Have You Shopped at Walmart?

Have you ever shopped at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 11.6%

  • Total voters


Jul 12, 2011
I've shopped at Walmart many times. I was glad it was there. Convenient, good prices, what else do you want?


Wal-Mart (Fortune 500), which averages 140 million shoppers weekly to its stores in the United States, is considered a barometer of the health of the consumer and the economy. Wal-Mart's core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and the retail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said Wednesday.

Wal-Mart has struggled with seven straight quarters of sales declines in its stores

With food prices rising, Duke said Wal-Mart is charging customers more for some fresh groceries while reducing prices on other merchandise such as electronics.

"We're seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure," Duke said at an event in New York. "There's no doubt that rising fuel prices are having an impact." "Purchases are really dropping off by the end of the month even more than last year," Duke said. "This end-of-month [purchases] cycle is growing to be a concern.

Wal-Mart shoppers running out of money - Apr. 27, 2011
Despite Liberals hatred for companies like Walmart. With out them, Millions of Low Income families Standards of living would drop.

About thrice, when an emergency arose.
Walmart is a piece of shit that destroys small businesses and turns people into ignorant wage slaves.
In this great Obamacession who can afford NOT to shop Walmart?

For example, Kellogg's Special K cereal $1.00 per 18 oz. box under cheapest competitor.

Salad dressing, still sold in 32 ounce quart bottles at WM vs. house brand in competitor's store for a buck less despite the other store now selling "quart" bottles containing 28 ounces.

House brand bread at WM, 2/$5.00 vs. $3.49 per loaf ($6.98 for 2) at national grocery chain.
Same weight, same expiration date.

Not surprising that even WM is seeing sales decline. When you lose your job and have to live off "benefits" you don't have as much money to spend so you don't spend as much. Sounds simple enough but surprising how many people can't do the math. Must have attended public school.
I go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.
Despite Liberals hatred for companies like Walmart. With out them, Millions of Low Income families Standards of living would drop.


Walmart has very low prices but they impose a great inconvenience on millions of people by knocking out the mid sized stores in an area. I have to drive an extra 10 miles to go to Walmart because the discount stores that used to be on my side of town are now all gone. As are the supermarkets for that matter.
Yep I shop at Wally World.
When wal marts numbers decline you know it is serious.
Despite Liberals hatred for companies like Walmart. With out them, Millions of Low Income families Standards of living would drop.


Walmart has very low prices but they impose a great inconvenience on millions of people by knocking out the mid sized stores in an area. I have to drive an extra 10 miles to go to Walmart because the discount stores that used to be on my side of town are now all gone. As are the supermarkets for that matter.

They are just the latest in a decades long string of the big retailers crowding out the smaller ones.
I go to Wal Mart when I'm in the mood to watch fat women in stretch pants beat the crap out of their kids.

Around here, the 350 lb guys with bed head, and in the world's largest t-shirts and in pajama bottoms, are the opening act for what you described.

lol, bed hair...I knew that didn't look right.
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Aren't we supposed to be happy about this?

Wasn't out-of-control consumerism everyone's favorite lament a few years ago?

Now that people are buying less crap at Walmart now THAT'S the lament?
Aren't we supposed to be happy about this?

Wasn't out-of-control consumerism everyone's favorite lament a few years ago?

Now that people are buying less crap at Walmart now THAT'S the lament?

Actually if it is dropping for the correct reason it is a good thing. But I suspect it is only dropping becuase of dropping funds to spend.
Despite Liberals hatred for companies like Walmart. With out them, Millions of Low Income families Standards of living would drop.


It's true. I live in a community of 9,800 and we have a medium sized Walmart which is expanding into a huge Walmart. It serves ppl from a 50 mile radius and with high gas prices, Walmart's customer base isn't what it used to be. The fact that it is expanding, shows that there is faith that the economy will turn around, I am hoping.

I love our Walmart for several reasons. Even though they have had to raise prices on SOME items, they have lowered prices on others. I love it because they have a woman manager. ( That point matters to me only because it seems to matter to those who love to bash Walmart. ) I am personally in favor of hiring the most competent people regardless of gender.

I love Walmart because they have a Subway. I love it because their employees are generally happy and smiling and when I asked several of them "if they liked their jobs" they said, "yes." One can tell how a manager is handling a company by the way the employees feel about their jobs. I love the fact that I can go in there early and feel that the store is "all mine."

Go Walmart! You are terrific for all your customers, whether in a good OR bad economy. :clap2:
I don't shop there much mostly because it's just a freaky bunch in there and it is usually VERY crowded.
One of the fastest growing departments in Walmart is the one held over from last Halloween - where they sell the costumes. Being bought by the cartload by people who constantly bitch about Walmart but shop there regularly and don't want their neighbors to know.
One of the fastest growing departments in Walmart is the one held over from last Halloween - where they sell the costumes. Being bought by the cartload by people who constantly bitch about Walmart but shop there regularly and don't want their neighbors to know.

Ahh yes those with materalistic based self esteem.
Poor people they are.

I am not embaressed to shop at Big Lots Or Wally world or anyplace I can get a good price on what I want.
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I don't shop there much mostly because it's just a freaky bunch in there and it is usually VERY crowded.

You should fit right in if it's freaky.

I hate walmart. Won't shop in one. I'll cut back on other stuff. It's claustrophobic, it's ruined many businesses that I happened to be friends with, and the company sucks big hairy ones when it comes to their employees. This may make a few upset but I don't understand why it would. The question was...do we shop at walmart. I said a resounding NO. And why I won't.
Guess I should not respond to questioning titles any more, eh?
Despite Liberals hatred for companies like Walmart. With out them, Millions of Low Income families Standards of living would drop.


It's true. I live in a community of 9,800 and we have a medium sized Walmart which is expanding into a huge Walmart. It serves ppl from a 50 mile radius and with high gas prices, Walmart's customer base isn't what it used to be. The fact that it is expanding, shows that there is faith that the economy will turn around, I am hoping.

I love our Walmart for several reasons. Even though they have had to raise prices on SOME items, they have lowered prices on others. I love it because they have a woman manager. ( That point matters to me only because it seems to matter to those who love to bash Walmart. ) I am personally in favor of hiring the most competent people regardless of gender.

I love Walmart because they have a Subway. I love it because their employees are generally happy and smiling and when I asked several of them "if they liked their jobs" they said, "yes." One can tell how a manager is handling a company by the way the employees feel about their jobs. I love the fact that I can go in there early and feel that the store is "all mine."

Go Walmart! You are terrific for all your customers, whether in a good OR bad economy. :clap2:

Do yu go to Jane, Mo. Wal-Mart?

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