Have we ever in history considered voting a person in for president when there are concerns about their mental health?

Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother
Tampering with the U.S. Mail is a felony.
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now
Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother

Oh for Christs sakes. Our economy was doing great and UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and Trump was at the helm making the right decisions to make It so.

Your a Trump hater who will never see anything good about him. In fact you appear to be an idiot of the first degree.

Barry left him a fair hand but Trump is the one who made the economy grow. Do some research to find out HOW he did it. Don't be such an ass.
How? by giving trillions to the 1% and $500 bucks to everyone else?

Do some research. I got a refund and sure was better than $500 and I'd bet you got the same. Oh and take your 1% and shove it up your stupid ass.
You bet wrong I' didn't get or need one Poor dumb f..ers like you did

Oh I didn't need it but its my money so I took it and I'm sure you did as well.

Who are you trying to kid. If Trump were a Dem you'd be singing his praises and called him the best POTUS in decades. Your a dishonest POS.

How many, do you suppose, sent back their check? Yet, they continue to badmouth Trump.

Not a one of them. They would all take another check as well.

As I said. If Trump were a Dem they would be singing his praises and calling him the best POTUS in decades. They make me laugh with their dishonesty. What a bunch of imbeciles.
And believe me I don't need his stinkin check
+$201,192.81 (1.68%)
Day Change
+$4,364,837.00 (55.91%)
YTD Change

Well if you don't need it then give it back. Hell Trump gives his entire salary to causes he supports. You do the same.
LOL Think he won't claim a DOUBLE deduction ?? The man is a crook Born and bred It's in his genes As far as the check Pretty sure I wasn't sent one

Crooked Joe Biden selling favors from countries he's overseeing for favors for his son is crooked.

Hillary selling slots on her schedule as SOS for meeting with her is crooked.

That Trump can double deduct his salary is you showing that you know nothing about business or finance.

You hate the guy and have raging Trump Derangement Syndrome. Is it because you hate orange? Do you hate Halloween too?
Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother

Oh for Christs sakes. Our economy was doing great and UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and Trump was at the helm making the right decisions to make It so.

Your a Trump hater who will never see anything good about him. In fact you appear to be an idiot of the first degree.

Barry left him a fair hand but Trump is the one who made the economy grow. Do some research to find out HOW he did it. Don't be such an ass.
How? by giving trillions to the 1% and $500 bucks to everyone else?

Do some research. I got a refund and sure was better than $500 and I'd bet you got the same. Oh and take your 1% and shove it up your stupid ass.
You bet wrong I' didn't get or need one Poor dumb f..ers like you did

Oh I didn't need it but its my money so I took it and I'm sure you did as well.

Who are you trying to kid. If Trump were a Dem you'd be singing his praises and called him the best POTUS in decades. Your a dishonest POS.

How many, do you suppose, sent back their check? Yet, they continue to badmouth Trump.

Not a one of them. They would all take another check as well.

As I said. If Trump were a Dem they would be singing his praises and calling him the best POTUS in decades. They make me laugh with their dishonesty. What a bunch of imbeciles.
And believe me I don't need his stinkin check
+$201,192.81 (1.68%)
Day Change
+$4,364,837.00 (55.91%)
YTD Change

Well if you don't need it then give it back. Hell Trump gives his entire salary to causes he supports. You do the same.
LOL Think he won't claim a DOUBLE deduction ?? The man is a crook Born and bred It's in his genes As far as the check Pretty sure I wasn't sent one

LMAO He doesn't need to be a crook. He's a billionaire and a great businessman. Well if you didn't get a check you should be bitching up a storm unless your one of those 1%ers you keep raving about. LOL
With all due respect, Mac...I think MOST politicians are narcissists! If you made that a red flag would we even have anyone running?

Trump's own relatives say he's crazy and his Narcissism is beyond the pale.

Biden has issues. That much is rather obvious. The fact that his handlers are letting him make as few public appearances as possible when he's a few months away from the election leaves little doubt on that score. So are we really going to elect someone with dementia?

Actually, it has more to do with the PLAGUE Trump inflicted on us... We'd see both candidates doing more public appearences. Trump doesn't care how many of his followers he kills, but Biden is actually a decent human being.

View attachment 374550

CHINA i flicted this plague on us, to claim otherwise, is asinine.

I suppose Trump does have members of his family who would say things like that about him.....the ones not in the will.
Trump even screwed members of his family and he's doing it to America He's his fathers son another POS

How, be specific, how is Trump screwing Americans? People are always saying things like that but, they never seem to be able to come up with any examples.

