Have We Allowed The Democrats To Become 100X Worse Than NAZI Germany?

This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.
yet you really can't point out said corruption. just say OBJECTIVELY and CORRUPT AT HELL as if those are you GIN cards at a table or something.

god damn you're a tool.

what about the billions obama & co sent to the ukraine they got most of back? that wasn't "corrupt"? "corrupt" to you seems to mean "i hate you and you should go away now".

not even a good tool. you're a damn chinese special non magnetic screwdriver that breaks putting a screw in the wall to hang a painting.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.
Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.
I thought it had been established that you disagree with that assertion and consider us lefty snowflakes

Oh for sure...I definitely do.
I’d respect you more if you’d just own you full blown filthhood just as the proud Leftist Loons like JoeB131 here do.
I don’t like you thinking your sneaky, weird, twisted shit has anyone fooled.
Why do the labels matter so much to you? I give honest feedback about how I feel about issues. I feel like I’m close to the middle you feel like I’m far left, either way it really doesn’t matter unless you care more about labels than the actual issues.

I give you credit for that Slade except the problem is that every time I hear one of you self-professed "Moderates" speak, you are far, far closer to the Radical Left than the conservative Constitutional Moderate that I am or this country was founded on or has been for the past 210 years.

I just find it funny how all of you were silent while the Left have continually compared Trump and his supporters to being dictators and fascists, yet the moment I flip the argument around to use the Left's own argument against them for a change, all you "moderates" come jumping out of the woodwork screaming!!! :21: You see, this thread was really a test to see how you all would respond, and now we know.
i get it, you and BL are playing the hypocrisy argument to discredit those you debate against. I use that tactic at times as well but it is only effective of its applied to an actual argument. Tossing out the generalized labels and insults really means nothing.

we often disagree on this board so is it any surprise that we disagree about where I fall on the spectrum? I feel like I’m in the middle as a business owner and supporter of small gov, low regulation and fiscal conservancy... you think I’m a far left Kook because I speak out against Trump and support many liberal positions. In the end the labels don’t really matter. They are a distraction. Let’s just stick to the issues

Funny, I wasn't trying to discredit anyone in particular but merely using example to show how extreme, divisive and contrary the Left's views are when contrasted to an absolute reference. And as a former business owner, supporter of small government, low regulations and fiscal conservancy myself, how do you suppose we never agree on anything? I merely represent the traditional role and values that made this country the greatest in the world for 200 years until the moral and intellectual decay of Progressivism took hold and began to erode us.

That simple view is now called "radical" in need of being marginalized. Such people thinking that are NOT "moderates." But that has really been my point: the globalists have moved this country SO FAR to the Left now that moderation is now seen as fascist nazism and European socialism is seen as being "moderate."

That won't work with me.
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.
yet you really can't point out said corruption. just say OBJECTIVELY and CORRUPT AT HELL as if those are you GIN cards at a table or something.

god damn you're a tool.

what about the billions obama & co sent to the ukraine they got most of back? that wasn't "corrupt"? "corrupt" to you seems to mean "i hate you and you should go away now".

not even a good tool. you're a damn chinese special non magnetic screwdriver that breaks putting a screw in the wall to hang a painting.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.
Everyone in government is corrupt, because government IS corruption, even if you are too stupid to get that.
Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!

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"Amazing how it is always the Progs like Mac and Anyname who say they call for sensible middle grounds away from extremism, then in the next breath, always side with the extremists and want to silence mere conservatives!"

This is just more evidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with your brain.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE and will work to THWART all religious zealots who attempt to reshape our country into their religious image! That includes christians, muslims, zoroastrians, hindis, hotsy totsy. tooty fruities....ANY religion.


I STRONGLY OPPOSE laws criminalizing pot and pot smokers

I STRONGLY SUPPORT the rights of gays to every privilege everyone else has

I MODERATELY support the death penalty

I STRONGLY support your right/privilege to own guns INCLUDING whatever YOU think an "automatic" weapon is.

