberal"?

And Liberal colleges also host conservative candidates for president.

I'll keep waiting for that list of liberal speakers at Bob Jones or Liberty college.
Why is it that liberal college administrators refuse to allow college students to be exposed to conservative viewpoints? Shouldn't colleges be places where different views are robustly debated? What is the rationale for exclusion of conservative principles from our college campuses? To be blunt...why is the left unwilling to have their viewpoint challenged?

So provide the list of liberal speakers at Bob Jones or Liberty college.

Both Bob Jones and Liberty are private institutions affiliated with specific religions, Seawytch. One would expect them to project the values of those religions and exclude others. My problem is with public universities that receive public monies, aren't religiously based, yet exclude conservative principles from their campuses.

Liberty and Bob Jones University receives public money.
"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve."
There is some truth to that. If it weren't for you radical hatriots - we would never have known the loss of the U.S. Constitution. We would never have known the loss of the rule of law. We would have never known the loss of liberty.

Thankfully - conservatism is built on the study of history, common sense, logic, and reason. While left-wing hatriotism is built on eschewing all facts and reason in favor of feelings. Taking from those who do and subsequently earn and giving to those who don't and take feels good. Controlling other people feels good. Never mind that history has unequivocally proven all of it ends in collapse, poverty, and misery. It feels good.
Food for thought below.

"As a political force, American conservative movement has been morally and philosophically bankrupt for decades, which is one of the big reasons we are where we are right now. Largely in the interest of preserving their own power and empowering a massive money-grab by the class they represent, Republicans have cobbled together cynical coalitions by trying to appease multiple constituencies with competing and often contradictory interests: Libertarians, the Christian right, the post-industrial white working class, finance capital and the billionaire caste."
Indisputable reality for thought below:


See...left-wing hatriot policy is designed to keep people poor and dependent on government. Conservatism is designed to provide liberty so that the people are empowered to thrive and succeed of their own talents and motivation.
I'll keep waiting for that list of liberal speakers at Bob Jones or Liberty college.
Uh....no they don't. At all. What institutions hosted Donald Trump?

They don't what? They don't have liberal speakers? Yeah, we know that.
You're right - they don't have "liberal" speakers. That's because none exist anymore. However, they do have full-fledged communist and marxist speakers from your side of the aisle. Bernie Sanders is a prime example.
No surprise here - fascists simply doing what fascists do best - preventing free thought, free speech, ideas, etc. It's amazing how afraid the left is right now. They are petrified of people hearing about conservatism. They know an ideology built on fascism cannot win against a ideology built on liberty.

Cornell University Students Vote Against Intellectual Diversity, on Grounds It Would Harm Diversity

I think you'll find that intolerance on both sides of the ideological aisle unfortunately - social media has allowed us to exist in bubbles and echo chambers and made us far less tolerant of opposing views. It's actually really disturbing.
The fact is that there is no difference between liberals and Trump supporters. They are both hateful and display it when someone goes against what they believe. Shep Smith takes issue with Trump over his news conference and Trump supporters demand he be fired. Megyn Kelly was called the most vile names for being even-handed and treating Trump exactly as she would Obama. Neither side wants the other side to speak.
The fact is that there is no difference between liberals and Trump supporters. They are both hateful and display it when someone goes against what they believe. Shep Smith takes issue with Trump over his news conference and Trump supporters demand he be fired. Megyn Kelly was called the most vile names for being even-handed and treating Trump exactly as she would Obama. Neither side wants the other side to speak.

Agree. There is subset of liberals who are acting like this, and a subset of conservatives who are acting like this - and it's gone way beyond rationality. I see it here too. People start saying the most horrific things about others based soley on labels. It makes me think that we've reached a rather dangerous point of only relating to those who agree. And for those who criticize a hero - it's scorched earth character assassination. One example - a recent McCain thread attempting to shred his military service.

Used to be when you got the newspaper - you had all kinds of news from a variety of perspectives. Ideological bias' were apparent in the editorial sections. But you could still expect to read a variety of news - it was harder to ignore.

Now we can filter it - or some algorythum does it for us, depending on the sites and sources we choose to use.
No surprise here - fascists simply doing what fascists do best - preventing free thought, free speech, ideas, etc. It's amazing how afraid the left is right now. They are petrified of people hearing about conservatism. They know an ideology built on fascism cannot win against a ideology built on liberty.

Cornell University Students Vote Against Intellectual Diversity, on Grounds It Would Harm Diversity
I think you'll find that intolerance on both sides of the ideological aisle unfortunately - social media has allowed us to exist in bubbles and echo chambers and made us far less tolerant of opposing views. It's actually really disturbing.
Seems to me that 98% of it comes from the left. And of that 98% - it seems that 90% of it comes from left-wing college students. That is scary.
No surprise here - fascists simply doing what fascists do best - preventing free thought, free speech, ideas, etc. It's amazing how afraid the left is right now. They are petrified of people hearing about conservatism. They know an ideology built on fascism cannot win against a ideology built on liberty.

Cornell University Students Vote Against Intellectual Diversity, on Grounds It Would Harm Diversity
I think you'll find that intolerance on both sides of the ideological aisle unfortunately - social media has allowed us to exist in bubbles and echo chambers and made us far less tolerant of opposing views. It's actually really disturbing.
Seems to me that 98% of it comes from the left. And of that 98% - it seems that 90% of it comes from left-wing college students. That is scary.

I think that's because you're only viewing it through your right eye.

There's a lot from college students but - college students are most likely to be passionate about what's right and wrong.

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