Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

Covered in the argument in the form of the statement followed by the question:

IF Barry has the proof he could prove it .

He has used every means possible to keep from proving because he refuses to show up in court ...

Which is where it can actually be legally proven valid and accurate ...

Thus it cannot be verified in cyberspace as a jpeg picture and certainly not backed up by statements from a non-governmental organization that lacks any power to validate anything, like Oopscheck which he went out of his way to ask to them and only them have a look see and take a few more pictures which were converniently stored on the web in the same electronic version, and then of course Hawaiian officials seemingly volating Hawaiian privacy laws to just verbally verify that he was born in Hawaii.

If they're going to violate Hawaiian privacy laws...

Why not just go all the way and produce his long form BC for everyone to see, examine and verify?

IF he can prove it...

Why won't he (Save the to drive the RWer crazy or any other illogical retort for the nonsense it legally and logically is.) ?

Remember that Certification is "iron clad" undeniable proof !

He should just march a copy into every case against him...

It would cost him less than $ 100 to do so, thus certainly allow him to fire his legal team and let them go on to more pressing Dim party issues especially since this issue in a loony non-sensical, non-issue according to him, his press secretary and to you untroofers.


Why would he?
Obama is the President of the United States, you are a paranoid piece of nasty business. Why should he stoop to formally ackowledging you when you have no grasp of either the law or reality? Bad, bad strategy there, legal eagle. Leave this stuff to the pros.
Obama learned how to handle these types by watching Bush
BUsh released every possible document he could to statify the nutters, and they still claimed the exact opposite
so now Obama sees it is a waste of time and he is ignoring them

btw, i call em birfers, kinda like i call the 9/11 nutters troofer
because neither is looking for what they claim to be
the birfers are not really interested in his BC and the troofers are not interested in the truth

Why wouldn't he?

Again he has the "proof" !

Supposedly he, the judges, senators, congressmen and women all the SOSs , electors , etc. all beleieve him and as I said he has the "proof"!

He's an attroney that is allegedly a MCL that by heck is a constitutional expert and every one attacking him are loons....

It's a legal cake walk.

According to everyone but a "minority" that are the birthers ...

He presents the Certification, the looney birthers argue that he was born in Kenya, the music stops and he goes home with the cake!

OR NOT because he won't even take this type of leisurely stroll or at least let the attorneys representing him go into court and PROVE he is eligible.

No logical or legal reason not to !

Bush was pretty much later vindicated on his military transcripts and the issue went away.

Bush was not challenged on anything that would question his eleigibilty for office.

Barry has been.

Bush's action demonstrate he had nothing to hide.

Barry's do not!

So thanks for brining it up!

Barry is more closely following the actions of McCain's legal team and most don't know that McCain is not eligible either because offshore miliatry bases are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US so no jus soli type at birth citizenship for him and so he is not a NBC either.

SR511 was cosponsored by Barry and Shilllary...

Look it up and see what it says about his parents both being citizens (Thus Barry argues aginst Barry's eligibility.) and how they try to paint a picture that they can ceremonously grant NBC status after the fact when expost facto laws are unconstitutional and NBC is obtained at birth.

AND it was a NON-BINDING resolution anyway.

So they killed off a bunch of trees for nothing!
If it's there notice what Leahy and Chertoff said at the time when interviewed about both parents being necessary for NBC.

Thus both the Dims and the Rs ran ineligible candidates.

BTW - Thanks for actually bringing up a point that could be worthy of a debate.

There is still hope for this board after all!
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the actions of McCain's legal team and most don't know that McCain is not eligible either because offshore miliatry bases are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US so no jus soli type at birth citizenship for him and so he is not a NBC either.


Thus both the Dims and the Rs ran ineligible candidates.

Wow. Congrats. You win the biggest retard on the internets award.


Again just more deflections w/o any attempt at a debate.

Ho hum just more name calling!

Just proves my earlier point that you come to the debate w/o anything to debate.

You really are looking foolish.

If there was actually a point to be made ither than to ridicule you could've have made it by now.

I reaaly must go...

The lack of any semblance of an adult attempt to engage in any kind of meaningful debate has left me bored as hell.

Post some more pictures you are proving the point Barry is actually eligible with every posting! :lol:

I have actaully tried but failed to engage anyone on these baords in any kind of meaningful debate.


If this is what you call meaningful debate, you're in serious need of psychoactive medication.

I am trying to draw you into a debate...

Perhaps when you run out of stored juvenile picture links?