I STRONGLY SUPPORT a FAIR TAX system that taxes every one fairly


but I SUPPORT AFFORDABLE healthcare and education.

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the welfare-for-life system we have now and would replace it with a Temporary Short Term Help that
a. trains and educates participants for re-entry into the workforce
b. requires participants to 1. assist other participants 2. community work
c. helps place these people back into the work force as quickly as possible.

I SUPPORT "making it easier" for smaller businesses to thrive

I SUPPORT using our existing sources of fuel while we research and develop newer and better sources

I SUPPORT "closing our borders to illegals" and would ONLY ALLOW emigrants who 1. speak english. 2. have been vetted properly.

I SUPPORT laws based on reason and logic

I OPPOSE religious laws

Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.

nothing except for the fact that I have posted that many times.

When I read a right wing lunatic making a dangerous opinion I respond

I don't feel I must add "and this goes for ALL extremists!"

If you are suggesting that MOST of my rational, reasonable, sane and correct commentary is directed at extremist conservatives I plead guilty and merely point out the obvious; there are MORE dangerous conservative fascists on this board than any OTHER loony group and they currently have ENORMOUS power in the US. Consequently they are very dangerous to my rights, my privileges and my health.

“Extremist Conservatives”?.....WTF?
Tell me, what policies and or platforms are conservatives pushing that are unreasonable and of clear detriment to good, REAL Americans?

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We better marginalize those crazy, radical, dangerous conservatives!
Heat up the ovens.......start the cattle trains rolling.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.

Ok, let's say I really would like to believe this......
can you present ANY proof?
Anything at all?
Even a smidgen of proof?

waiting.....(but not holding my breath for health reasons)
Are you sure you know who's stupid?
I had this interesting thought experiment the other night which I thought I’d share as it leads to some alarming, contrasting observations.

  • Hitler wanted the master race. The German people gave it to him.
  • Hitler wanted an SS and Gestapo. Germany made it happen.
  • Hitler wanted to commit genocide. Germany gave him the gas chambers.
  • Hitler declared the Jews a threat. The German people turned them in.
  • Hitler wanted to invade Europe. They nearly succeeded in trying.
  • Hitler allied with foreign tyrants. Germany considered that strong foreign policy.
  • Hitler wanted to take Britain next. The German people made every effort to win.
  • Hitler declared war against the USA and Russia. Germany said we can’t wait!
  • Hitler committed torture and medical experiments. The German people gladly looked away.
  • Hitler filled mass graves with dead bodies. Germany gassed up the bulldozers and built playgrounds.
  • Hitler bankrupted his country with war. The German people toughed it out.
  • Hitler gave idealistic speeches before thousands. The German people roared with approval.
  • Trump wanted to make America greater. The Democrats boycotted him.
  • Trump wanted to free up business to explode the economy. Democrats tied his hands.
  • Trump wanted to fix healthcare. Democrats dragged their feet.
  • Trump wanted to repair infrastructure. Democrats withheld funding.
  • Trump stopped Korean nuclear aggression. Democrats sneered at him.
  • Trump restored Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court. Democrats condemned it.
  • Trump wanted to strengthen our ports against terrorism. Democrats tried to block it.
  • Trump tried to get illegal criminals out of the country. Democrats gave them sanctuary.
  • Trump wanted to rebuild our border protection. Democrats wouldn’t finance him.
  • Trump won an election for the People. Democrats called it a Russian plot.
  • Trump tried to pull out of a senseless war. Democrats criticized him.
  • Trump celebrated the 4th. Democrats accused him of wasting money.
  • Trump killed the leader of ISIS. Democrats accused him of grandstanding.
  • Trump tried to investigate foreign corruption. Democrats want to impeach him for abuse of power.
I think the case is very clear: the German people were far better off with Adolf Hitler than America stands right now with the Democratic Party!
Hitler supported Trump

Nuff said

Look Fuckwit, don't come here with your typical Left Wing Spin. If you read my OP at all with anything more than 2 brain cells, you'd realize the title was just a dramatization and MY POINT was that while the German people fully backed and supported and cheered Hitler's crazy views, you Democrats have VILIFIED and CONDEMNED Trump for simply wanting to improve our jobs, economy, trade and safety. You assholes have been announcing your intention to impeach him since the day he took office!

