Have you noticed the phrasing by the media to be like this?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is not merely done in America. The media does this for all countries. The media I am talking of is the American media.

What do they do? When they discuss Democrats and say left, it is always a gentle left. When they mention the right, they always say "far right."
If you have examples showing I am wrong, delight yourself by showing them.
investors.com is a far right financial guidance outlet. They engage in matters like

Look at the reporting of the French elections. Every news story refers to the "far Right" or the "extreme Right." But there is no such thing as the "far Left." It is never mentioned. It is unimaginable.

The Frenchmen are "far Right" because they don't want their culture and country destroyed by Muslim immigrants. While the government allows them in, hoping they will one day start paying taxes to fund their retirement program. Good luck with that.
This is an example of how far from actual journalism the corporate media has evolved. The purpose of any journalism is to report facts: who, what, where, when, and why and leave the interpretation and evaluating to the reader. It is enough to say So and So said this today. When that turns into So and So lied and this is what they said, the process is corrupted, and should not even be considered. Now they are actively and pro actively taking it on themselves to pass judgement on what is true or not. I have even seen news items saying this person or that one is guilty of spreading false lies. What in the name of Richard Nixon are those? It is impossible to tell opinion pieces from "news" flashes, they are presented as the same. Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate

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