I am putting you officially in my "snore folder" because you've put me to sleep with the lack of anything meaningful to address...

Bye bye Juvie!

BTW to anyone else on this thread...

Is there an ignore function for someone that is not worth even noting as a poster that can't debate but just trolls?
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the actions of McCain's legal team and most don't know that McCain is not eligible either because offshore miliatry bases are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US so no jus soli type at birth citizenship for him and so he is not a NBC either.


Thus both the Dims and the Rs ran ineligible candidates.

Wow. Congrats. You win the biggest retard on the internets award.


WOW, that takes some doin'. You should be proud! :clap2:
Why would he?
Obama is the President of the United States, you are a paranoid piece of nasty business. Why should he stoop to formally ackowledging you when you have no grasp of either the law or reality? Bad, bad strategy there, legal eagle. Leave this stuff to the pros.
Obama learned how to handle these types by watching Bush
BUsh released every possible document he could to statify the nutters, and they still claimed the exact opposite
so now Obama sees it is a waste of time and he is ignoring them

btw, i call em birfers, kinda like i call the 9/11 nutters troofer
because neither is looking for what they claim to be
the birfers are not really interested in his BC and the troofers are not interested in the truth

Why wouldn't he?

Again he has the "proof" !

Supposedly he, the judges, senators, congressmen and women all the SOSs , electors , etc. all beleieve him and as I said he has the "proof"!

He's an attroney that is allegedly a MCL that by heck is a constitutional expert and every one attacking him are loons....

It's a legal cake walk.

According to everyone but a "minority" that are the birthers ...

He presents the Certification, the looney birthers argue that he was born in Kenya, the music stops and he goes home with the cake!

OR NOT because he won't even take this type of leisurely stroll or at least let the attorneys representing him go into court and PROVE he is eligible.

No logical or legal reason not to !

Bush was pretty much later vindicated on his military transcripts and the issue went away.

Bush was not challenged on anything that would question his eleigibilty for office.

Barry has been.

Bush's action demonstrate he had nothing to hide.

Barry's do not!

So thanks for brining it up!

Barry is more closely following the actions of McCain's legal team and most don't know that McCain is not eligible either because offshore miliatry bases are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US so no jus soli type at birth citizenship for him and so he is not a NBC either.

SR511 was cosponsored by Barry and Shilllary...

Look it up and see what it says about his parents both being citizens (Thus Barry argues aginst Barry's eligibility.) and how they try to paint a picture that they can ceremonously grant NBC status after the fact when expost facto laws are unconstitutional and NBC is obtained at birth.

AND it was a NON-BINDING resolution anyway.

So they killed off a bunch of trees for nothing!
If it's there notice what Leahy and Chertoff said at the time when interviewed about both parents being necessary for NBC.

Thus both the Dims and the Rs ran ineligible candidates.
why would Obama ignore you?
maybe because no matter what he does, you wont accept it
the same way it was with Bush trying to appease the nutters

a waste of time
Obama learned how to handle these types by watching Bush
BUsh released every possible document he could to statify the nutters, and they still claimed the exact opposite
so now Obama sees it is a waste of time and he is ignoring them

btw, i call em birfers, kinda like i call the 9/11 nutters troofer
because neither is looking for what they claim to be
the birfers are not really interested in his BC and the troofers are not interested in the truth

Why wouldn't he?

Again he has the "proof" !

Supposedly he, the judges, senators, congressmen and women all the SOSs , electors , etc. all beleieve him and as I said he has the "proof"!

He's an attroney that is allegedly a MCL that by heck is a constitutional expert and every one attacking him are loons....

It's a legal cake walk.

According to everyone but a "minority" that are the birthers ...

He presents the Certification, the looney birthers argue that he was born in Kenya, the music stops and he goes home with the cake!

OR NOT because he won't even take this type of leisurely stroll or at least let the attorneys representing him go into court and PROVE he is eligible.

No logical or legal reason not to !

Bush was pretty much later vindicated on his military transcripts and the issue went away.

Bush was not challenged on anything that would question his eleigibilty for office.

Barry has been.

Bush's action demonstrate he had nothing to hide.

Barry's do not!

So thanks for brining it up!

Barry is more closely following the actions of McCain's legal team and most don't know that McCain is not eligible either because offshore miliatry bases are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US so no jus soli type at birth citizenship for him and so he is not a NBC either.

SR511 was cosponsored by Barry and Shilllary...

