Have We Allowed The Democrats To Become 100X Worse Than NAZI Germany?

ep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

but have no problem with the unconstitutional behavior, lack of morals and values, radical fascist theocratic extremism of the right!

Mac generally points out that BOTH sides are TOO EXTREME.

He is right!

and you prove he is right

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.

nothing except for the fact that I have posted that many times.

When I read a right wing lunatic making a dangerous opinion I respond

I don't feel I must add "and this goes for ALL extremists!"

If you are suggesting that MOST of my rational, reasonable, sane and correct commentary is directed at extremist conservatives I plead guilty and merely point out the obvious; there are MORE dangerous conservative fascists on this board than any OTHER loony group and they currently have ENORMOUS power in the US. Consequently they are very dangerous to my rights, my privileges and my health.

“Extremist Conservatives”?.....WTF?
Tell me, what policies and or platforms are conservatives pushing that are unreasonable and of clear detriment to good, REAL Americans?
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
I wonder what the result is for all of the race-baiting and calls for assassination by the MSM?
3 years of mind-bending propaganda to bring out all of the degenerates in American society?

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.

nothing except for the fact that I have posted that many times.

When I read a right wing lunatic making a dangerous opinion I respond

I don't feel I must add "and this goes for ALL extremists!"

If you are suggesting that MOST of my rational, reasonable, sane and correct commentary is directed at extremist conservatives I plead guilty and merely point out the obvious; there are MORE dangerous conservative fascists on this board than any OTHER loony group and they currently have ENORMOUS power in the US. Consequently they are very dangerous to my rights, my privileges and my health.

Yes, but the rest of your posting doesn't bear it out. You are a left of center democrat - regardless of what you post in your manifesto.

The Left see the far Left as Center. Anyone to the center or moderate is a Right Wing Nazi!

Adolph Hitler got total support and cheers from his people wanting to turn his country into a fascist state of global oppression, war and genocide!

We elect a businessman to turn our country right side up again putting us back on track for a better economy, safer borders, and stronger trade, and our Left denounce him as a dictator, tyrant, and a dangerous, crazy madman. Now they want to impeach him for being careful with our money making sure there isn't corruption involved! And Mac wants anyone who disagrees labeled a radical and "marginalized.

CONGRATULATIONS, DEMOCRATS! You have proven yourself more harmful to the USA than Hitler was to Germany!

Seig Heil, Chairman Pelosi! Chairman Schiff! And Chairman Nadler!
I guess we best somehow learn to live with it all.
The Boomers are dying off....we're entering the era of the Millennials....pro Socialism, pro free everything....pro abortion....pro open borders.....Me! Me! Me!

God has officially left the building.
Millennials and gen X will inherit the purgatory rising.
Last edited:
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
Nothing goofy about telling the truth you fool.
“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.

nothing except for the fact that I have posted that many times.

When I read a right wing lunatic making a dangerous opinion I respond

I don't feel I must add "and this goes for ALL extremists!"

If you are suggesting that MOST of my rational, reasonable, sane and correct commentary is directed at extremist conservatives I plead guilty and merely point out the obvious; there are MORE dangerous conservative fascists on this board than any OTHER loony group and they currently have ENORMOUS power in the US. Consequently they are very dangerous to my rights, my privileges and my health.

“Extremist Conservatives”?.....WTF?
Tell me, what policies and or platforms are conservatives pushing that are unreasonable and of clear detriment to good, REAL Americans?



We better marginalize those crazy, radical, dangerous conservatives!
Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.

nothing except for the fact that I have posted that many times.

When I read a right wing lunatic making a dangerous opinion I respond

I don't feel I must add "and this goes for ALL extremists!"

If you are suggesting that MOST of my rational, reasonable, sane and correct commentary is directed at extremist conservatives I plead guilty and merely point out the obvious; there are MORE dangerous conservative fascists on this board than any OTHER loony group and they currently have ENORMOUS power in the US. Consequently they are very dangerous to my rights, my privileges and my health.

Yes, but the rest of your posting doesn't bear it out. You are a left of center democrat - regardless of what you post in your manifesto.

