
Called it by 3. Off by the totals a bit.

Damn you sure did.you were a prophet.you called this game down to the tee.I am a man of my word.I said I would congratuate you for your pick if I was wrong so I am manning up and congratulating you.well done.:thup:

Boy thats the last time I will laugh at a prediction of yours.

Tell me,whats your secret,did you get into the delorian car from back to the future and go into the future to see this game or something?Is that how you knew exactly what the outcome was going to be?:D

I dont recognize your user name as one of the nutcases who actually believed the donkeys were going to have a prayer against the seahawks in the superbowl so you must have been one of the rare ones here back then who used logic and common sense and picked the seahawks back then I am guessing?

Just got back from this game last night so this is the first time I have had a chance to come on here to discuss it having to get caught up at work this morning on a monday.

I got what I wanted out of the trip down there.the entertainment I was searching and looking for which was looking at all those empty seats even in the LOWER level.:lmao:

If you didnt know better,you would think this home opener of the Rams was a "PRE SEASON" game the fact there were so many empty seats there even in the lower level.:lmao::lol::lmao::lmao::rofl:

Here in kansas city,I have seen preseason games at chiefs games that had bigger crowds than this one here in stank louis and this came against one of their division opponents who SHOULD have been back to back superbowl champs last year if not for a coach who has such a shady background.

same with the chargers and raiders games this year. I watched one of the pre season games they both had recently for their home games and charger and raider fans had MUCH bigger crowds at their PRE SEASON games than the Rams did for their season opener "regular season" game.:lmao:

sportswriter Jim Thomas of the st louis post estimated that the preseason crowds in stank louis were not more than 25,000.

people who actually SHOWED UP FOR THE GAMES.lol

Well from what I saw live with my own eyes at the game in stank louis yesterday,my own estimation of the actual people that showed up for the game, I would say the crowds were not much larger, only being around
35,000 which is pretty much the same I estimated to be for their season opener last year they had.:D

I would ALSO wager to say that of the 35,000 fans that were at that game yesterday,only 15,000 of them were Ram fans so it was almost like a neautral field.

I have seen Rams fans post on a Rams message board before that games there always feel like a ROAD trip for them since the opposing fans always outnumber the home team fans and I have to agree,it sure did seem like a home game for the Seahawks.

If not for the seahawk fans that showed up for this game I would guess the actual turnout for the game would have been only around 15,000 fans there at the game.:lmao:

When the Rams traveled to san diego last year to play the chargers,I saw some Rams fans posting at their st louis message board saying that was the first time they can ever remember since the kurt warner days,that a Rams game felt like a HOME game to them and the reason that game felt like a home game to them in san diego was half the fans there were "LA Ram fans" cheering them on.lol

The Ram fans in LA unlike in st louis,have passion for their team.:D
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well enough for now.going to go to bed now and get caught up on some much needed R AND R after the long 5 hour drive back and forth to stank louis which in total i was driving for 10 hours and just got off work now so that R and R is much needed now.

with this shady character pete the cheat running this once proud franchise into the ground like he is that schneider has done such a great job building up the past three years,I'll never be gullible again to pick the seahawks anymore.No telling HOW MANY MORE pay offs carrol will take the rest of the season to throw games.

as I said old school,I am convinced you have the delorian car from back to the future and you were in the future is how you were able to call this game down to the tee like you did.again,very impressive that you called this game so accuratley.:up:

How bout turning the keys of the delorian over to me now so i will know the EXACT date when Kroneke announces the the return of the Rams back to LA so I can relax?:D

well i still had a fun time,got to see what I wanted to see,all those empty seats in stank louis and the hawks fans outnumbering the Rams fans just as ALL opposing teams fans always do out there in stank louis.

they cant take that memory away from me down there in stank louis.:D
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My personal opinion is that Pete Carroll is one of the worst coaches in football.

That's why the NFL keeps taking his assistants. :lol:

Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.

At least we can get the "Undefeated" talk over with......:rofl:

Yes we can!........also the "D" word won't get tossed around this season.......:cool-45:.
yeah I am still shocked how this once great proud defense got torched so often expecially in the final two minutes when it mattered most.
My personal opinion is that Pete Carroll is one of the worst coaches in football.

That's why the NFL keeps taking his assistants. :lol:

Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.

At least we can get the "Undefeated" talk over with......:rofl:

Yes we can!........also the "D" word won't get tossed around this season.......:cool-45:.
yeah I am still shocked how this once great proud defense got torched so often expecially in the final two minutes when it mattered most.

