Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker: Here's What No One Is Telling You About Ebola

THIS SUNDAY: The “Meet the Press” summit on Ebola. There is no epidemic in America, but there is an outbreak of hysteria. What clarifications do you need from the experts we've gathered? Tell us here, on Twitter, or Instagram using #MTPSummit

There wouldn't be much hysteria if ebola was not BROUGHT here by tards going THERE to "help" then bringing it back to share with the rest of us...and the tards that refuse to stop travel for awhile until those tards that went there were cleared after a month or two of being free of being carriers.
No, the hysteria has been caused by media. Everyone wants to be first with the non-existent news of Ebola before the public gets it figured out or there's a new thing to panic about.

People are stupid. They believe what they're told to believe.

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