Have You Heard The News

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For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense

NO, I don't think that Israelis or Jews are sensible people, the only sense they have how to count money and because of this world wealth they have, they are using against the world by DIVIDING the WORLD and RULE.



For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense

NO, I don't think that Israelis or Jews are sensible people, the only sense they have how to count money and because of this world wealth they have, they are using against the world by DIVIDING the WORLD and RULE.




You really have been reading too much propaganda and lies about Israel and jews.

............but you have no problem with palestinians or ISIS robbing banks instead of making money with hard work and intelligence, and using the money for philanthropy and helping the community, of all faiths and races.
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet

Syrian forces were in Lebanon from 1976 to 2005. Rhem is disagreeing with facts.
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet

Why don't you reply the actual post "HAMAS or israel".
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense

NO, I don't think that Israelis or Jews are sensible people, the only sense they have how to count money and because of this world wealth they have, they are using against the world by DIVIDING the WORLD and RULE.




You really have been reading too much propaganda and lies about Israel and jews.

............but you have no problem with palestinians or ISIS robbing banks instead of making money with hard work and intelligence, and using the money for philanthropy and helping the community, of all faiths and races.

This is exactly I am talking about the Jewish that they have tricky brain and because of it, have the net work around that how to fool the world and rip the world off, with out getting the blame of robing the bank, means remain the Gentle Man. And world know and aware about these trick of Jewish so world is preparing it self against the monster, posing itself angel.
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet

Syrian forces were in Lebanon from 1976 to 2005. Rhem is disagreeing with facts.

Please come to the HAMAS and ISRAEL issue. And why Syrian occupied Lebanon, must be protect Lebanon and as well as Syrian border from Israelis aggression as little israelis posing themselves big gangster in the big world.
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For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet

Why don't you reply the actual post "HAMAS or israel".

you brought up Hezbullah and Lebanon
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Israel have never refused to come to the peace table, what they have refused to do is give in to demands of pre conditions before the peace talks will even be allowed to go ahead.
Hezbolla is not from Lebanon but from Palestine and so are invaders of a free Christian nation.
The more the Palestinians join hamas the more Palestinians will die until in the end there are no Palestinians left.
The Palestinians have been offered freedom and answered with violence terrorism and war, they have it in their power to gain freedom by giving up the violence and terrorism
What I taught by Jews Media in USA and in UK, actually you telling different story and in fact you are blaming to them instead admiring to British that they open the door of Holly Land for Jews,
isn't it right tell me?

And don't call Muslim terrorist, actually Muslim are the one who opened the door for Jews 900 years ago, until then Jews were not allowed to even come around near holly land. He was Saladin(Salah uddin Ayubi) when took over Jerusalem 900 years ago.
Look what jews are doing to their savior who accommodate them 900 years ago, Jews pushed these Palestinian from their home and continuously killing them.
Tell me who trust Jews in the world I am sure not Palestinian.
Did you know this part of history Or keep making fool to yourself and others, but how long.
And I have more question to ask about paranoid and stupid jews, I used thought they are smart people but not any more.

The above is reprehensible.

The above is a pack of filthy ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS
I'm thinking this number is a mix up with the number of Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA.
In 2012 this number was 5 million.

So refugees, definitely not murdered by Israel. Murdered Palestinians in the cause of Israeli territorial ambition would be more like 70,000.
Incidental deaths, due to neglect and lack of facilities / utilities may boost this number, but arguing numbers would miss the point that injustice causing any deaths must be resisted.

Israel is responsible for 70 000 Palestinian deaths? LOL
Care to provide evidence for that number ?

This will include all the children murdered by hamas and fatah of course, so knock of at least 5,000. Then all the Palestinians that have spoken out against the terrorist bombings of Israel and who have asked for peace, another 10,000 . Finally those that died of natural causes at a young age from cancer and diabetes and that is another 10,000 Nearly forgot that Israel has not been proven to be murderers but individuals have so remove another 44,990 and you have the 10 Palestinians murdered by Israeli's, the other 45,000 were killed in war and were valid military targets or unforeseen collateral deaths.
Now over 2000 dead Palestinians. And all Israel requested to prevent this was for Hamas to stop firing rocket missiles into Israel. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.

I will say Israelis are not brave people, if they are then they should call a One of One fight with Palestinian and decide who will stay. You can not go forever like that to forcing innocent people in to the camp and dropping bomb by using modern machine, actually Palestinians are who open the door for jews 900 years ago.