"Prevent" defenses NEVER seem to prevent a damned thing. Receivers that couldn't get open in 90% of a game all of a sudden have grass all around them.
The Patriots are a vast right wing conspiracy. Here's PROOF!!!

blah,blah,blah,:blahblah: same old game of dodgeball from you.

you and valerie should get a room together with tom brady,you can have a threesome since like her,you also post pics when you guys go into evasion mode.

you refuse to answer a simple question i have asked you over a 100 times the past year which is -"how is it that i hate the cheatriots when the previous other five times they were in the superbowl,i rooted for them to win because I am an AFC guy since the chargers are my favorite team.:rolleyes:"

Lets see,I threw a party till the wee hours of the night when they won the first superbowl against the Lambs,that phony fraud team that plays in stank louis because the last 20 years i have rooted for all the 31 teams that play them to beat them each week which you KNOW to be the truth,i was depressed for over a week when they lost the first superbowl to the Giants because I wanted them to go undefeated so i could see a team go undefeated sometime in my lifetime since i was not around in 72 when the dolphins did it.I REALLY wanted the pats to win that game because two former chargers Junior Seau and Rodney Harrsion were on that team -the team i turned to when the Rams left LA,so i was VERY bummed out about that loss at the time,yet nutcases like you and valerie CLAIM i hate them.:lmao::rolleyes-41::cuckoo:

and you both do one of THREE things everytime i ask that simple question you wont answer. 1.either run off and avoid coming back to the thread.2.come back with childish posts like this.3, one liner insults.:rolleyes:
Like clockwork,no answer from you i see.predictable as always cheatriot fans are.:thup: I rest my case.
My personal opinion is that Pete Carroll is one of the worst coaches in football.

Troll post.........he got his one and only ring.........:rofl:..........

Carrol it appears is just like Lamar Hunt, former late dead owner of the chiefs.Once he got his superbowl ring in the last 60's he no longer cared if the Chiefs ever made it back to the superbowl again which is why they were the joke of all NFL franchises in the 70's and 80's because all he was interested in was filling the seats of arrowhead.

Carrol has got his ring now and he is no longer cares about winning another.He is just in it for himself..

Carrol is as crooked as a doornail.I could not believe what I was seeing in this game not going for it on fourth and one deep down in Rams territory at the 3 yard line or something like that and settling for a field goal instead and then being idiotic enough to try an onside kick to recover the ball deep in their own territory like that costing them the game.If they were behind I could see that,but not when your tied.:rolleyes:

The sooner Hawk fans accept it that Carrol does not care if he never gets another ring,is just in this for himself,is as much of a shady character as Belicheat is only worse because Belicheat at least DOES want to win,the sooner they will save themselves heartache and dissapointment.
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Carroll screwed us again with a time out before the 2 minute warning then again with that onside kick choice. No reason in the world for that. Dumbest call next to the throw in the Super Bowl
Indeed.and dont forget settling for a field goal as well earlier in the game inside the Rams five yard line on fourth and one.

the players eventually are going to lose confidance in him and tune him out and stop listening to him anymore which is what led to his firing in New England when they did just that.

Schneider should just fire Carrol right now and give Holmgren a call and beg him to come back and coach for them again giving Holmgren whatever he asks for.Holmgren got the seahawks to the superbowl with far less talent back then than what Carrol was given to him even with a flash in the pan quarterback.

The Rams did everything in the world to try and GIVE the seahawks this game with two turnovers that should have been very costly.The seahawks from last year would never have blown a game like this.

The Rams practically giftwrapped this game for the seahawks,It was theirs for the taking.they were trying to give the seahawks this game and yet they STILL could not win.they didnt want this game.

this was the easiest game on their schedule as far as road games because games down there in stank louis are always home games for the opposing team since the opposing teams fans always outnumber the Rams fans .

If they could not win this one where they even tried to give them the game,how do they expect to win the rest of their games when the other team doesnt try and give it to them?
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Carroll screwed us again with a time out before the 2 minute warning then again with that onside kick choice. No reason in the world for that. Dumbest call next to the throw in the Super Bowl
Indeed.and dont forget settling for a field goal as well earlier in the game inside the Rams five yard line on fourth and one.

the players eventually are going to lose confidance in him and tune him out and stop listening to him anymore which is what led to his firing in New England when they did just that.

Schneider should just fire Carrol right now and give Holmgren a call and beg him to come back and coach for them again giving Holmgren whatever he asks for.Holmgren got the seahawks to the superbowl with far less talent back then than what Carrol was given to him.

The Rams did everything in the world to try and GIVE the seahawks this game with two turnovers that should have been very costly.The seahawks from last year would never have blown a game like this.

