Have to hand it to the DNC. They sure are good at creating "victims." Bernie the commie is no victim


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Now that everything is unraveling, they are able to prop up Bernie as a poor victim. They almost have no choice but to chuck their pathetic hillary under the bus. Really, no choice.

Make no mistake about it. He knew he was not going to be the candidate. He knew why he was there, and it is obvious.

Bernie Sanders was there to appeal to the hardcore commie left wing voting base. Appeal to the young people, while their main candidate would appeal to the MIDDLE. After their queen got the nomination, their commie would endorse her and a large number of those voters would just go to her side. Make no mistake, that was the plan.

That is politics. Once things started coming out, Bernie had to play the role that he was "shocked." He actually did that for a little while didn't he? Yeah, he sure did. Then, all of a sudden he miraculously forgot about it and he endorsed hillary anyway.

Did the democrat party even ask why or did the media call out poor Bernie for inevitably endorsing hillary? Of course they didn't. Trump was just so much more evil than hillary that it just made sense.

Now, with ALL of these things coming out about uranium ONE, and hillary not going the fuck away, they have no choice but pull their victimology strategy. That is what they are doing.

Don't buy any of it. That was their plan and that is how they ran it. Bernie is no victim.
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Wait... you think Hillary was supposed to garner the votes of the "uneducated" "deplorable" "basket cases" who were "beyond help" BUHAHAHAHA
Now that everything is unraveling, they are able to prop up Bernie as a poor victim. They almost have no choice but to chuck their pathetic hillary under the bus. Really, no choice.

Make no mistake about it. He knew he was not going to be the candidate. He knew why he was there, and it is obvious.

Bernie Sanders was there to appeal to the hardcore commie left wing voting base. Appeal to the young people, while their main candidate would appeal to the MIDDLE. After their queen got the nomination, their commie would endorse her and a large number of those voters would just go to her side. Make no mistake, that was the plan.

That is politics. Once things started coming out, Bernie had to play the role that he was "shocked." He actually did that for a little while didn't he? Yeah, he sure did. Then, all of a sudden he miraculously forgot about it and he endorsed hillary anyway.

Did the democrat party even ask why or did the media call out poor Bernie for inevitably endorsing hillary? Of course they didn't. Trump was just so much more evil than hillary that it just made sense.

Now, with ALL of these things coming out about uranium ONE, and hillary not going to the fuck away, they have no choice but pull their victimology strategy. That is what they are doing.

Don't buy any of it. That was their plan and that is how they ran it. Bernie is no victim.

As bad a Hillary is/was, Trump is still worse and proves that every day.
The real victims are the lemmings who vote democrook year after year with the asinine belief anyone else's lives will improve beyond the sociopath on the ballot and the assholes who funded their campaigns.

Now that everything is unraveling, they are able to prop up Bernie as a poor victim. They almost have no choice but to chuck their pathetic hillary under the bus. Really, no choice.

Make no mistake about it. He knew he was not going to be the candidate. He knew why he was there, and it is obvious.

Bernie Sanders was there to appeal to the hardcore commie left wing voting base. Appeal to the young people, while their main candidate would appeal to the MIDDLE. After their queen got the nomination, their commie would endorse her and a large number of those voters would just go to her side. Make no mistake, that was the plan.

That is politics. Once things started coming out, Bernie had to play the role that he was "shocked." He actually did that for a little while didn't he? Yeah, he sure did. Then, all of a sudden he miraculously forgot about it and he endorsed hillary anyway.

Did the democrat party even ask why or did the media call out poor Bernie for inevitably endorsing hillary? Of course they didn't. Trump was just so much more evil than hillary that it just made sense.

Now, with ALL of these things coming out about uranium ONE, and hillary not going the fuck away, they have no choice but pull their victimology strategy. That is what they are doing.

Don't buy any of it. That was their plan and that is how they ran it. Bernie is no victim.
/—-/ It must suck to hijack your party, steal a nomination, turn the DNC into money laundromat,bury any evidence against you, finance fake dossier on opponent,swipe the debate questions, and promise free everything, and still lose to someone you call incompetent. @markyoungtruth
Sanders wasn't a democrat. No matter what Clintion/the DNC did to lock him out they were well within the rights. He is not and never has been a democrat. Why should they let him head their ticket? Had they he might be doing to them what Trump is doing to the GOP, killing it for a generation.
Democrats, all things considered, should be fairly happy about this. It's one more nail in the coffin of the Clinton dominated era of Democratic politics.
Sanders was going to run third party until he received "Scalias pillow" in the mail
Sanders wasn't a democrat. No matter what Clintion/the DNC did to lock him out they were well within the rights. He is not and never has been a democrat. Why should they let him head their ticket? Had they he might be doing to them what Trump is doing to the GOP, killing it for a generation.

The ethical thing for Dems would have been to not allow Bernie to participate in the primaries, as opposed to lying to the world about the process.

But they are Dems, of course are not ethical. They ran Bernie, lied to the world, and fucked over him and his supporters.

That’s why we are all very lucky Hillary didn’t win. She is a corrupt POS and she has done much harm to the nation.
Sanders wasn't a democrat. No matter what Clintion/the DNC did to lock him out they were well within the rights. He is not and never has been a democrat. Why should they let him head their ticket? Had they he might be doing to them what Trump is doing to the GOP, killing it for a generation.

The ethical thing for Dems would have been to not allow Bernie to participate in the primaries, as opposed to lying to the world about the process.

But they are Dems, of course are not ethical. They ran Bernie, lied to the world, and fucked over him and his supporters.

That’s why we are all very lucky Hillary didn’t win. She is a corrupt POS and she has done much harm to the nation.
/----/ Hildabeast needed an opponent so Republicans wouldn't say it was a coronation - which it was.
Sanders wasn't a democrat. No matter what Clintion/the DNC did to lock him out they were well within the rights. He is not and never has been a democrat. Why should they let him head their ticket? Had they he might be doing to them what Trump is doing to the GOP, killing it for a generation.

The ethical thing for Dems would have been to not allow Bernie to participate in the primaries, as opposed to lying to the world about the process.

But they are Dems, of course are not ethical. They ran Bernie, lied to the world, and fucked over him and his supporters.

That’s why we are all very lucky Hillary didn’t win. She is a corrupt POS and she has done much harm to the nation.
/----/ Hildabeast needed an opponent so Republicans wouldn't say it was a coronation - which it was.
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They usually are, so what? That's what got the GOP Bush 1 and 2, Dole and McCain. A real contest is a rare thing.
Sanders wasn't a democrat. No matter what Clintion/the DNC did to lock him out they were well within the rights. He is not and never has been a democrat. Why should they let him head their ticket? Had they he might be doing to them what Trump is doing to the GOP, killing it for a generation.

The ethical thing for Dems would have been to not allow Bernie to participate in the primaries, as opposed to lying to the world about the process.

But they are Dems, of course are not ethical. They ran Bernie, lied to the world, and fucked over him and his supporters.

That’s why we are all very lucky Hillary didn’t win. She is a corrupt POS and she has done much harm to the nation.
/----/ You used ethical and Dems in the same sentence. Isn't that a violation of Truth in Advertising or something?

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