Look it up and see what it says about his parents both being citizens (Thus Barry argues aginst Barry's eligibility.) and how they try to paint a picture that they can ceremonously grant NBC status after the fact when expost facto laws are unconstitutional and NBC is obtained at birth.

AND it was a NON-BINDING resolution anyway.

So they killed off a bunch of trees for nothing!
If it's there notice what Leahy and Chertoff said at the time when interviewed about both parents being necessary for NBC.

Thus both the Dims and the Rs ran ineligible candidates.
why would Obama ignore you?
maybe because no matter what he does, you wont accept it
the same way it was with Bush trying to appease the nutters

a waste of time

Bingo! And he has better things to do than play with the reality-challenged.
Besides, the Federal courts have no jurisdiction until and unless they can find a lawyer both irrational enough to take the case and rational enough to make a prima facie case for standing at the same time. Good luck threading that needle. The last idiot who tried (before I stopped following the cases, that is) got pretty badly sanctioned for his efforts.
For the record: I think the pictures of the disabled folks are pretty low class.

Do you really need to go there?

No. You don't.
For the record: I think the pictures of the disabled folks are pretty low class.

Do you really need to go there?

No. You don't.
while it can be funny, i dont think its fair to lable the birfers with the mentally challenged, the mentally challenged dont have any way to change what they are
the birfers only need to face reality
Don't know how you're trying to spin it there (he visited different states 57 times? Thats a new one), but it was a complete slip up. He meant to say 47 states.

snopes.com: Barack Obama and 57 States

The "spin" has always been that Obama didn't know the US has only 50 states. The "spin" is that Obama thinks the US has 57 states.

Thats one version of the spin.

I saw it for myself, he said 57 states, he never corrected himself, like I said, "freudian slip anyone?"

57 Islamic states, 50 American states, you decide...or keep spinning, whatever you wish. Remember in a later interview he also made the mistake of saying "my muslim religion".
The "spin" has always been that Obama didn't know the US has only 50 states. The "spin" is that Obama thinks the US has 57 states.

Thats one version of the spin.

I saw it for myself, he said 57 states, he never corrected himself, like I said, "freudian slip anyone?"

57 Islamic states, 50 American states, you decide...or keep spinning, whatever you wish. Remember in a later interview he also made the mistake of saying "my muslim religion".

Here's a question: If we did in fact have a Muslim President, what would it matter?
Thats one version of the spin.

I saw it for myself, he said 57 states, he never corrected himself, like I said, "freudian slip anyone?"

57 Islamic states, 50 American states, you decide...or keep spinning, whatever you wish. Remember in a later interview he also made the mistake of saying "my muslim religion".

Here's a question: If we did in fact have a Muslim President, what would it matter?

It wouldn't, as long as he was honest about his faith and the people elected him.

Now, what does that tell you?
I saw it for myself, he said 57 states, he never corrected himself, like I said, "freudian slip anyone?"

57 Islamic states, 50 American states, you decide...or keep spinning, whatever you wish. Remember in a later interview he also made the mistake of saying "my muslim religion".

Here's a question: If we did in fact have a Muslim President, what would it matter?

It wouldn't, as long as he was honest about his faith and the people elected him.

Now, what does that tell you?

Since I don't believe he's a Muslim, it doesn't really tell me anything except you are more open-minded than your previous post would appear. Thanks.
Are you saying she broke Hawaiian law to verify Barry was born in Hawaii?

I posted the law that said it was illegal for her to do so and the statement that Barry's was being handled like all of the other in the vital statistic files means I could get her to discuss any of the others right just like she did his?

I don't think breaking Hawaiian law bodes well for much veracity on her giving a thumbs up on Barry's authenticity especially as a law breaker she hasn't been crossexamine da s to why she would make a statement that she knows violates Hawaiian law.

Unless court give much weight to the tesimony of people that knowingly break their own document rules and state laws.

If she actually disclosed pertinent information on Barry's BC....

Why isn't she up on charges?
Because she's part of the conspiracy.


Keep up.
You haven't seen nothin' yet :rofl:

I happen to have an autistic son and your attempt at humor is in extremely poor taste ...

The picture you posted shows a person that is retarded because they unfortunately were born that way and thus through no fault of their own...

Not debating the subject is making yourself a "retard" through your own actions and lack of anything useful to add to the debate so you come away the lesser person because of it and because you refuse to debate and discuss the facts and cannot resist resorting to meaningless juvenile humor have only that as a poor way to deflect away from the facts presented by the other poster.

Personally I'll take my, forthright and honest, autistic son's brand of actual humor over your misguided misfired attempt at being funny any day.