The Rams practically giftwrapped this game for the seahawks,It was theirs for the taking.they were trying to give the seahawks this game and yet they STILL could not win.they didnt want this game.this was the easiest game on their schedule as far as road games because games down there in stank louis are always home games for the opposing team.If they could not win this one where they even tried to give them the game,how do they expect to win the rest of their games when the other team doesnt try and give it to them?
A FG there was a logical move. Better to get points on the board rather than risk getting nothing with nothing crucial on the line as far as scoring and time clock
Hawks lose to the Lambs.

Niners, tho

The numbers looked really good last night. Kapernick looked much better and more poised at QB. More of a pocket QB that can scramble. He looked more like Tarkington last night and less like Vick or Newton.

He still ran way too much for my liking. Hyde looked really good.

Is Atlanta going to be better? They were sharp looking for a week one game. Philadelphia was a major disappointment.
Hawks lose to the Lambs.

Niners, tho

the beginning of the year i would have said it would be a no brainer they would sweep the niners but with shady carrol as the coach,I have wised up after last years superbowl about him and wont pick them to win anymore games the rest of the year.

I can now go on to watching my chargers.I dont expect them to do anything great this year but they will at least TRY and win their games.
Carroll screwed us again with a time out before the 2 minute warning then again with that onside kick choice. No reason in the world for that. Dumbest call next to the throw in the Super Bowl
Indeed.and dont forget settling for a field goal as well earlier in the game inside the Rams five yard line on fourth and one.

the players eventually are going to lose confidance in him and tune him out and stop listening to him anymore which is what led to his firing in New England when they did just that.

Schneider should just fire Carrol right now and give Holmgren a call and beg him to come back and coach for them again giving Holmgren whatever he asks for.Holmgren got the seahawks to the superbowl with far less talent back then than what Carrol was given to him.

The Rams did everything in the world to try and GIVE the seahawks this game with two turnovers that should have been very costly.The seahawks from last year would never have blown a game like this.

The Rams practically giftwrapped this game for the seahawks,It was theirs for the taking.they were trying to give the seahawks this game and yet they STILL could not win.they didnt want this game.this was the easiest game on their schedule as far as road games because games down there in stank louis are always home games for the opposing team.If they could not win this one where they even tried to give them the game,how do they expect to win the rest of their games when the other team doesnt try and give it to them?
A FG there was a logical move. Better to get points on the board rather than risk getting nothing with nothing crucial on the line as far as scoring and time clock

we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one,I did not like the call one bit at all.You got beastmode,you dont know how many more chances you will get to get that close to the goal line, with beastmode you got to go for it.

Granted the offensive lines problems have carried over into the regular season now but with beastmode,you got to use him.either that or fake it with wilson.one of the two.If you dont make it,I can accept that but at least you took the chances you needed to.

Its all in hindsight and irrelevent now since I have had it with carrol and am now going back to my chargers only watching THIS game because I was there and still got what i wanted,entertainment seeing all those empty seats so i still had my fun just as I knew i would. lol

But as i said,i did not like the decison at the time when i was there watching the game and i have had it with carrol and am moving on to my chargers now.

Like I said,Schneider should just fire carrol now and bring Holmgren back. wont be surprised one bit at all if the players lose confidance in carrol just as they did in new england when they tuned him out and stopped listening to him.
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Graham will have one TD catch. Just his present on the field will free up space for Wilson to roll out and/or run.

Seattle 24 St Louis 13.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

It will be a blow out!

35-9 Seahawks!


Weird stuff happened in that game. Chancellors replacement fell down on his dick and the Rams get an easy TD. Seahawk players almost NEVER just fall down like that. The TD was therefore uncontested.

Seahawks failed to score very close to the goal line. Wilson got sacked 6 times. Hawks moved the ball very well at times against a VERY good defense.

I hate to say it but Chancellor would have made a difference. 2 new guys on the Hawk O-Line and one in an entirely new position, Britt moved to left guard. A brand new center. This will improve greatly in the next couple of games.

The Hawks may need to make an exception for Kam. We cannot afford to have our DBs falling down and allowing uncontested touchdowns.