Hitler got 100X more support as a tyrannical madman than you've shown Trump as nothing more than an aggressive political outsider businessman!

And the shame is all on you.

SO DON'T COME IN HERE thinking you are going to try to turn my thread around to try to make us out the crazies:
  • We're not the people spitting on folks for a ballcap.
  • We're not the people shooting congressmen in ballparks.
  • We're not the idiots using every single judge, newspaper, law and court trying to block and smear the president like he was Satan incarnate.

I have never seen you promote a single reasonable view ever. The very fact that you are so intellectually dishonest here to now try to spin my thread shows your real allegiance and intentions. SILENCE THE OPPOSITION.

Moderate you are NOT.

In all fairness, the left hasn't exterminated 6 million Rightwingers.....YET.....

But also in fairness, let them take away our guns and grab absolute power and I wouldn't exactly put it past the rabid beasts looking at their history of vile hatred and violence.
They are CLEARLY a mentally disturbed group capable of who knows what.
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That's because we are all armed and you fascist cowards only pull old men out of their cars and sucker punch old ladies.
They haven’t moved this shit to the rubber room yet?

Still waiting for you to point out anything specific you disagree with and what is FACTUALLY wrong about it? But like Clinton, you never do because you Tards never deal in any honest specifics anyone can argue with.

You seem to not remember he had the Presidency, House and Senate all on his side with majorities in both houses of Congress. He did nothing.
They haven’t moved this shit to the rubber room yet?

Seeing how nearly everything you post belongs there....I can understand your anticipation and excitement.....
Be patient. Looks like you momentarily found your way out of the Rubber Room and into this thread. Congratulations.

Always good to have another poodle following me around. I shall call you prissy….you sound like a fag.
Mac1958 Golfing Gator g5000 Slade3200
Many of you proclaim to be very moderate and bipartisan...the problem is; there is almost nothing to be found in your posting history to substantiate said proclamation.
I thought it had been established that you disagree with that assertion and consider us lefty snowflakes

Oh for sure...I definitely do.
I’d respect you more if you’d just own you full blown filthhood just as the proud Leftist Loons like JoeB131 here do.
I don’t like you thinking your sneaky, weird, twisted shit has anyone fooled.
Why do the labels matter so much to you? I give honest feedback about how I feel about issues. I feel like I’m close to the middle you feel like I’m far left, either way it really doesn’t matter unless you care more about labels than the actual issues.

I give you credit for that Slade except the problem is that every time I hear one of you self-professed "Moderates" speak, you are far, far closer to the Radical Left than the conservative Constitutional Moderate that I am or this country was founded on or has been for the past 210 years.

I just find it funny how all of you were silent while the Left have continually compared Trump and his supporters to being dictators and fascists, yet the moment I flip the argument around to use the Left's own argument against them for a change, all you "moderates" come jumping out of the woodwork screaming!!! :21: You see, this thread was really a test to see how you all would respond, and now we know.
i get it, you and BL are playing the hypocrisy argument to discredit those you debate against. I use that tactic at times as well but it is only effective of its applied to an actual argument. Tossing out the generalized labels and insults really means nothing.

we often disagree on this board so is it any surprise that we disagree about where I fall on the spectrum? I feel like I’m in the middle as a business owner and supporter of small gov, low regulation and fiscal conservancy... you think I’m a far left Kook because I speak out against Trump and support many liberal positions. In the end the labels don’t really matter. They are a distraction. Let’s just stick to the issues

This really isn’t complicated at all...
Righties tend to live by the “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” theory...They’re concerned about the 98%, their safety, prosperity and quality of life. They stick to the fundamentals, they protect and preserve the foundation and founding principles of this once great nation.