You branded yourself:

You just brought yourself down several notches as a human being and not me because I can only pity your pathetic lack of awareness by not showing any sense of what's apropriate as far as humor goes.

When you have something to actually debate reply to me otherwise save it for somebody that actually might be hurt by your adolescent displays.
Emma didn't post the picture, and she happens to be a high end ER nurse. And a highly regarded poster here, and at other boards.

She has more empathy in her little thumb than most birthers, most people do.

She was laughing at the absurdity of all this, not at a slight of your autistic son, of which, I'm sure she would say, has nothing to do with her sense of humor.

In time...you'll understand, I'm sure.

Thank you. (I don't work ER tho')

My grandson is autistic. But I think I can differentiate between someone making fun of a person posting on a forum and someone intentionally being cruel to those less fortunate.

Why indeed?

No matter if he shows his *real* birth certificate (whatever it is you birfers deem to be real, I guess) because you've already stated that regardless of that, he's not eligible to serve (by your standards). So why keep harping on the birth certificate? Why even bother to find out where he was born? What difference would it make?

Why indeed?

No matter if he shows his *real* birth certificate (whatever it is you birfers deem to be real, I guess) because you've already stated that regardless of that, he's not eligible to serve (by your standards). So why keep harping on the birth certificate? Why even bother to find out where he was born? What difference would it make?
this is no different than the "stolen elections" nonsense we saw for 8 years
Obama learned how to handle these types by watching Bush
BUsh released every possible document he could to statify the nutters, and they still claimed the exact opposite
so now Obama sees it is a waste of time and he is ignoring them

Whether he learned it from Bush or not, everyone knows you can't satisfy the tin-foil crowd. Proving them wrong only convinces them of how widespread the conspiracy really is!

Why indeed?

No matter if he shows his *real* birth certificate (whatever it is you birfers deem to be real, I guess) because you've already stated that regardless of that, he's not eligible to serve (by your standards). So why keep harping on the birth certificate? Why even bother to find out where he was born? What difference would it make?
this is no different than the "stolen elections" nonsense we saw for 8 years

Well, at least it keeps the crazy people busy and out of the way of the rest of us.
Covered in the argument in the form of the statement followed by the question:

IF Barry has the proof he could prove it .

He has used every means possible to keep from proving because he refuses to show up in court ...

Which is where it can actually be legally proven valid and accurate ...

Thus it cannot be verified in cyberspace as a jpeg picture and certainly not backed up by statements from a non-governmental organization that lacks any power to validate anything, like Oopscheck which he went out of his way to ask to them and only them have a look see and take a few more pictures which were converniently stored on the web in the same electronic version, and then of course Hawaiian officials seemingly volating Hawaiian privacy laws to just verbally verify that he was born in Hawaii.

If they're going to violate Hawaiian privacy laws...

Why not just go all the way and produce his long form BC for everyone to see, examine and verify?

IF he can prove it...

Why won't he (Save the to drive the RWer crazy or any other illogical retort for the nonsense it legally and logically is.) ?

Remember that Certification is "iron clad" undeniable proof !

He should just march a copy into every case against him...

It would cost him less than $ 100 to do so, thus certainly allow him to fire his legal team and let them go on to more pressing Dim party issues especially since this issue in a loony non-sensical, non-issue according to him, his press secretary and to you untroofers.


Why would he?
Obama is the President of the United States, you are a paranoid piece of nasty business. Why should he stoop to formally ackowledging you when you have no grasp of either the law or reality? Bad, bad strategy there, legal eagle. Leave this stuff to the pros.

He's an attorney that has a team of attorneys working in his behalf...

What makes you even think he has to "stoop" ?

At the beer summit he had a guy bring him a beer on a platter...

He didn't even have to "stoop" to get a beer!

Upholding(Thus obeying the constitution.) is his sworn duty and he must be eligible to hold the office... He is supposed to be the servant of the citizens of the US and not the other way around... We live in a constituional republic where the rule of law that eminates up from the people is supreme and we do not have an aristocracy that is above the law..
Thus no one is above it...

Barry can't at his whim and pleasure arrayed in kingly robes ignore the law which states he must be qualified as a NBC to hold the office of POTUS and it doesn't matter if senators and congressmen and women deigned it below their station in life to vett the candidate.

AND most of all it doesn't matter what a bunch of Barry apologists say to me or about me ...

I know because he was born with British citizenship at birth...

He cannot be a US NBC.

AND this lack of NBC status is not dependent on where he was born.


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