Have you experienced prophetic dreaming?


Deja Vu................yes I've had it...............

Being at a place I've never been and remembering being there in a dream........weird isn't it............
Deja Vu is not the same as prophetic dreaming, though.
I have Deja Vu all the time, but that isn't what I meant with this thread. I am talking about dreaming something and it comes true either soon after the dream...or later on in life where you remember the dream and the prophecy it gave you.
Deja Vu is not the same as prophetic dreaming, though.
How so............you've seen the future..............

Literally...........how is that not prophetic.
Well, I guess it could be, but see my edited post above. And how do you know your Deja Vu is futuristic vs past experiences?
Because I've never been to those places and in my dreams I saw them...................
Yes. When my dad was dying of cancer I had a dream about a confrontation with a Bengal tiger. I was with my wife and her brother in what seemed like a small village of several small houses in what appeared to be in an ancient time. Someone said there was a tiger seen in the vicinity and we climbed up onto the roof of one of the houses for safety. As we reached the top of the roof, the tiger appeared from the other side and was right there in front of us. My wife likes cats and reached out to pet him but he bit her, ripping her arm open. We climbed back down off the roof and as we walked away from the house, I turned around and my wife and her brother had disappeared. About that time the tiger walked up beside me. I didn't want to show fear so I reached down and stroked him on his back and he walked away. Then I saw my dad and sister in one of the houses smoking a cigarette. They saw me and came out and my dad's face was eaten up with what I assumed to be cancer (although he was dying of lung cancer). Then I woke up.
A few weeks later my dad died. I knew the tiger represented the cancer but about 10 years later my wife's brother died, only not from cancer (the tiger didn't bite him). Then about 3 years after that my wife got breast cancer but survived it (the tiger bit her but didn't kill her). I believe the dream was telling me what was going to happen to my dad, my wife and her brother but I don't know how my sister fits into it. I also now believe I won't die from cancer because the tiger left me alone. Usually I don't remember my dreams but the ones I do remember are those types of dreams and I always have them when I'm facing something uncertain in my life.
I have lots of place dreams.

I don't have them every night, more like once every so many months.And it's always one place at a time.The dreams evolve, I'll start out in a spot with a visual radius of maybe 1 block, in the next dream I'm at the end of that block and I can see 2 more blocks, next dream I get in a car at the end of the 2 blocks and ride through town... and so on. Then after a few years the dreams stop. Within 2 years of the dream stopping I'll visit that place unexpectedly - like during a vacation trip there's something wrong on the 4-lane, so we have to take a detour and it goes right through the dream place.

The current dream place is miserable and dreary. Something about a resort on this hill - a ski resort? - totally run down, decorated in bad 1970s, something about Stevie Nicks did a show there once... the town's even crappier, kinda in the middle of nowhere, there's some factory or something that makes or packages white socks, a very poor, lonely town, but weirdly it has a commuter train or tram... I really don't want to go there, it's not a fun place at all.
Deja Vu is not the same as prophetic dreaming, though.
How so............you've seen the future..............

Literally...........how is that not prophetic.
Well, I guess it could be, but see my edited post above. And how do you know your Deja Vu is futuristic vs past experiences?
I think Deja Vu is the same thing, only in reverse but Deja Vu is useless where prophetic dreams are not.
I had a dream I remember. Actually, many of the same dreams. Same concept. I keep calling on the phone....and there is no answer. I keep dialing and dialing...and still no answer. I am frantic in these dreams. I always wake sweaty and fearful. But its been..oh...45 years since I had it. No need now. It came true. I'm sorry I cannot go into detail, but it was about someone I lost. Or rather, someone stolen from me. On a big fat lie. I should have known what those dreams meant, but I was young and didn't know what I know now in the unknown areas of psychic phenomena. Afterwards...it made sense. No need for the warnings because it already happened AFTER the fact.

Now, I have dreams of trying to get home. Home is here in this house. We move for some reason unknown to me, and I am always trying to find my way back. Which bodes ill, in my opinion.
I have absolutely no idea about this sort of stuff at all. Sorry, Gracie.

Granny says, "Dat's right - just like it says inna Bible...

... Joel 2.28-29, Acts 2.17-21...

... it's the end times, all ye lefty lib'rals...

... oughta repent an' get right with Jesus!"
Recurring dreams I have often involve flying. At first I can fly, but as soon as I think like 'this is so cool, I can fly' I can't anymore and spend the rest of the dream doing my "Greatest American Hero" impersonation trying to fly. :)

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