Have The Dems Already Lost 2020?

They're certainly trying. The Regressives may have the upper hand now.

But there's no way to know what the economy is going to look like in 15 months.

I think if they run on eliminating private health insurance they'll be DOA on Election Day.
I don’t think they will
Biden’s plan strengthens Obamacare
Trump has no healthcare plan

Biden isn't campaigning on eliminating private health insurance

But there are a large number pics that show him groping women and girls that will cost him in the general election. That might be the opening the LP needs
Not compared to the ones with Fat Donnie

We got pictures of him groping Ivanka, Beauty queens and bragging about grabbing pussy

People who live in glass houses ....
No one cared in 2016 and less than that care now.
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.

Bah Ha Ha Ha Ha
I have never seen more losers in one place than the Democrat debates.
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.

Things are looking really good for conservatives at this point, even with Trump's high unfavorability. BUT we are a long, long way out yet.
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.

Things are looking really good for conservatives at this point, even with Trump's high unfavorability. BUT we are a long, long way out yet.

There may be a "dark horse" candidate that emerges that we don't even know about yet. Possibly a dark, gay, Muslim. Oh wait...…….


Unless the ecomomy goes south Trump wins
the Blue Wall plus KY is already going south and will face gigantic problems in April 2020 as much of the state tax and employment bases move out of state. Is this trigger what you fear?

I live in KY. We are booming! Where did you get your info?

I live in Florida and I agree. Things are great here. His info came out of his lefty loon ass.

I was recently in Jacksonville. There are so many new homes and apartments being built that it doesn't look like the same city.

Im here now, yes its crazy. Watching their news, they have a huge entertainment and housing complex going up downtown
question to all who are voting Democrat: can you guarantee that raising taxes wont hurt the economy?
I think if they run on eliminating private health insurance they'll be DOA on Election Day.
I don’t think they will
Biden’s plan strengthens Obamacare
Trump has no healthcare plan

Biden isn't campaigning on eliminating private health insurance

But there are a large number pics that show him groping women and girls that will cost him in the general election. That might be the opening the LP needs
Not compared to the ones with Fat Donnie

We got pictures of him groping Ivanka, Beauty queens and bragging about grabbing pussy

People who live in glass houses ....
No one cared in 2016 and less than that care now.
Won’t care about Biden either
We are 15 months from the general election and the Democrat Socialist Party seems hell-bent on losing. Walking back the radical and ludicrous policies they have and continue to promote will cost them the votes of those to whom they now pander, and more rational voters are already shaking their heads at the insanity that has gripped the clown car.

Column: Are Democrats blowing their 2020 chance?

It’s the height of summer, and Iowans will cast the first votes in the presidential election in the snows of winter. But in the ranks of political punditry, the forecasts for 2020 are already dire and cloaked in certitude.

The prevailing belief is that Democrats are courting disaster by veering left, spurning sober moderation and obsessing over the plight of groups divorced from the American mainstream. Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle fears Democrats are signing “an electoral suicide pact.” They could push working-class folks, suburban women and anxious independents into the small hands of Donald Trump.

The dem platform has come down to socialism for everyone + illegal aliens


Socialism for everyone - illegal aliens

along with calling beer racist and the seething jew hatred .................its a winner
Sorry I lost the link, but I just read an article pointing out that the dearest policy "planks" demonstrated in these debates are ALL electoral losers among the general population. And not by small margins.

Open borders, universal amnesty for illegals, free college, forgiveness of college debt, Medicare for All, REPARATIONS, are ALL huge electoral losers, and yet they pursue them with literally reckless abandon in this early election season.

I love it.

But one can never forget the MONSTROUS advantages that ANY Democrat candidate will have in the 2020 general election cycle. Total support of the non-Fox Media, total support in Academe, total support from "Hollywood," total support from organized labor, especially the TEACHERS' UNIONS, total support from the sexually-fucked-up and their supporters...the list is almost endless.

The only ones supporting Trump are normal people who work for a living or, in the case of retired people, who used to work for a living. EVERYONE ELSE will be supporting whatever wastrel comes out of the Democrat Clown Car victorious.

We cannot be complacent, no matter how crazy the Democrats seem to be today.
/——/ I can’t see the rust belt voting for the Green New Deal.
I don’t think Biden will be signing up for the Green New Deal

Good discussion during the Democratic debates, it will be watered down by the election
The other half will reelect him. Take it to the bank...you're running clowns
You elected Trump. No bigger clown in history
LOL. The Hysterical House Dems make a mockery of that claim and they will be the party's downfall in 2020 and there's nothing you can do to stop it:

The Dems Will Lose the House in 2020 | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
The Republicans will deliver a similarly humiliating defeat to House Democrats in 2020 if its alleged leaders fail to rein in their own cadre of fanatical leftists, the core of which consists of recently elected social justice warriors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Rohit Khanna, Raul Grijalva, and Pramila Jayapal. But the internecine fight that preceded the cowardly revision of the anti-Semitism resolution into a denunciation of generic bigotry suggests that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer may not hold enough sway over their own caucus to prevent it from self-destructing.
If anybody tells you now what is going to happen in November of 2020, burn their house down.
The other half will reelect him. Take it to the bank...you're running clowns
You elected Trump. No bigger clown in history
LOL. The Hysterical House Dems make a mockery of that claim and they will be the party's downfall in 2020 and there's nothing you can do to stop it:

The Dems Will Lose the House in 2020 | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
The Republicans will deliver a similarly humiliating defeat to House Democrats in 2020 if its alleged leaders fail to rein in their own cadre of fanatical leftists, the core of which consists of recently elected social justice warriors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Rohit Khanna, Raul Grijalva, and Pramila Jayapal. But the internecine fight that preceded the cowardly revision of the anti-Semitism resolution into a denunciation of generic bigotry suggests that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer may not hold enough sway over their own caucus to prevent it from self-destructing.
Wishful thinking from the right
I posted a similar response on another article.

I believe that Trump very may well get re-elected because the democratic candidates haven't learned the lesson from the last presidential election.

White independent voters are not going to vote for candidates that are largely ignoring them. They continue to focus only on minorities. Those who don't like Trump will stay home.

Blacks are only 13-14% of the population
I never understood why Demorats kowtow to them as much as they do.
Especially considering that on voting day some of that percent won't make it to the polls cause they have a needle in their arm.
(For e.g., in 2014, 5 years ago, there were 60,000 junkies in Baltimore, alone!. Dat # has gotta increased!).
Ds don’t kowtow to blacks. They use them.
And R's kowtow to racists and white nationalists
They're certainly trying. The Regressives may have the upper hand now.

But there's no way to know what the economy is going to look like in 15 months.

I think if they run on eliminating private health insurance they'll be DOA on Election Day.
I don’t think they will
Biden’s plan strengthens Obamacare
Trump has no healthcare plan
Trump has no plans ever he shoots from the seat of his ass Just like today when he fuked up all investors with his BS 10% tariffs

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