Have the Dems declared war on America?

The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

Quick answer: no

Longer answer: Why do you Trumpettes believe that following the Constitution is 'declaring war on America"?

What makes you think you're following the Constitution?

Oh, that's right. You don't think that. You just say you are to fool the Democrats' uneducated followers.

Well I can't think what part of the Constitution I am not following.

I was not speaking of you personally, but of Democrats collectively, as you were.

Here is what the Constitution says about impeachment:

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The House of Representatives legally impeached President Trump yesterday according to the United States Constitution.

The only way that can be considered 'Civil War' is if you don't believe that the Constitution applies to your Dear Leader.

I was not speaking only of impeachment, but of the Constitution as a whole document.

Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

What part of the impeachment is not following the Constitution?

Or do you just want to make a grand hand wave and say 'but but but all that other stuff!- I don't want to talk about the impeachment even though the OP says that impeachment is declaring war on America"

Thick you are. Much to learn you have.

The Democrats' use of impeachment is frankly criminal, as they have nothing upon which to legitimately impeach.

There. I talked about impeachment for you. Thrilled you must be.
What did we get from the democrat party in the last ten years? The economy went south during Bush's last year when democrats took over the majority in congress and somehow Fannie Mae collapsed when the democrat chairperson said it was solvent. All we ever got from the Hussein administration was double digit unemployment, a promise that good factory jobs were gone forever. The IRS used as a tool to punish political enemies, illegal guns were shipped to Mexico and foreign agents with ties to Russia used by the FBI and CIA leadership to influence the results of an election. Democrats have been at war with America for a long time.
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losDers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?
An Impeachment doesn't overturn an election...if that were a fact (which it is not), that would mean that with a successful trial in the Senate, fat donnie would be replaced by Hillary Clinton. If you paid attention at all, you'd know that's not what happens, he would be replaced by his VP, who was also elected in 2016.

That is your federal government lesson for today.

overturn - "abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.)."

They are trying to invalidate the 2016 election. I like Mike Pence, except America elected Donald Trump president, not him. Pence won't be President until 2024.
When you want to overthrow our government and replace it with socialism-communism as Democrats are trying, then yes, you have declared war on America.

I stopped at "overthrow our Government "

Yes. We are at war.
Quick answer: no

Longer answer: Why do you Trumpettes believe that following the Constitution is 'declaring war on America"?

What makes you think you're following the Constitution?

Oh, that's right. You don't think that. You just say you are to fool the Democrats' uneducated followers.

Well I can't think what part of the Constitution I am not following.

I was not speaking of you personally, but of Democrats collectively, as you were.

Here is what the Constitution says about impeachment:

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The House of Representatives legally impeached President Trump yesterday according to the United States Constitution.

The only way that can be considered 'Civil War' is if you don't believe that the Constitution applies to your Dear Leader.

I was not speaking only of impeachment, but of the Constitution as a whole document.

Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

What part of the impeachment is not following the Constitution?

Or do you just want to make a grand hand wave and say 'but but but all that other stuff!- I don't want to talk about the impeachment even though the OP says that impeachment is declaring war on America"

Thick you are. Much to learn you have.

The Democrats' use of impeachment is frankly criminal, as they have nothing upon which to legitimately impeach.

There. I talked about impeachment for you. Thrilled you must be.

So you think that the Constitution is criminal.

Since of course the Constitution specifically provides for impeachment- and gives the House the sole Power of Impeachment.

If Democrats did anything illegal- criminal- well spell it out to us- and be sure to report it to the FBI.

But if you don't think that the Democrats had any legitimate issues for impeachment, well then you are a good little partisan Trumpkin.
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losDers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?
An Impeachment doesn't overturn an election...if that were a fact (which it is not), that would mean that with a successful trial in the Senate, fat donnie would be replaced by Hillary Clinton. If you paid attention at all, you'd know that's not what happens, he would be replaced by his VP, who was also elected in 2016.

That is your federal government lesson for today.

overturn - "abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.)."

They are trying to invalidate the 2016 election. I like Mike Pence, except America elected Donald Trump president, not him. Pence won't be President until 2024.

Except as pointed out- impeachment doesn't invalidate anything. Trump is still President until and unless the Senate convicts him. And even then the election still stands- just that Pence becomes President.
Since of course the Constitution specifically provides for impeachment- and gives the House the sole Power of Impeachment.