Still....No reason to panic.
I thought Bailey did ok. The center needs to get his thumb out of his butt and figure out how to snap the ball. There were WAY too many bungled snaps. Wilson did his best to cover for it but man once that timing is off from the snap it is just off. I didn't like the shotgun formation so much and from what I could see that great flow of the read option that works so great for us wasn't there. I really do not want to see the whole offensive scheme be centered around Graham like it was Harvin and I do not get the picture that Graham is that kind of player to demand it. The TE can be used very effectively for Seattle (and Luke Willson can improve his blocking skills) but the O Line has to clean that mess up and something need changed in the D because there were a lot of passes thrown just beyond the linebackers and they knew that piece of the field was always open. Gotta shore that up or everyone will roll on that. Last year in San Diego the Bolts did the same thing but it was chalked up to the 100 degree heat and not able to substitute on defense. Not so Sunday. Gotta shore up that open field.
I thought Bailey did ok. The center needs to get his thumb out of his butt and figure out how to snap the ball. There were WAY too many bungled snaps. Wilson did his best to cover for it but man once that timing is off from the snap it is just off. I didn't like the shotgun formation so much and from what I could see that great flow of the read option that works so great for us wasn't there. I really do not want to see the whole offensive scheme be centered around Graham like it was Harvin and I do not get the picture that Graham is that kind of player to demand it. The TE can be used very effectively for Seattle (and Luke Willson can improve his blocking skills) but the O Line has to clean that mess up and something need changed in the D because there were a lot of passes thrown just beyond the linebackers and they knew that piece of the field was always open. Gotta shore that up or everyone will roll on that. Last year in San Diego the Bolts did the same thing but it was chalked up to the 100 degree heat and not able to substitute on defense. Not so Sunday. Gotta shore up that open field.

I won't blame the offensive line for the six sacks...I blame Wilson and the coaching staff for not recognizing what the Rams do on third and long...blitz.
John Clayton of ESPN tells it like it is that they dont support the Rams down there in stank louis.Here is what he twitted on tweeter.:lmao::rofl:

Amazing to see how small the crowd is here in St. Louis for an opener. I know fans are upset but this is a good team.
John Clayton on Twitter

Jim Thomas of the saint louis post also estimated the crowd was no larger than 40,000 or so at the 66,000 capacity in the stadium.

Having been there myself seeing the game with my own eyes,I can attest that Clayton and Thomas indeed are telling the truth.:up:

Thomas also did not mentioned out of the 40,000 or so fans at the game,about 25,000 of them were seahawk fans which is not the least bit surprising since the opposing fans ALWAYS outnumber Ram fans there.:up:

they only care about baseball down there,they could care less about having a pro football team.lol
My personal opinion is that Pete Carroll is one of the worst coaches in football.

Troll post.........he got his one and only ring.........:rofl:..........

Carrol it appears is just like Lamar Hunt, former late dead owner of the chiefs.Once he got his superbowl ring in the last 60's he no longer cared if the Chiefs ever made it back to the superbowl again which is why they were the joke of all NFL franchises in the 70's and 80's because all he was interested in was filling the seats of arrowhead.

Carrol has got his ring now and he is no longer cares about winning another.He is just in it for himself..

Carrol is as crooked as a doornail.I could not believe what I was seeing in this game not going for it on fourth and one deep down in Rams territory at the 3 yard line or something like that and settling for a field goal instead and then being idiotic enough to try an onside kick to recover the ball deep in their own territory like that costing them the game.If they were behind I could see that,but not when your tied.:rolleyes:

The sooner Hawk fans accept it that Carrol does not care if he never gets another ring,is just in this for himself,is as much of a shady character as Belicheat is only worse because Belicheat at least DOES want to win,the sooner they will save themselves heartache and dissapointment.

I still do not understand that onside kick, and, it was an onside kick no matter what anybody says. I can't criticize Carrol for not going for it at 4th and 1, as Kelly with my Eagles had a similar brain-fart as Carrol, 'cept we missed the field goal in the Falcs' game.
Must be nice to get paid all that money to screw up........sorta like CEOs heading a failed company........
I was impressed with the Rams. The coach is a good coach but with all the new faces on the team its hard to tell what to expect from the team.
John Clayton of ESPN tells it like it is that they dont support the Rams down there in stank louis.Here is what he twitted on tweeter.:lmao::rofl:

Amazing to see how small the crowd is here in St. Louis for an opener. I know fans are upset but this is a good team.
John Clayton on Twitter

Jim Thomas of the saint louis post also estimated the crowd was no larger than 40,000 or so at the 66,000 capacity in the stadium.

Having been there myself seeing the game with my own eyes,I can attest that Clayton and Thomas indeed are telling the truth.:up:

Thomas also did not mentioned out of the 40,000 or so fans at the game,about 25,000 of them were seahawk fans which is not the least bit surprising since the opposing fans ALWAYS outnumber Ram fans there.:up:

they only care about baseball down there,they could care less about having a pro football team.lol

Concerned mostly about baseball? Do St. Louis fans want to be branded as 'front-runners'?

Guess they are. Time to move the Rams!

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