As for Trump's family? I'm sure there are members who thi6 badly of him, we don't really know the reasons, though, maybe he wouldn't loan them money.
Let me give you a prime example He was 2 months too late in doing anything about the virus Got serious far to late Remember ?? It was going to disappear like magic..How many deaths can be attributed to the moron? Now if you think the recession we're in and 1000's getting the virus when other countries aren't suffering as badly is a credit to the moron ,,think again The buck NEVER stops at his desk Never has

No one said it would disappear. And he sure wasn't two months to late trying to stop flights into this country. You Dems called him a racist so why don't you tell me how seriously you guys took the pandemic?? It should be called the Demvirus.

Other countries economies are in the same boat ours is. And if you want to throw blame around then blame the Chinese. They are the ones who let it out of their country not Trump. The Dems would have done exactly what Trump did and would still be doing what he's doing.
When you have a moron in our WH who thinks he's smarter than scientists , experts on the virus ,just got rid of the best in the world Fauci ,and still support the sob there's something wrong with you

Fauci, best in the world....HAHAHA .

Mr. "best in the world, " who, according to you, knew everything about the virus, first came out saying, there's no need for masks or, shutdowns.

Now, if you're going to say Trump said the same thing, he got his information from Fauci!
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother

Oh for Christs sakes. Our economy was doing great and UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and Trump was at the helm making the right decisions to make It so.

Your a Trump hater who will never see anything good about him. In fact you appear to be an idiot of the first degree.

Barry left him a fair hand but Trump is the one who made the economy grow. Do some research to find out HOW he did it. Don't be such an ass.
How? by giving trillions to the 1% and $500 bucks to everyone else?

Do some research. I got a refund and sure was better than $500 and I'd bet you got the same. Oh and take your 1% and shove it up your stupid ass.
You bet wrong I' didn't get or need one Poor dumb f..ers like you did

Oh I didn't need it but its my money so I took it and I'm sure you did as well.

Who are you trying to kid. If Trump were a Dem you'd be singing his praises and called him the best POTUS in decades. Your a dishonest POS.

How many, do you suppose, sent back their check? Yet, they continue to badmouth Trump.

Not a one of them. They would all take another check as well.

As I said. If Trump were a Dem they would be singing his praises and calling him the best POTUS in decades. They make me laugh with their dishonesty. What a bunch of imbeciles.
And believe me I don't need his stinkin check
+$201,192.81 (1.68%)
Day Change
+$4,364,837.00 (55.91%)
YTD Change

Well if you don't need it then give it back. Hell Trump gives his entire salary to causes he supports. You do the same.
LOL Think he won't claim a DOUBLE deduction ?? The man is a crook Born and bred It's in his genes As far as the check Pretty sure I wasn't sent one

LMAO He doesn't need to be a crook. He's a billionaire and a great businessman. Well if you didn't get a check you should be bitching up a storm unless your one of those 1%ers you keep raving about. LOL
First off his being a billionaire could be all bullshit and great businessman??? If he wasn't bailed out by his father he'd be living off some lady he conned
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
And trump was fined for using monies in his charity for personal use or didn't you know that
Heck if it were a 3-way race between Trump, Biden and the empty chair Clint Eastwood brought out during the GOP's 2012 convention, I believe the chair would win.
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
Drubbed??? The moron lost the popular vote
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
And trump was fined for using monies in his charity for personal use or didn't you know that

That doesn't contradict what I said. It has nothing do do with what I knew or not
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
Drubbed??? The moron lost the popular vote

There is no such thing as the "popular vote." OMG, you are an American and didn't know how our elections work? Seriously? WTF did you do all those years in school? Holy crap, you think there is a "popular vote" for President????


OMG, man. You were government school educated, weren't you?

Here's how the election turned out:

Trump 304 - Hillary 227

OMG, you thought we have the popular vote for President. In hindsight, maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the third grade. I know, I know, hindsight is always 20/20
Wait for the debates and Trump asks Slow Joe about blonde leg hairs..... it'll be priceless

Of course Biden is suffering mental decline....Trump will pounce on it
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Biden and Harris I have no choice We must get this lying POS out of DC and hopefully take most of his cowardly lying senate too

Sure you have a choice. Stop following the party line. Think for yourself. Is Trump better that Biden and Harris??