Since of course the Constitution specifically provides for a trial in the Senate, don't you think that preventing the Senate from doing its duty is unconstitutional?
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

Quick answer: no

Longer answer: Why do you Trumpettes believe that following the Constitution is 'declaring war on America"?
And so, portions of obummercare have been declared unconstitutional. Now who wrote and passed that unconstutional monstrosity into law? Why the fucking democrats did that’s who.

And? Feel free to impeach Obama for that......oh wait.

Not the first time a law passed by Congress has been declared part or whole to be unconstitutional, won't be the last.

I get it- you hated the ACA, you hated that Americans with pre-existing conditions got covered, you hated that adult children were able to be on their parents plan. You hated that more Americans had insurance than ever before.

But when your party controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency- you bet your entire wad on just eliminating ACA without any alternative- and you failed.
Now you are excited because the courts may still eliminate protections for people with existing pre-conditions- and still the Republicans have yet to offer any viable alternatives to Americans.

And none of that has anything to do with the House using its Constitutionally mandated powers to legally and constitutionally impeach President Trump.
I hated that you asswipes had a mandate and expected the taxpayers to pay for your unconstitutional bullshit you ewe can stop preaching about how your assholes the democrats revere the constitution.
When you want to overthrow our government and replace it with socialism-communism as Democrats are trying, then yes, you have declared war on America.

I stopped at "overthrow our Government "

Yes. We are at war.
What about overthrowing our President and changing the nature of our economy to socialism-communism doesn't constitute overthrowing our government? Have you looked at the alternatives being offered?
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

Quick answer: no

Longer answer: Why do you Trumpettes believe that following the Constitution is 'declaring war on America"?
You know nothing about the constitution.

The impeachment option was never intended as a mechanism for one party to flex its muscle just because it could. With the Democratic Party trying to impeach him from the day he was elected, the extreme partisan nature of the vote and the one sided trotting out of so-called witnesses who actually witnessed nothing, this was NOT what the framers of our constitution intended.

It was closer to the famous Stalinist saying "find me the man and I'll find you the crime"
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?

Quick answer: no

Longer answer: Why do you Trumpettes believe that following the Constitution is 'declaring war on America"?

What makes you think you're following the Constitution?

Oh, that's right. You don't think that. You just say you are to fool the Democrats' uneducated followers.

Well I can't think what part of the Constitution I am not following. Care to tell me what part that I personally am not following? Is hurting your feelings against the Constitution?

Here is what the Constitution says about impeachment:

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The House of Representatives legally impeached President Trump yesterday according to the United States Constitution.

The only way that can be considered 'Civil War' is if you don't believe that the Constitution applies to your Dear Leader.

Try starting with article two and go from there. The part about three coequal branches of government, asshole.
The Democrats' efforts to overturn the results of the 2016 Presidential election have now culminated in an unabashed party line vote to impeach Donald Trump. This has set the stage for a no-compromise election next year, the likes of which we have not seen since the 1860 election of President Lincoln. As a result. the losDers of the upcoming election will feel they have been cheated, while the winners will celebrate and plot revenge.

Is this not a recipe for dissolution of our system of government? Do the Democrats really prefer a fractured America to one governed by the opposition? Doesn't this impeachment represent a declaration of civil war?
An Impeachment doesn't overturn an election...if that were a fact (which it is not), that would mean that with a successful trial in the Senate, fat donnie would be replaced by Hillary Clinton. If you paid attention at all, you'd know that's not what happens, he would be replaced by his VP, who was also elected in 2016.

That is your federal government lesson for today.

overturn - "abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.)."

They are trying to invalidate the 2016 election. I like Mike Pence, except America elected Donald Trump president, not him. Pence won't be President until 2024.

Except as pointed out- impeachment doesn't invalidate anything. Trump is still President until and unless the Senate convicts him. And even then the election still stands- just that Pence becomes President.

As I said, they are trying to. If they had the seats in the senate, they would complete the impeachment process and remove him from office.
Did anyone watch the proceedings in the house? Every demon Rat said Trump was a threat to our national security, impeachment was vital now to stop the threat bla bla bla bla deee da. Now today it’s fuck national security we are not sending the articles to the senate we are going on vacation. And they left. Does this lie make sense?

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