You Lefties tend to work off the “it’s always broke, always be fixing it” theory. You have the tendency to lobby and advocate for the two percentile....you feel good inside when you fight for compartmentalized ‘groups’ / underdogs...You can’t give two fucks if our founding principles and values are under attack and compromised or if the greater percentile has to compromise their values, safety, quality of life...etc etc...as long as your underdog, the 2% FEEL good.

Again, I find it real simple to always take the position that I perceive to be most beneficial for good, real Americans...TA-DA!
In all fairness, the left hasn't exterminated 6 million Rightwingers.....YET.....
He's not joking.

There are people walking around who are thinking like this.

This is the kind of paranoia that is created and nurtured and enabled by talk radio.
In all fairness, the left hasn't exterminated 6 million Rightwingers.....YET.....
He's not joking.

There are people walking around who are thinking like this.

This is the kind of paranoia that is created and nurtured and enabled by talk radio.

Mac, I’m thinking you’re the only one on this site who tunes in to “talk radio”...I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anyone else cite anything from “talk radio” while you’ve worn the shit out like a Liberal whores vagina.
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It has to be terrible, going through life consumed by paranoia like this.

I'd think this would be tough to shake.
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.
yet you really can't point out said corruption. just say OBJECTIVELY and CORRUPT AT HELL as if those are you GIN cards at a table or something.

god damn you're a tool.

what about the billions obama & co sent to the ukraine they got most of back? that wasn't "corrupt"? "corrupt" to you seems to mean "i hate you and you should go away now".

not even a good tool. you're a damn chinese special non magnetic screwdriver that breaks putting a screw in the wall to hang a painting.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.
Everyone in government is corrupt, because government IS corruption, even if you are too stupid to get that.

So Trump is corrupt? LOL….
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.

A President so “corrupt” he forfeits his entire paycheck. Did your beloved Hussein even do that once?

toobfreak says “everyone in government is corrupt” which of course includes the head of the Executive Branch so that means your blob is corrupt. You two girls fight it out.
STILL waiting for that expert statistical proof on how Trump didn't win the popular vote!

You're still waiting on proof of an established fact?

Go to any site and look at the popular vote totals. That's the best I can do for you. If you won't accept that result then there's nothing I can do for you to push you off whatever flavor of conspiracy theory bullshit you believe in today.

2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Popular vote finalized in presidential election
Hillary Clinton Leads by 2.8 Million in Final Popular Vote Count
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.
yet you really can't point out said corruption. just say OBJECTIVELY and CORRUPT AT HELL as if those are you GIN cards at a table or something.

god damn you're a tool.

what about the billions obama & co sent to the ukraine they got most of back? that wasn't "corrupt"? "corrupt" to you seems to mean "i hate you and you should go away now".

not even a good tool. you're a damn chinese special non magnetic screwdriver that breaks putting a screw in the wall to hang a painting.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.
Yea that must be it.
This is what happens by the end of the talk radio week.

It all just builds and builds during the week, and on Friday just explodes in a shitstorm of goofy.
and extreme. the nazis knew damn well what they were after and went after it. the dems don't really know what they are after but protecting the status quo. they will do just about anything to get their way.

