Have you seen 2000 Mules yet? Not a trailer. The whole thing?

This film is full of lies and I'm only five minutes into it.

So asshole, you've already denounced the film as a pack of lies five times and you've only seen the opening 5 minutes long before they even get into any of the actual details? Typical. The first 30 minutes is mostly preamble. Should've called yourself CantHandleTheTruth because the truth does not abide in a person like you.
So asshole, you've already denounced the film as a pack of lies five times and you've only seen the opening 5 minutes long before they even get into any of the actual details? Typical. The first 30 minutes is mostly preamble. Should've called yourself CantHandleTheTruth because the truth does not abide in a person like you.

These morons will never accept they are wrong! it's a waste of time.
Exactly. Everything in this film has been through the courts. And laughed out of court.

The only one being laughed at is you. Boy, this film must really have all you tards SCARED SILLY to amp up your lies so much---- now you're a make-belief expert on:
  1. 60 court cases you know nothing about.
  2. A film you haven't even watched.
Gee, do a little better loser and you could almost be as big a stoop as that illegal imposter Joe Biden. :lmao:
Good poster, Lastamender.......consider my post here as not exactly directly aimed at your avatar.
It may appear that way, but it would only be obliquely so as I fully realize that there be a bubble in which you exist and my arguments will not penetrate. Accordingly, it is aimed at a larger audience, and your avatar is merely a foil. No disrespect intended.

Anyway, specific to your "disprove one thing".....well, that's not how it works.

Joe Biden won the Presidency in November 2020. In excess of 7 million votes in the 'popular' ballot count. And by a "landslide"* in electoral college votes. States certified that count. States audited, re-counted, hand-counted, and verified those totals.

(*DTrump' words, not mine, when he applied the exact same numbers to himself in 2016...a 'landslide'.)

It follows then, the burden you have poster Lastamender, and by extension the producer of the 'Mules' film, is bring to an authoritative court of law (not some traffic-court in Hives Junction, Arkansas)..your persuasive case and earn a subsequent ruling that affirms your argument.

To the best of my knowledge, you've achieved neither.....a persuasive case, nor an authoritative ruling.

I don't know why you have failed in over 60+ attempts in courts, in front of almost 100 judges....including Trump appointed judges, including Trump nominated Supreme Court Justices.

But, in any case, it is not a burden required by any law or entity to prove YOU wrong, or Don Trump wrong, or Rudy Giuliani wrong.

Rather, it is your burden, and those named above, and those of like mind, to prove that the vote...popular/electoral.......is wrong.
To date, and I have no wish to 'pile-on' or be harsh....but......but to date, your side has been, ummm, 'ineffective'.

To remedy that, quit trying to argue on an internet chatroom.....take your case to the FBI, or your state's top election official, or your local Sheriff. Make an argument that gets you in front of another court.

I suggest the above only in the spirit of helping you be better at your passions.
And, if you would, please keep the forum informed in your discussions with the FBI or your State's election officials. You may be able to act as a role-model to others of your like-mind.

Good luck.
The film handled that burden very well. If the data can be analyzed by them it can be by our government. Think they will give it a try? I doubt because they would find the same thing.

They never showed the data either, ya moron. They merely claimed to have the data and claimed the data showed what they claimed. For you, it doesn't matter what they said. You would believe anything they said as long as they cried fraud.
There was no such part like that in the movie, fuckwad. You are just another lying chickenshit creep. Probably belong to one of the many Zuckerberg organizations which helped steal votes.

Moron, he was being sarcastic pointing out they omitted data not favorable to their diatribe.
They never showed the data either, ya moron. They merely claimed to have the data and claimed the data showed what they claimed. For you, it doesn't matter what they said. You would believe anything they said as long as they cried fraud.
Why would they show the data? Do you have any idea how much there is. You say you work with data. I guess you are lying about that too. But it is an especially stupid thing to ask so you are consistent.

Fraud-1 Big Lie -0
Why would they show the data? Do you have any idea how much there is. You say you work with data. I guess you are lying about that too. But it is an especially stupid thing to ask so you are consistent.

Fraud-1 Big Lie -0

So we're just supposed to accept they are telling the truth? No need to show any proof whatsoever? Just accept what they say?

Only the person saying that is Gregg Phillips who was caught lying about voter fraud in the 2016 election.

But we should b'lieve him this time, right, cretin?
I asked if anyone saw the whole thing. Give yer opinions, then move along. Bogarting the whole subject matter is bullshit.

Don't you see Gracie, the more these shrews who never even watched a second of the documentary work to try to discredit the movie, the more they simply prove that they never were open to fair consideration of the topic at all from the beginning and are just scared shitless of being uncovered and this all blowing up in their faces when the GOP gets back in power! Especially the new GOP being reconstructed by Trump getting all the dead wood out, because believe me, there will be many deep investigations and criminal charges brought.
Ah, the English language can be a challenge to some.
  • The new immigrant? Of course.
  • The poorly schooled? Sure.
  • The, ummm, developmentally challenged? Sadly so.
  • The unwilling to learn and become more skilled? Regrettably so.

Nonetheless, here in America we have that 'freedom-of-expression' thingy.
Which thankfully allows all those listed above to clearly demonstrate the difficulties that America as a nation faces in effectively communicating with such wide degrees of ability ..... despite a common language.

Just sayin'.

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