The Left see the far Left as Center. Anyone to the center or moderate is a Right Wing Nazi!

Adolph Hitler got total support and cheers from his people wanting to turn his country into a fascist state of global oppression, war and genocide!

We elect a businessman to turn our country right side up again putting us back on track for a better economy, safer borders, and stronger trade, and our Left denounce him as a dictator, tyrant, and a dangerous, crazy madman. Now they want to impeach him for being careful with our money making sure there isn't corruption involved! And Mac wants anyone who disagrees labeled a radical and "marginalized.

CONGRATULATIONS, DEMOCRATS! You have proven yourself more harmful to the USA than Hitler was to Germany!

Seig Heil, Chairman Pelosi! Chairman Schiff! And Chairman Nadler!

"The Left see the far Left as Center. Anyone to the center or moderate is a Right Wing Nazi!"

you are correct.

and the Right see the far right as center. Anyone to the left of limbaugh is a RINO, LIBERNAZI, DEMONAZI, DEMONSCUM, SATAN lover, GOD hater, CHRISTIAN HATER, NAZI, COMMY, DIRT BAG and SCUMBAG (and it is ok to mix and match these insults and personal attacks!)

"Adolph Hitler got total support and cheers from his people
wanting to turn his country into a fascist state of global oppression, war and genocide!"

as does trump.

you just described trump

I suggest you look up both "hypocrisy" and "irony" in the dictionary.

"We elect a businessman to turn our country right side up again putting us back on track for a better economy, safer borders, and stronger trade, and our Left denounce him as a dictator, tyrant, and a dangerous, crazy madman."

You elected a would-be dictator, a tyrant, a liar, a cheat, an immoral and unethical dangerously crazy madman and then try to paint the pig by SPINNING IT as "we elected a businessman to turn our country right side up"

""We elect a businessman to turn our country right side up again putting us back on track for a better economy"

contrary to all the times conservatives said they did it "merely to piss off liberals"?

" Now they want to impeach him for being careful with our money making sure there isn't corruption involved! "

No. we want to investigate him for possible improper and impeachable offenses. If found to be false the investigation will fail with a thud. if found to be true then the process will be working properly!

"And Mac wants anyone who disagrees labeled a radical and "marginalized."

of course.
you are a conservative and could not help but drop off the deep end.

again....Irony and Hypocrisy....look them up.

how many times has trump insulted and mocked people for merely disagreeing with him?

every con on these boards mocks and ridicules anyone who merely disagrees with them.

"CONGRATULATIONS, DEMOCRATS! You have proven yourself more harmful to the USA than Hitler was to Germany!"

congratulations republican! you are a useful fool for russia, a fascist nazi and WORSE than the german nazis.

BTW...the fact that you think MAC (a definite moderate) or I (an absolute moderate) are LEFT WING FASCISTS pretty much disproves YOUR position and affirms mine.

I'm a moderate
and you call me a left winger
proving YOU are a right winger
Yep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

ep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

but have no problem with the unconstitutional behavior, lack of morals and values, radical fascist theocratic extremism of the right!

Mac generally points out that BOTH sides are TOO EXTREME.

He is right!

and you prove he is right

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.
I thought it had been established that you disagree with that assertion and consider us lefty snowflakes
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.
It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
Nothing goofy about telling the truth you fool.

You know how Tyrants and Dictator Boot Lickers are....they're allergic to Truth. Kills em

hasn't killed any trump supporters yet..

but it does drive them mad and TRIGGERS them!

I think that is funny.....
Not "stamp you out", just marginalize you. You just did it again, and you don't even realize it.

The problem is your behaviors, not your positions. You don't understand how to communicate with others in a productive way.

No, Mac-n-cheese, I have no problem communicating at all, I tailor it to suit the level of the people I'm communicating with. Like idiots like you who want to silence all whom they disagree with. I see you write many "sensible" threads calling for order and sanity, yet NOT ONCE have I ever seen you come down on the side of a constitutional republic! Your basic problem is that you are a progressive in cats pajamas.
Yet another vivid example of my point.
Quit deflecting. You ask for answers then decry all those you disagree with, yet when challenged for answers yourself, run.

