Have you thanked a liberal today?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
I think conservatives should start thanking liberals every day for bringing purpose and meaning to their wretched little lives. Without liberals, they'd have no one to blame. And we all know, the conservative right will not take ownership over anything they do or say.

You're welcome!
I think conservatives should start thanking liberals every day for bringing purpose and meaning to their wretched little lives. Without liberals, they'd have no one to blame. And we all know, the conservative right will not take ownership over anything they do or say.

You're welcome!

Thank you, Bimbo! You're the kindest, most thoughtful and honest Liberal puke I know.
I think conservatives should start thanking liberals every day for bringing purpose and meaning to their wretched little lives. Without liberals, they'd have no one to blame. And we all know, the conservative right will not take ownership over anything they do or say.

You're welcome!

Thank you...

(for running Hillary)

A person I believe even Carly Fiorina could have beaten
Thank you liberals for allowing Soros&Co to turn you into weapons of mass destruction against your country.

So far it's vise versa: liberals are blaming conservatives for their loss, for rejecting an old lying corrupt woman with signs of Parkinson disease on the top of everything.

Dear liberals, get your brains back and free from Soros propaganda and then we may talk. It must really suck to live in a parallel world, in a Wonderland, next door to Alice.

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I think conservatives should start thanking liberals every day for bringing purpose and meaning to their wretched little lives. Without liberals, they'd have no one to blame. And we all know, the conservative right will not take ownership over anything they do or say.

You're welcome!
That idea is just as stupid as thinking that liberals only inhabit the left side of the political aisle..
Well for me it's not liberals, it's leftists. While I can debate liberals, the "left" is a waste of human flesh. I will thank the left for all the good laughs they've given me. I love watching irrational people attempt rational thought.
Thank you liberals for allowing Soros&Co to turn you into weapons of mass destruction against your country.

So far it's vise versa: liberals are blaming conservatives for their loss, for rejecting an old lying corrupt woman with signs of Parkinson disease on the top of everything.

Dear liberals, get your brains back and free from Soros propaganda and then we may talk. It must really suck to live in a parallel world, in a Wonderland, next door to Alice.

No, no, no, no NO! Let the losers stay right where they are. The Dimocrat party is a mess, smart folks are rejecting everything they stand for, and that's good for America.
Thanks libs? No way. They screw up everything they touch. Liberalism is a political religion that places ideology above results. They blame any opposition for their failures, blame inanimate objects for murder, refuse to embrace democracy, believe unlocked doors create thieves, and weaponize language to further their agenda.

For example, they use the term homeless to create the impression we are all entitled to a home. Use equality to create the impression any relationship they deem acceptable deserves the same respect. The war on women is anything that attemps to protect the unborn.

Obesity is the fault of big food. The rich only applies to Republicans. Global warming is used during the summer, climate change in the winter, all to shame people into giving up more of their hard earned money to support global socialism and control. Their rich get a pass.

Tax cuts hurt the police, children, roads and infrastructure. Profits are greedy. Living wages means every low level employee should be able to buy a house and raise a family. Businesses are created to provide jobs. Debt is only considered during Republican administrations. The military should be a social experiment where government has supreme control.

Judges that interpret laws as written are activists. Poverty creates crime. Crime riddled large urban areas aren't funded well enough. More funding equals better education. If they don't eat meat it should be outlawed. If they don't like guns they should be outlawed. Anything they like should be legal and anything they don't shouldn't. Speaking english is optional so we should accommodate every language out there. Borders are unnecessary and racist. Disagreeing with a black person is racist. Disagreeing with a homosexual is homophobic.

No, I don't thank liberals for being a cancer and drain on society.

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