Have you noticed....

....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things

Allegedly deleted emails that nobody can find, yet YOU know what their subject matter was. That's right. Keep that specious rhetoric going....
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things

Allegedly deleted emails that nobody can find, yet YOU know what their subject matter was. That's right. Keep that specious rhetoric going....
Your loyalty to the queen is duly noted. You shall be rewarded with a Christmas card and a Clinton Foundation donor envelope.
4 of the above 5 posters would applaud if Trump stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot someone
I never heard the word alleged. Ever.
From nyt-
February and March 2015

Before The New York Times publishes an article about Mrs. Clinton’s personal email account, the State Department tells committee investigators that she relied on it exclusively as secretary of state. Soon after, Mrs. Clinton announces that she has asked the State Department to release emails from the 30,000 she handed over, and says that she deleted another 32,000 personal messages.

FBI to begin transferring deleted Clinton emails Friday | TheHill
The Hill › policy › national-security › 28...
Jul 18, 2016 - The FBI on Friday will begin sending the “several thousand” deleted work-related emails sent ... Comey's team recovered the emails through digital traces left on decommissioned servers and via the ...

....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things

Allegedly deleted emails that nobody can find, yet YOU know what their subject matter was. That's right. Keep that specious rhetoric going....
I never heard the word alleged. Ever.
From nyt-
February and March 2015

Before The New York Times publishes an article about Mrs. Clinton’s personal email account, the State Department tells committee investigators that she relied on it exclusively as secretary of state. Soon after, Mrs. Clinton announces that she has asked the State Department to release emails from the 30,000 she handed over, and says that she deleted another 32,000 personal messages.

FBI to begin transferring deleted Clinton emails Friday | TheHill
The Hill › policy › national-security › 28...
Jul 18, 2016 - The FBI on Friday will begin sending the “several thousand” deleted work-related emails sent ... Comey's team recovered the emails through digital traces left on decommissioned servers and via the ...

....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things

Allegedly deleted emails that nobody can find, yet YOU know what their subject matter was. That's right. Keep that specious rhetoric going....
So whatever came of all that?
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

Well no I haven't darling. I did though from September until the first week of November 2016 notice an inordinate amount of Hillarybot apologists brushing aside her deleting more than 30,000 emails, many regarding American National Security things that she had sent via her unsecured server that was in the bathroom.
Why do y'all respond to Trump critiques with Hillary critiques? If you thought Clinton supporters were lame for ignoring her shady business then doesn't that make you a hypocrite for ignoring Trumps?
4 of the above 5 posters would applaud if Trump stood in the middle of 5th Avenue and shot someone

mmmmmmkay. I don't just applaud for the sake of it. It would depend on who he was shooting. And some I could give a standing ovation for.

Come on with the bullshit.You left wing wankers are truly looking more and more deranged.

....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
It's as embarrassing as thinking there's a Russian connection that doesn't exist...
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
It's as embarrassing as thinking there's a Russian connection that doesn't exist...
It's way more embarrassing for you. First off, every inteligence official, even those appointed by Trump, has stated that there is a Russia situation. Second, isn't nothing burger a term that Hillary Clinton used all the time? You should go stand in the corner for a while and think about what youve done
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
It's as embarrassing as thinking there's a Russian connection that doesn't exist...
It's way more embarrassing for you. First off, every inteligence official, even those appointed by Trump, has stated that there is a Russia situation. Second, isn't nothing burger a term that Hillary Clinton used all the time? You should go stand in the corner for a while and think about what youve done
Hildabeast is an embarrassment to this country... those that supported her are the enemy.
Trump had no experience whatsoever politically, less money and no media support and he still kicked that fucking kunts ass... karma is a bitch, elections have consequences...
The electoral college is there to keep you crazies at bay... :dance:
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
It's as embarrassing as thinking there's a Russian connection that doesn't exist...
It's way more embarrassing for you. First off, every inteligence official, even those appointed by Trump, has stated that there is a Russia situation. Second, isn't nothing burger a term that Hillary Clinton used all the time? You should go stand in the corner for a while and think about what youve done
Hildabeast is an embarrassment to this country... those that supported her are the enemy.
Trump had no experience whatsoever politically, less money and no media support and he still kicked that fucking kunts ass... karma is a bitch, elections have consequences...
The electoral college is there to keep you crazies at bay... :dance:
Yet you use our national embarrassments catch phrase. Way to go man!
Still serving up nothing burgers I see
Still using the phrase "nothing burgers" huh? What a sad little puppet you are. How embarrassing
It's as embarrassing as thinking there's a Russian connection that doesn't exist...
It's way more embarrassing for you. First off, every inteligence official, even those appointed by Trump, has stated that there is a Russia situation. Second, isn't nothing burger a term that Hillary Clinton used all the time? You should go stand in the corner for a while and think about what youve done
Hildabeast is an embarrassment to this country... those that supported her are the enemy.
Trump had no experience whatsoever politically, less money and no media support and he still kicked that fucking kunts ass... karma is a bitch, elections have consequences...
The electoral college is there to keep you crazies at bay... :dance:
Yet you use our national embarrassments catch phrase. Way to go man!
The nanny state may suit you, but it does not suit millions of others… Keep it to yourselves
....that the saga of Trump, Jr.'s email exchanges about the meeting with the Russian lawyer, there've been quite a few Trump apologists speculating things like:
  • he didn't read the emails, or
  • he didn't think it was important enough
Interesting....that's quite a fair bit of benefit of the doubt and recognition of the human condition. Is that something to which only men are entitled? I wonder?

You can rest assured that right wingers on here ONLY "defense" of baby Trump, will be an attack on Hillary.....you can set your watch by it.....

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