RUSSIA - we see was a hoax. we'll find out how bad a hoax when the IG report comes out
kavanaugh - most people knew it was bullshit from the start. they didn't want trump to select a scotus and they felt kavanaugh would vote against abortions. ATTACK. this was purely their call, not driven by exterior means. no one MADE them lie their collective asses off and collude along the way. THEIR CHOICE/CALL.
now QUID PRO QUO. they take a line from a phone call and make up a case around it. to date, the witnesses we've seen were not even a part of the call. just "heard" about it. this was done because the president wanted to find out where billions of US tax dollars went. we're not seeing it went to Ukraine who in turn sent a lot of it back to the bidens, and many more. no one attacking trump will even admit this is a cause for concern, or at least looking into. doing so would mean trump was right and we should "look into it".

we've built a very extreme society where everything is wrong, offensive, and needs "correction". if calmer heads were in control, we'd see it's all bullshit. we're not living in a binary world, we're just watching on pass by.

it can't pass by fast enough.


we have a President who is corrupt as hell and it’s evident to anyone who looks at it objectively.
yet you really can't point out said corruption. just say OBJECTIVELY and CORRUPT AT HELL as if those are you GIN cards at a table or something.

god damn you're a tool.

what about the billions obama & co sent to the ukraine they got most of back? that wasn't "corrupt"? "corrupt" to you seems to mean "i hate you and you should go away now".

not even a good tool. you're a damn chinese special non magnetic screwdriver that breaks putting a screw in the wall to hang a painting.
Trump is corrupt. Even if you are too stupid to get it.
Yea that must be it.
Trump has done a lot of things that are corrupt.

1) He uses his properties to make money off the government.
2) Mueller listed several cases of Obstruction of Justice
3) he fired Comey because Comey was looking into the Russian collusion
4) He baited China with changing the One China policy & when China gave him copyrights, he backed down
5) Foreign governments block rooms at his properties & don't show up
6) People wanting favor hold events at his properties at high prices
7) He is selling government jobs
I thought it had been established that you disagree with that assertion and consider us lefty snowflakes

Oh for sure...I definitely do.
I’d respect you more if you’d just own you full blown filthhood just as the proud Leftist Loons like JoeB131 here do.
I don’t like you thinking your sneaky, weird, twisted shit has anyone fooled.
Why do the labels matter so much to you? I give honest feedback about how I feel about issues. I feel like I’m close to the middle you feel like I’m far left, either way it really doesn’t matter unless you care more about labels than the actual issues.

I give you credit for that Slade except the problem is that every time I hear one of you self-professed "Moderates" speak, you are far, far closer to the Radical Left than the conservative Constitutional Moderate that I am or this country was founded on or has been for the past 210 years.

I just find it funny how all of you were silent while the Left have continually compared Trump and his supporters to being dictators and fascists, yet the moment I flip the argument around to use the Left's own argument against them for a change, all you "moderates" come jumping out of the woodwork screaming!!! :21: You see, this thread was really a test to see how you all would respond, and now we know.
i get it, you and BL are playing the hypocrisy argument to discredit those you debate against. I use that tactic at times as well but it is only effective of its applied to an actual argument. Tossing out the generalized labels and insults really means nothing.

we often disagree on this board so is it any surprise that we disagree about where I fall on the spectrum? I feel like I’m in the middle as a business owner and supporter of small gov, low regulation and fiscal conservancy... you think I’m a far left Kook because I speak out against Trump and support many liberal positions. In the end the labels don’t really matter. They are a distraction. Let’s just stick to the issues

This really isn’t complicated at all...
Righties tend to live by the “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” theory...They’re concerned about the 98%, their safety, prosperity and quality of life. They stick to the fundamentals, they protect and preserve the foundation and founding principles of this once great nation.

You Lefties tend to work off the “it’s always broke, always be fixing it” theory. You have the tendency to lobby and advocate for the two percentile....you feel good inside when you fight for compartmentalized ‘groups’ / underdogs...You can’t give two fucks if our founding principles and values are under attack and compromised or if the greater percentile has to compromise their values, safety, quality of life...etc etc...as long as your underdog, the 2% FEEL good.

Again, I find it real simple to always take the position that I perceive to be most beneficial for good, real Americans...TA-DA!
You are the assfuck allowing Trump to trash the Constitution.

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