That has been done in the past, actually it was 10 to 1 in the arab muslims favour and the Israelis won 4 times. So why are the Palestinians still there ?
There has always been a Jewish presence in the holy land for the last 4,500 years, the arab muslims did not appear until the 7C, 2,500 years after the Jews settled and lived on the land.
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

HUH??? Israel is "occupying" Palestine??? How do you like that? And here I actually believed Solomon's Temple predated the Al Asqa Mosque. Amazing what we can learn here from Pali supporters.
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Lebanon was occupied by Syria for thirty years. Hezbullah is Iran and Syria's puppet

Why don't you reply the actual post "HAMAS or israel".

you brought up Hezbullah and Lebanon

Because Hezbollah also formed because of Israel refusal for peace but Lebanon has control over Hezbollah as a country listed with UNO, not like Palestine under Terrorist Israelis occupation and they have right for fight, for their Free dome, don't you agree with it?
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Israel have never refused to come to the peace table, what they have refused to do is give in to demands of pre conditions before the peace talks will even be allowed to go ahead.
Hezbolla is not from Lebanon but from Palestine and so are invaders of a free Christian nation.
The more the Palestinians join hamas the more Palestinians will die until in the end there are no Palestinians left.
The Palestinians have been offered freedom and answered with violence terrorism and war, they have it in their power to gain freedom by giving up the violence and terrorism

1.Israel is refusing by using HAMAS that HAMAS is refusing the peace deal between Israel and Arab League in 2002, as I said once Palestine got the Free dome and listed with UNO can be control by Palestine as a country.
But the paranoid Israelis not believing and avoiding the peace deal and causing more damage to Israel'e trust in the neighborhood as a good neighbor. I will advise to Israelis behave like normal human being and give up the stupid idea that you are prime race.
2. Christians are also joined force against Israel with Muslim in this free dome fighting against Israelis illegal occupation and as Christians are living happily with Muslim including Arab Jewish for 900 years under Muslim rule until WWII in 1938 and in fact jews betrayed to Muslim and Christians by occupying Palestine and destroyed, their livelihood including Arab Jews, tell me who will trust to jews anymore, not these Palestinian.
3. Look it just a matter of time when jews will be down and Palestinian will be up, will jews confront Palestinian empty hand, no off course not, Israelis live for luxurious life not for faith and values. Palestinian sacrifice a lot for the faith, values and for holly land over the centuries, Israelis even can not compare a little particle in a salt rather than salt in a flour.

I will advise to Jews to be a normal human being and behave accordingly give up stupid mentality that you are especial race, no you are not( your sh..out, like every other human) and no masaya is coming 25000 already passed and according to Al-Quran 1500 years ago Prophet hood has finished on Prophet Muhammad PBUH, if some Prophet will come, is only Jesus PBUH to complete his life. Please Jews accept the Jesus PBUH and Muhammad PBUH and complete the line of Prophet and bring the peace and harmony among the race of father Abraham PBUH and this action also help the rest of the world join action,
Don't complain to us, about your genocide being restrained by the fact that we are watching you.
Even the Germans had to keep things quiet while they were trying all sorts of 'solutions'.

Tell me, were the Germans successful in their genocide?
Was it still genocide?

Look up the definitions.
Also, have a look at who your opposition includes:

These people kinda recognise what it is you are doing. Why don't you?
UPDATE: 225 Jewish Survivors and Descendents of Survivors of Nazi Genocide Condemn the Massacre of Palestinians
Look at you!

As if your side has moral equivalence with Israel!


Palestinians are lying racist Jihadists who want to help Allah rule the entire Globe and kill the unbelievers and the Jews.
What I taught by Jews Media in USA and in UK, actually you telling different story and in fact you are blaming to them instead admiring to British that they open the door of Holly Land for Jews,
isn't it right tell me?

And don't call Muslim terrorist, actually Muslim are the one who opened the door for Jews 900 years ago, until then Jews were not allowed to even come around near holly land. He was Saladin(Salah uddin Ayubi) when took over Jerusalem 900 years ago.
Look what jews are doing to their savior who accommodate them 900 years ago, Jews pushed these Palestinian from their home and continuously killing them.
Tell me who trust Jews in the world I am sure not Palestinian.
Did you know this part of history Or keep making fool to yourself and others, but how long.
And I have more question to ask about paranoid and stupid jews, I used thought they are smart people but not any more.

The above is reprehensible.

The above is a pack of filthy ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS
Fact is at the moment, Jews are proving that they are terrorist in civilized uniform and world also can see jew in their real form, form of evil not a prime human being, but question how long?
For those who insist on discussing Palestinian killings, let them rejoice in how many the PLO & Hamas & Fatah have massacred. Oh well, there are still over 6 million of them left in Israel.

Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like about another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians to come after Israel retaliates. Way to go. Keep them rocket missiles coming. LONG LIVE HAMAS.

Place your bets. How many more dead Palestinians will there be until Hamas violates the next truce?

1.8 million if Israel have any sense
Looks like only Hamas can prevent that from happening. And that isn't likely. So let the good times roll.

Look you rally can not blame to HAMAS, because HAMAS establish, just because Israelis refused to come to the peace negotiation table in recent past, so as Hazebullah in Lebanon but Hezbollah has free country, but not HAMAS. And if Israelis continues to refuse peace offered by the Arab League, there would be more Palestinian will join the HAMAS.

Now you have to decide if you have a common sense that who is responsible, Israel or HAMAS.

And you should not forget that Palestinian are fighting for free dome of their country Palestine against the Israelis occupation.

