Hazing is a fact of life


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I rembered hearing the horror stories of Soph Hazing on the first day of HS.

Turned out to be much ado aboutnothing. NOTHING compared to the bullying that goes on in middle-school ages 10-14.

Likethe Romney bullying story is.
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Mitt leading a group of thugs to attack ONE person is a "fact of life"???

Every day, I think the rw cannot sink any lower and every day you prove me wrong. Used to be, we were a country of morals and standards. Old fashioned and apparently boring stuff like - you don't shoot an unarmed kid walking down the street and you don't take food out of the mouths of the elderly and children and give it to the wealthy and this most basic human and humane principle - you don't gang up, six to one, homophobic assault and battery on a kid who couldn't fight back.

If Obama did what you celebrate Mittens doing, you would all be calling for his head, and rightly so. If Obama lied, every single day, the way Mitt does, you would see Him for the evil fraud that that Mitt is.

WTF is WRONG with you people???
Mitt leading a group of thugs to attack ONE person is a "fact of life"???

Every day, I think the rw cannot sink any lower and every day you prove me wrong. Used to be, we were a country of morals and standards. Old fashioned and apparently boring stuff like - you don't shoot an unarmed kid walking down the street and you don't take food out of the mouths of the elderly and children and give it to the wealthy and this most basic human and humane principle - you don't gang up, six to one, homophobic assault and battery on a kid who couldn't fight back.

If Obama did what you celebrate Mittens doing, you would all be calling for his head, and rightly so. If Obama lied, every single day, the way Mitt does, you would see Him for the evil fraud that that Mitt is.

WTF is WRONG with you people???

O cmon..............

boys wil be boys.....................
Mitt leading a group of thugs to attack ONE person is a "fact of life"???

Every day, I think the rw cannot sink any lower and every day you prove me wrong. Used to be, we were a country of morals and standards. Old fashioned and apparently boring stuff like - you don't shoot an unarmed kid walking down the street and you don't take food out of the mouths of the elderly and children and give it to the wealthy and this most basic human and humane principle - you don't gang up, six to one, homophobic assault and battery on a kid who couldn't fight back .

If Obama did what you celebrate Mittens doing, you would all be calling for his head, and rightly so. If Obama lied, every single day, the way Mitt does, you would see Him for the evil fraud that that Mitt is.

WTF is WRONG with you people???

.......and this NEVER happens among Obama supporters.
I rembered hearing the horror stories of Soph Hazing on the first day of HS.

Turned out to be much ado aboutnothing.

Likethe Romney bullying story is.

The story has moved on a bit to him denying that it happened or denying that he remembers...or something...it all depends which day it is now I guess...
I rembered hearing the horror stories of Soph Hazing on the first day of HS.

Turned out to be much ado aboutnothing. NOTHING compared to the bullying that goes on in middle-school ages 10-14.

Likethe Romney bullying story is.

It is still not acceptable, and MR did the right thing in apologizing and moving forward.
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its only a fact of life with that kind of attitude.
When I was in high school I stopped that crap from going on around me...
I rembered hearing the horror stories of Soph Hazing on the first day of HS.

Turned out to be much ado aboutnothing. NOTHING compared to the bullying that goes on in middle-school ages 10-14.

Likethe Romney bullying story is.

What happened 40 years ago has nothing to do with anything going on today.
What happened last week though, Mitt saying he didn't remember doing it when most who were there does....it speaks to the basic problem with Mitt. His waffling...yet again...lets you know that the last thing he wants to do is ever admit he was wrong or did something unpopular, stupid, dumb, etc...

If he would have just said, "Yes, I was a bit of a bully in school. I regret it. I know better now." that would have been the end of it for most. Instead of doing the "I don't remember" which sounds really strange since everyone else there seems to; it looks pretty insincere.
Only do you dems and libs who will vote for Obama.

The centrists and undecideds don't care. The polling shows an almost non-interest now. Look it up.
There is hazing and then there is the penal law. Assault is a crime but local law-enforcement seems reluctant to enforce the law on college campuses as if they were embassies or something. The Va. Tech shooter should have been arrested for a number of crimes including stalking female students but the local police did nothing until it was too late. The monster was able to (legally) purchase weapons because the local Police preferred to refer his criminal behavior to a campus psychiatric board so he had no criminal record while his psychiatric record was sealed. Every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus sometime in his/her career. Professors encourage assault as a means of self expression and the local police are reluctant to arrest a student.



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