HYPOCRITE. Funny how all it is always the ones like you who want to silence others from disagreeing that are the first to cry "extremist!" :auiqs.jpg:
And again.

The last thing I want to do is silence others. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Marginalizing you simply means your hyper-partisanship won't be a part of any constructive conversation. I'll always support your right to be an ignorant, simplistic sheep.

Also, I didn't call you an "extremist". You made that up, because you're dishonest.

See, you simply lack the intellectual capacity to maintain a normal, intelligent, adult conversation.

You just make it up as you go, because that's all you know how to do. I understand.

Mac shoots.....SCORES!

the crowd erupts!
Hey, I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they knock 'em over the fence for me.

This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.

Mac. do you deny that democrats are an authoritarian party that seeks to regulate speech through hate speech laws, religion based on arbitrary and capricious public access laws, disarm the peasantry, seeks central control over the means of production, supports variable laws that apply based on the group, race or caste a person is part of, and is hostile to individual rights favoring group privilege?

Please explain your answer.
I deny that the Democrats are "100X worse" than the Nazis.

Stay on point.

Do you deny it, too?
Your thought processes are completely distorted by simplistic, binary hyperbole.

No real progress can be made until people like you, on both ends, can be marginalized.

Yep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

ep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

but have no problem with the unconstitutional behavior, lack of morals and values, radical fascist theocratic extremism of the right!

Mac generally points out that BOTH sides are TOO EXTREME.

He is right!

and you prove he is right

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws
Remember, they exist in a terribly binary world.

You are EITHER an obedient Trumpster bunny OR a radical pinko commie Hitler socialist Stalinist commie commie.

It's how they're trained to think, so that's how they think.
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.
It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
Nothing goofy about telling the truth you fool.

You know how Tyrants and Dictator Boot Lickers are....they're allergic to Truth. Kills em
And another one who believes that the Democrats are "100X worse" than the Nazis.

Great thread. I'm glad the Trumpster started it.
ep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

but have no problem with the unconstitutional behavior, lack of morals and values, radical fascist theocratic extremism of the right!

Mac generally points out that BOTH sides are TOO EXTREME.

He is right!

and you prove he is right

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

View attachment 291273

"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.
I thought it had been established that you disagree with that assertion and consider us lefty snowflakes

Oh for sure...I definitely do.
I’d respect you more if you’d just own you full blown filthhood just as the proud Leftist Loons like JoeB131 here do.
I don’t like you thinking your sneaky, weird, twisted shit has anyone fooled.
Yep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

ep, Mac! Better stamp out all those kooks like me who simply want a return to a lawful, constitutional republic full of sane, moral values free from the radicalism, fascism, crazy progressivism, extremism, and anti-American violence and rhetoric of the globalist/socialists of the Left.

but have no problem with the unconstitutional behavior, lack of morals and values, radical fascist theocratic extremism of the right!

Mac generally points out that BOTH sides are TOO EXTREME.

He is right!

and you prove he is right

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”

Haha...this is so fun to watch.
Look...for years, yourself, Mac1958 and the twisted fucks demanded that Conservatives shred their Bibles, many have and now they’re pissed off and retaliatory...you whack-jobs are pissing yourselves and begging for Conservatives to get back to their Bibles...as you can no longer sell Conservatives on your warm and fuzzy FEELZ bullshit. Good people are tired of being suckered and stepped on for being kind and gracious. Good people don’t want nothing to do with anything ‘Left”....haha..,YOURE FUCKED!

Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

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"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws
Remember, they exist in a terribly binary world.

You are EITHER an obedient Trumpster bunny OR a radical pinko commie Hitler socialist Stalinist commie commie.

It's how they're trained to think, so that's how they think.

Spoken like a GOOD fascist. Attack, discredit and minimalize the messenger! You've been trained well! Meantime, you have yet to list a SINGLE position of mine which is extreme, radical, much less binary.

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