Before Covid the country was doing great with Trump at the helm. Is Trump perfect. Hell no he isn't but he sure knows how to get shit done.

Biden and Harris are a couple of losers and you know they are. Think for yourself.
imo you severely over estimate what trump has done ,,,outside of inheriting a rising economy and giving trillions to the 1 percent what did he do?? Kill us with tariffs? and then bailed out farmers ? But now the ah won't bail out the post office so elections would go smoother

Oh for Christs sakes. Our economy was doing great and UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and Trump was at the helm making the right decisions to make It so.

Your a Trump hater who will never see anything good about him. In fact you appear to be an idiot of the first degree.

Barry left him a fair hand but Trump is the one who made the economy grow. Do some research to find out HOW he did it. Don't be such an ass.
How? by giving trillions to the 1% and $500 bucks to everyone else?

Do some research. I got a refund and sure was better than $500 and I'd bet you got the same. Oh and take your 1% and shove it up your stupid ass.
You bet wrong I' didn't get or need one Poor dumb f..ers like you did

Oh I didn't need it but its my money so I took it and I'm sure you did as well.

Who are you trying to kid. If Trump were a Dem you'd be singing his praises and called him the best POTUS in decades. Your a dishonest POS.

How many, do you suppose, sent back their check? Yet, they continue to badmouth Trump.

Not a one of them. They would all take another check as well.

As I said. If Trump were a Dem they would be singing his praises and calling him the best POTUS in decades. They make me laugh with their dishonesty. What a bunch of imbeciles.
And believe me I don't need his stinkin check
+$201,192.81 (1.68%)
Day Change
+$4,364,837.00 (55.91%)
YTD Change

Well if you don't need it then give it back. Hell Trump gives his entire salary to causes he supports. You do the same.
LOL Think he won't claim a DOUBLE deduction ?? The man is a crook Born and bred It's in his genes As far as the check Pretty sure I wasn't sent one

LMAO He doesn't need to be a crook. He's a billionaire and a great businessman. Well if you didn't get a check you should be bitching up a storm unless your one of those 1%ers you keep raving about. LOL
First off his being a billionaire could be all bullshit and great businessman??? If he wasn't bailed out by his father he'd be living off some lady he conned

You sure are funny. Trump is a great businessman. How do you think he got to be a billionaire?? He's worth 3 billion right now. At least that's the amount that came up when I researched it.

If he wasn't a good businessman he wouldn't be in business long. Oh and he doesn't need to con any one. LOL
Take a test? Did you take a test? Are you a junkie?

I'll let the the American people judge my f-f-f-f-f-f-f - :blink: - fitness
And if he donated to charity could be one run by him,, if they allow him to have one now

Ah, you mean if he pulled a Hillary Clinton ...
Did Hillary get fined for abusing her charity like TRUMP did??? Have a scotch on me ,,,the good stuff not the crap you drink lol

You reallly suck at insults. You said you like Glen Livet 12 year, which is a thoroughly mediocre Scotch. I said I don't. Your insult is that you like good Scotch and I don't? LOL. You're terrible at this.

No idea where you got the standard "fined," but that the people who got meetings with her donated millions to the Clinton foundation is not in question. Then when she got drubbed by Trump in the election, the donations stopped
Drubbed??? The moron lost the popular vote

There is no such thing as the "popular vote." OMG, you are an American and didn't know how our elections work? Seriously? WTF did you do all those years in school? Holy crap, you think there is a "popular vote" for President????


OMG, man. You were government school educated, weren't you?

Here's how the election turned out:

Trump 304 - Hillary 227

OMG, you thought we have the popular vote for President. In hindsight, maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the third grade. I know, I know, hindsight is always 20/20
No you dolt It's the states that vote the EC but for you to say there's no popular vote is just proving you're not as smart as you think you are ,,,like Trump
It seems unfathomable to me that we may knowingly elect a man to the presidency who is quite clearly in a mental decline. He can't string together very many sentences without a script, and even then mucks it up. He refers to blacks as if they owe him something. Sometimes he says things that make absolutely no sense.

Are we really on the verge of doing this???

Every vote for a member of the democrat party is a knowing vote for someone who isn't mentally capable of being President....
It seems unfathomable to me that we may knowingly elect a man to the presidency who is quite clearly in a mental decline. He can't string together very many sentences without a script, and even then mucks it up. He refers to blacks as if they owe him something. Sometimes he says things that make absolutely no sense.

Are we really on the verge of doing this???

LOL -- were you out of town in 2016?

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