Israel have never refused to come to the peace table, what they have refused to do is give in to demands of pre conditions before the peace talks will even be allowed to go ahead.
Hezbolla is not from Lebanon but from Palestine and so are invaders of a free Christian nation.
The more the Palestinians join hamas the more Palestinians will die until in the end there are no Palestinians left.
The Palestinians have been offered freedom and answered with violence terrorism and war, they have it in their power to gain freedom by giving up the violence and terrorism

1.Israel is refusing by using HAMAS that HAMAS is refusing the peace deal between Israel and Arab League in 2002, as I said once Palestine got the Free dome and listed with UNO can be control by Palestine as a country.
But the paranoid Israelis not believing and avoiding the peace deal and causing more damage to Israel'e trust in the neighborhood as a good neighbor. I will advise to Israelis behave like normal human being and give up the stupid idea that you are prime race.
2. Christians are also joined force against Israel with Muslim in this free dome fighting against Israelis illegal occupation and as Christians are living happily with Muslim including Arab Jewish for 900 years under Muslim rule until WWII in 1938 and in fact jews betrayed to Muslim and Christians by occupying Palestine and destroyed, their livelihood including Arab Jews, tell me who will trust to jews anymore, not these Palestinian.
3. Look it just a matter of time when jews will be down and Palestinian will be up, will jews confront Palestinian empty hand, no off course not, Israelis live for luxurious life not for faith and values. Palestinian sacrifice a lot for the faith, values and for holly land over the centuries, Israelis even can not compare a little particle in a salt rather than salt in a flour.

I will advise to Jews to be a normal human being and behave accordingly give up stupid mentality that you are especial race, no you are not( your sh..out, like every other human) and no masaya is coming 25000 already passed and according to Al-Quran 1500 years ago Prophet hood has finished on Prophet Muhammad PBUH, if some Prophet will come, is only Jesus PBUH to complete his life. Please Jews accept the Jesus PBUH and Muhammad PBUH and complete the line of Prophet and bring the peace and harmony among the race of father Abraham PBUH and this action also help the rest of the world join action,

Palestinians are racists who have a neverending, lethal and blood-thirsty hatred for people of the Jewish race.

Racists deserve condemnation and suffering on some level.

Racists who want to make me the "Offer" as though they were morally superior to me deserve to know the folly of their notions.
What I taught by Jews Media in USA and in UK, actually you telling different story and in fact you are blaming to them instead admiring to British that they open the door of Holly Land for Jews,
isn't it right tell me?

And don't call Muslim terrorist, actually Muslim are the one who opened the door for Jews 900 years ago, until then Jews were not allowed to even come around near holly land. He was Saladin(Salah uddin Ayubi) when took over Jerusalem 900 years ago.
Look what jews are doing to their savior who accommodate them 900 years ago, Jews pushed these Palestinian from their home and continuously killing them.
Tell me who trust Jews in the world I am sure not Palestinian.
Did you know this part of history Or keep making fool to yourself and others, but how long.
And I have more question to ask about paranoid and stupid jews, I used thought they are smart people but not any more.

The above is reprehensible.

The above is a pack of filthy ISLAMONAZI LIES AND BLOOD LIBELS
Fact is at the moment, Jews are proving that they are terrorist in civilized uniform and world also can see jew in their real form, form of evil not a prime human being, but question how long?

If our African-American history had seen greater numbers of Muslims settle here in the 17th - 20th Centuries I believe this nation's African-American slaves might STILL be in chains.

Surely, the Muslims would have used the internet equivalent of that era to try to convince the Americans that slavery was a good thing!

When do you think the Koran will ever get around to being amended to prohibit SLAVERY???

How many do you enjoy, personally in your dwelling?
Now over 2000 dead Palestinians. And all Israel requested to prevent this was for Hamas to stop firing rocket missiles into Israel. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.

I will say Israelis are not brave people, if they are then they should call a One of One fight with Palestinian and decide who will stay. You can not go forever like that to forcing innocent people in to the camp and dropping bomb by using modern machine, actually Palestinians are who open the door for jews 900 years ago.

That has been done in the past, actually it was 10 to 1 in the arab muslims favour and the Israelis won 4 times. So why are the Palestinians still there ?
There has always been a Jewish presence in the holy land for the last 4,500 years, the arab muslims did not appear until the 7C, 2,500 years after the Jews settled and lived on the land.

First this is wrong jews never live in the holly land more than few years, Second and these few years was given to them by Moses PBUH, (before that jews were in Africa as a slave of FARO) which they lost by refusing the Prophet hood of Jesus PBUH.
1.Jews should thanks to Islam and Muslim that Al- Quran confirm that Jesus PBUH is alive and waiting on 4 sky and will came to complete his life
2. When Muslim took over Jerusalem under the rule of Saladin(salah uddin ayubi) not only he allowed to Christian to live in Jerusalem and also he open the door for Jews as well 900 years ago and I will say that this was the first multicultural and religious democracy in the world where people of different faith were living with harmony.

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