Have The Dems Already Lost 2020?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.
Democrats have a choice between 2 paths to the WH and both lead to a win for TRUMP in 2020. They know Biden can't beat TRUMP, but the only way to take Biden down is by going after Obama. Democrats will make the same mistake in 2020 by protecting Obama that they did in 2016 by protecting Hillary.
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.

All I can tell you is that I read through a pretty independent analysis of the first night's debate this week and they went right down the line pretty much calling every claim the Democrat's made HORSESHIT.
Sorry I lost the link, but I just read an article pointing out that the dearest policy "planks" demonstrated in these debates are ALL electoral losers among the general population. And not by small margins.

Open borders, universal amnesty for illegals, free college, forgiveness of college debt, Medicare for All, REPARATIONS, are ALL huge electoral losers, and yet they pursue them with literally reckless abandon in this early election season.

I love it.

But one can never forget the MONSTROUS advantages that ANY Democrat candidate will have in the 2020 general election cycle. Total support of the non-Fox Media, total support in Academe, total support from "Hollywood," total support from organized labor, especially the TEACHERS' UNIONS, total support from the sexually-fucked-up and their supporters...the list is almost endless.

The only ones supporting Trump are normal people who work for a living or, in the case of retired people, who used to work for a living. EVERYONE ELSE will be supporting whatever wastrel comes out of the Democrat Clown Car victorious.

We cannot be complacent, no matter how crazy the Democrats seem to be today.
Probably but I don't discount Trump's ability to screw up at the 11th hour....or the 10th hour.....or the 9th hour....
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.
47% of Americans pay no taxes, so, SOCIALISM appeals to those people. That is the danger of continually moving towards Socialism.

Once The Takers Outnumber The Producers, it is doubtful you can hold the tide back. Once the Wave Of Socialism Drowns America, The Producers will begin to dwindle. All Socialist States eventually collapse under it's own weight, and massive debt created by trying to provide everything for everyone.

Anyone who understands the concept and idea of America looks at what The Left is selling and cannot see any way that they can succeed, however, we have a huge dependency class who are only concerned with getting larger and larger shares of "Free Stuff" that "Other People" are Forced to Pay For.

Therefore, you have to be constantly vigilant, and always be ready to push back against the Tide of Socialism, because once it is allowed to overwhelm you, it is doubtful you will ever be able to survive such a deluge.
Unless the ecomomy goes south Trump wins
the Blue Wall plus KY is already going south and will face gigantic problems in April 2020 as much of the state tax and employment bases move out of state. Is this trigger what you fear?

I don't think the economy will tank. The interest rate deduction helps. At the worse I think the ecomomy may slow some but nothing catastrophic.

Dem victory in the White House will lead to a sweep in both Houses of Congress, Governorships and State Houses
Democrats and lowlife worthless scum in the media are successfully branding Trump as a racist. In a recent poll over 50% believe Trump is racist. Fortunately this will be one of the easiest things for Trump to overcome during the debates when he will bitch slap the Dem silly on this charge.

That leaves only 'climate change' as the Dem's sole issue to run on. Dem's already lost on border security the country does not back them on this.

Dem victory in the White House will lead to a sweep in both Houses of Congress, Governorships and State Houses

Pipe dreams.
Consistent with the 2018 midterm results

Dems got out the Anti Trump vote and got 9 million more votes than Republicans

This election is critical with the 2020 census coming up
Democrats and lowlife worthless scum in the media are successfully branding Trump as a racist. In a recent poll over 50% believe Trump is racist. Fortunately this will be one of the easiest things for Trump to overcome during the debates when he will bitch slap the Dem silly on this charge.

That leaves only 'climate change' as the Dem's sole issue to run on. Dem's already lost on border security the country does not back them on this.

Racist quote after racist quote will be brought up in the debate
Trump blaming the media will not help

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